PART 2: Homeowner beats HOA in fight that went to Nevada Supreme Court

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Darcy Spears has part 2 of a David and Goliath battle between a homeowner and an HOA.
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one of the HOA members in my old neighborhood was a retired judge. Made everyone’s life a living hell. UNTIL a small group of teenagers painted up his car and home MULTIPLE times. He moved. God bless those bottle kids.


The HOA should be required to repay him all the money that he paid in court costs plus the HOA dues he ever paid.


Three years after the 2014 foreclosure attempt, a jury finally awarded Mr. Friedrich 70% of the fees previously paid to the HOA plus 20k in punitive damages. That was the ruling that HOA appealed and took to the supreme court. The supreme court then affirmed the original ruling in 2019, which subsequently allowed Mr. Friedrich to sue the HOA for attorney fees. In March 2020 (6 years later) he was awarded about two-thirds of those fees and received a check for $188, 118.51.


This shows a big problem of the US legal system: In Germany, if you win, you win. If you win, the party that lost has to pay everything. Their lawyer, the court, your lawyer, and every cent you had to invest to get your right. Nobody should have to pay anything to get his right! Those who violate other people's right have to pay!


I owned one home in an HOA.
They do nothing - and even charged us to leave the HOA when we sold the home.
Never again.
HOA’s should be outlawed.


The version of HOA I approve is "let's all pool some money to maintain the common areas". But that has mutated into "we're gonna foreclose your home because your blinds are the wrong shade of beige".


I recently bought a new home. I relied on realtor websites to search. In the criteria for what I was looking for, I expressly clicked no HOA for my search. I’ve heard so many horror stories about abuse and embezzlement by HOA’s. My mother in law was being harassed by her HOA for frivolous things. I told her to asked to see the books. Incredibly, the harassment stopped. I told her to pursue the demand to see the books and get other residents to join her. Turns out the Pres. and secretary were embezzling money. The HOA has since been dissolved. She’s the hero of the community and her neighbor made me some of the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had for pushing her to pursue it. No HOA’s


I will live in a tent before living in an HOA. How this type of organization is even legal is mind bogggling.


It took me twenty two years to gain control of the HOA I live in. And once I had the proper safeguards in place and the proper iron clad amendments made, I permanently disbanded it.


I will never buy a home with an HOA attached to it because of things like this.


anytime an HOA loses its a win for humanity


A man of principle. A principled man. A man of integrity.

The HOA? Not so much.

What stamina, perseverance, determination and courage he has demonstrated.


This man deserves a medal on behalf of the American people.


I would never buy a home in any HOA, ever. Too many horror stories about them.


Having an HOA is like having a second IRS 😂


Why anyone would want to belong to an HOA is beyond my comprehension. I refuse to let anyone dictate what I can or cannot do on my property.


My ex boyfriend's parents bought their home just before he was born. His mom told me ( while he and I were still a couple ) that their neighborhood went HOA 7 years after they bought the house. They were told they could join if they wanted, it wasn't forced on anybody at the time. His parents said no they were not interested and were given everthing in writing with a stamp date on it. One day they got a letter saying they owed thousands of dollars in late fees to the HOA, his mom and dad sent them a letter with a copy of the non joining agreement. They went on to tell the HOA if they wanted to start something with them they would file legal actions in court ( my ex's mom is a contract lawyer and his dad is a criminal defence lawyer ) the HOA hasn't bothered them since.


I asked my dad what an HOA is. He said "they are criminals that operate through legal extortion. Pay the dues or they take your house. Either way they get your money"


HOA's should be illegal. It's a machine rife with extortion.


My issue with an HOA is they can foreclose on your property for not paying their dues, even if you're making your mortgage payment. Why not allow a lien instead? But to take the property is outrageous!
