When Worship Music Goes Wrong! Maverick City Music

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Maverick City Music Group are a very popular Contemporary Christian music group. They are known for their many hit songs and with their recent collaboration with Elevation Church, Maverick City Music has reached new highs. But this success has come with a price. Maverick City Music has compromised their lyrics to appeal to a larger audience and it's putting them on the verge of collapse. In this video, I react to a recent performance by Maverick City Music at the BET Awards and it's not good.

#MaverickcityMusic #KirkFranklin
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Whether you're a gospel soloist or a gospel group, if you're gonna crossover, make sure that you carry the cross over.


I use to hate gospel music before I got saved. When I first got saved, I must say that Maverick City's music had me on my knees crying worshipping God. But after a while I began to realize that their music and whom they were singing to started to change as they got more recognition, I noticed the compromise and stopped listening to them. Fame and fortune has definitely turned them to the world. I pray they turn back to the truth and leave such worldly things behind. They are trying to be friends with the world, Jesus sat with sinners but he never partook in the sin. Christian singers who sing with brazen secular artist only send the message that you can continue to do you and still be blessed by God, no need for repentance or turning from sin. This is how Satan merged paganism and Christianity, keep your idols and add a little bit of Jesus. God is more than enough, these things will all pass away.


“If you try to win the world by becoming like the world, the world will win you every time” - Keith Daniels


We don't go into dark places to become darkness! Well said 🙌🏽


I agree with most of what you have said except the Billy Porter explanation. When I was a sinner, gospel music did have a soul-searching effect on me, but it also gave me an occasion to worship and praise a God, that I was not fully surrendered to as yet - AND this is what pulled me closer. Singing and clapping to Gospel music doesn't necessarily mean he was comfortable in sin while praising God. Let's not be too presumptuous in our assumptions. Again, I agree with a lot points in this video 🙂


Once I saw Kirk collaborate with Maverick I saw it decline.


I love how gentle, fair and biblical you were in this video. I could feel the motivation of love behind it.


Thank God for His Holy Spirit!! I too used to play their songs ALL THE TIME, until about mid-2021; it just didn’t connect anymore. Recently, about 2 months ago, I tried again and it just felt like I was forcing it; it was empty; no connection whatsoever with my spirit, and I was like, “Nope! No more! That’s it!” I am grateful for God’s Spirit of discernment and I truly pray they are convicted of sin, and of their error, and convinced of righteousness, in Jesus name, Amen! As the Bible says, “Examine yourselves to make sure you are still in the faith…” 2 Corinthians 13:5. Thank you for sharing this in love and humility—God bless you!


As a praise and worship leader, I'm challenged with the responsibility of choosing music that brings glory to God, and minister to the hearts of the people! I can't stress enough how difficult it is to find good music that honors the Lord. This is a great video! We are held to a higher standard when it comes to ministry on any level 💯


I loved Maverick City when they first started. I felt like they were genuine in their worship. I had not heard about them being on the BET awards and singing. This video is very eye-opening and it breaks my heart because the Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. I pray that they get their eyes off of fame and back to true worship.


I love Maverick music. I however pick through their Playlist. Lately I don't feel the spirit in their music as before. I would still listen to their older music. I agree with everything you're saying. Even in my life I see this happening especially with friends who don't share the same belief. Sometimes I have to remind myself who I am. I hope we pray for everyone involved in this situation. God started a wonderful work in this group. Fame has corrupted them .


I was at the concert last night in Seattle. I was invited by a friend, and didn't know their music or their dynamic. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. At times, I was encouraged by the message of "not living in shame". At other times, I was wondering where the name of Jesus was. We are all on a journey. It is good to question and evaluate who we are elevating. I don't sense judgement in this video. I do hear/see discernment. Make sure Jesus is at the center. Not man's way or Satan's deceptive way.


When I first listened to Maverick City music, I loved them! At the beginning it was so Spirit filled and deep, convicting, where you'd want to get it right with the Lord then and there. The more they progress it's just catchy music with a message, but it doesn't hold that same weight as their old music held. I'm never to say where anyone is in there journey with Christ, but back then you could feel the surrender. I pray that God keeps them and they follow Him on the right path. 🙏🏾


It makes me so happy to see so many of us using discernment. I did not pay attention to the Steven Furtick collaboration however I started paying closer attention to them and the moves that they were making after the announcement of the Kirk Franklin collaboration. It was downhill from there but this is a group of highly annoying to individuals and I pray they come out of this darkness that they are in. It’s sad how this has happened to so many powerful anointed Christian leaders. The lust of the eyes is a real thing. Lusting after the things of this world and being tempted to compromise. This music industry is something you can’t play with. You have to pick a side. With my 15-year-old prophesied to be a producer, I was initially frightened. I could see it in him since he was eight though. After the prophecy, for four hours that day at my apartment you could hear heavenly trumpets playing in his room. It was prophesied that he would hear prophetically etc. but also that he needed to be careful because the enemy was trying to wrap him up with certain people. It will be my daily prayer that Yahusha protects him and he can hear the voice of God and stand firm in all of these things I’ve been teaching him. I pray Maverick city can do the same


You are doing God's work my brother. Thank you for opening the eyes of so many people who would not otherwise see how they are being deceived. May God protect and keep you now and forever. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


The decline was a given. Bad company ruins good morals. Thanks for doing this. It's never easy to call out false teachers


Brings tears to my eyes. We have to be stable, firm, and sold out for God


Are you saying that Sinners MUST respond to the music a certain way to prove that they are convicted ?
When a Seed goes into the earth, is there a reaction 🤔. ?


It's such a relief to know that there still God's people who are not afraid to come out in honesty and just point out the error without fear of being discriminated


Thank you brother for taking a stand. So many bowing the knee to Ba’al yet God has those who will bow only to Jesus, no matter the cost. No compromise is what following Jesus is all about. That’s been my conviction since 1978.
