Why US Chose Dynetics' Enduring Shield Despite Testing Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense System

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US Army has reportedly refused to buy Israel's Iron Dome to counter aerial threats. Israel’s missile defence system was rejected despite a successful live-fire test by US military. US Army instead opted for a Leidos-owned Dynetics’ system, to counter both drone and cruise missile threats.

In 2020, American defence company, Raytheon and Israeli-based Rafael formed a joint venture to produce Iron Dome in the US. However, in March 2021, the US army said the Iron Dome systems could not be integrated into its IBCS.

#USArmy. #IsraelIronDome. #IronDome. #USMilitary

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Well Dynetics is an American company, and US has record of giving American company first priority all time


Why was a missile looking for a job?
Because it got fired! 😂


USA rejected iron dome because Israel refused to provide integrated source code to them


I love iron dome...proven tested and effective..


Recently i saw Israel made a prototype laser weapon which can easily destroy threats from air or land & it was successful. Hope things will be real as it is.


People tend to forget that the US has Alien technology which they have acquired after reverse engineering (Roswell incident).


The iron dome has been tested effective many times protecting Israel from Hamas rockets. The Hamas rockets are very near Israel. The rockets are place just outside Israels fence but this iron Dome can still detect and interdict the rockets despite being fast and very near.


For me I'd buy the tested and proven which is the iron dome.


US priority to American companies ko hi degi na although foreign vendor jyada capable ho


American product in American Arsenal.
What's the big fuss about it?
They'll always go for domestic product


After all these tests US will give it on a free of cost basis to Taliban


Should be noted that the version tested is not the same as the Israeli Iron dome, it's "Skyhunter", the exact changes are unknown but Raytheon was the lead on it so it was probably more geared towards U.S needs. These decisions are often made not on how good the systems in question are but rather how much economical benefit does the U.S stand to gain. Instead of giving Israel some benefit they simply decided (Which is not neccessarily wrong in the long term) to give the contract to an entirely U.S venture. It is what it is and it's not new in the U.S to do so. However, a lot of times these decisions end up being wrong, the Active Protection Systems for tanks is a good example, the U.S wanted to make its own and yet a decade later its still not operationally ready and the U.S had to buy a stop gap measure which is 400 kits of the Israeli "Trophy" system.


अफगानिस्तान की घटना से क्या सीखा???? सारा व्यापार घर और बैंक बैलेंस यही रह जाता है I जब तक राष्ट्र मजबूत नहीं है तब तक रिफ्यूजी की जिंदगी है I व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ के ऊपर है राष्ट्र  I इसलिए अपने निजी स्वार्थ छोड़कर राष्ट्रवादी बनिए राष्ट्र बचेगा तो हम बचेंगे । जय हिन्द🚩🌸🌼🕉🙏🙏🙏


दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा brahshtachar:
Step1: आपस में लड़ो
Step 2: लोकतांत्रिक देश मे घुसो
Step 3: Emotional नौटंकी करके शरणार्थी बनो
Step 4: धर्मनिरपेक्षता का ढोंग करो
Step 5: लोकतांत्रिक सुविधा से संख्या बढाओ
Step 6: देश पे कब्जा करो🙏🕉🌼🌸🚩🚩


There is yet another very good reason for the U.S. to not use Iron Dome. As it is a joint development with Israel, so Israel has a veto on Iron Dome sales on deployment to third parties. Israel refused Ukraine's request to buy Iron Dome in 2018 because Israel did not want Russia to make it difficult for Israel to attack Iranian supported militias in Syria, and Israel remains an impediment. So, better to have a U.S. missile system over which Israel has no say.


It's a winner for the u.s.army .🇺🇸🏆


Is anyone else confused by this video?

The USA paid $1.6B towards the development of the Iron Dome .... but then had to purchase 2 launchers for $373M when they retail for $8.4M/each. WTF? What did we get for the $1.6B investment and why did we get ripped off? And after all of this investment we're not even going to use it?? Make it make sense.


Iron dome is good for slow moving Hamas rockets only. It is highly overrated system. Indian army thoroughly tested it more than a decade ago where it failed miserably. Indian army then chose to go ahead with indigenous aakash system which is highly efficient and engages broad range of targets.


What ever priorities U S may have towards the the US company, but still, Israel is great in manufacturing better than the U S companies, they know pretty much that Israel is one among the top most arms and army machinery manufacturers in the world market selling in billions and billions worth of arms to the world, Israel is never depending on U S only mind you the world is too big to buy from Israel, moreover the Israeli lobby in the US who R key decision makers of the United States, only time will speak about this


The US doesn’t need one. We’re not a tiny nation bordering many countries in an area that has been fought over for a very long time with importance to many religions
