Signs an ENFP likes you or not — MBTI Dating & Relationships

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I actually am friendly with everyone, except the person I like. If I like a person, I get nervous and try to ignore them or act kind of cold.


Generally, ENFPs and INTJs LOVE playing games. At least from my personal experience. My ex and I do it for hours...when we're speaking to each other. And the deeper the topics the better - spiced with mischievous fun conversation. It's great. When it works. : )


I can lose interests in someone who is rude, blatant, and unemphatic to others. But if someone is kind and empathic, I'd laugh and cry with him/ her.


I'm an INFJ guy. I don't think I've ever met an ENFP in real life but from the different channels I saw online I was already able to notice some patterns on how you guys behave. I like the spontaneity and lightness with which you guys express yourselves, it feels so friendly and sincere. It actually brings me the exact feeling I have when I'm in a bar with low music, it's very sweet.


I'm an ENFP and I tried dating an ENFP ...

Not good ... Not good .... 🤣🤣🤣


enfp are flirty people in nature even if they don't love you


INFJ here. I have made immediate friendships with ENFPs, and though the connection was pretty spontaneous, there was a buddy vibe that I didn't confuse with attraction. It's nice to hear a type explain where that difference is. I may have missed it a few times... Like, "I just to hang with you", and "I just want to be with you." It can be tough, maybe heartbreaking, but we learn. Be brave and safe.


For whatever reason watching this made me think an ENFP would make a great ice cream truck driver. It would be the perfect profession to go full ENFP mode, don't you think?

Whenever somebody's having a bad day you can talk to them about rocky road, when they're feeling meh you can mention vanilla, and when times are good you can drop 'em some goody-goody gum drops with their change.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that little vision I had. 😉🐈


This is so me! I don't know why people don't get it when you are like cancelling every plan hahaha!


This is awesome. I’m an ENFP and I haven’t found many videos that are from the ENFP point of view, but this sounds exactly like me. 😁


Thank you. I find myself loose interest in people quite often when I discover their personality further. However I invest quite a lot of energy in not letting them know..


Eugh I heavilty relate to the point about the being very interested and then disinterested. This is one of the reasons why I find it difficult to initiate anything with anyone- because being idealistic, I'll have an idea in my head of the person and then I might become disillusioned as I get to know them. But that's not even the issue, the issue is then that I'll drag it out and keep engaing with the person despite my plummeting enthusiasm because I feel bad about getting their hopes up and don't want to dispose of them like that. I'll even tell myself it's health to explore it, even if I know I don't want it at all.


I haven't had a crush in a long time, but that's when i was more Introverted and before I became what I am now and I've been so focused on my future and getting stuff done that I haven't even considered going on dates or flirting with people but i guess it's not a bad thing because I'd rather have my life together before entering a relationship.


Well thats funny cause i once moved to an enfp, and she went from being cool to unfollowing me, to seeing me in person n always provoking a reaction, to again being distant. So as an infj, once u dont reply on our sec try as we try n initiate smthing, as we put ourselves out there our pride will take a long min b4 opening up again.


ENFP here,
Hi INXJ's, I just wanted to hop on and say I sincerely apologize for the ENFP's that did you wrong, were irresponsible, etc.

However, at the end of the day, MBTI is just a general way of thinking, no one is exactly the same, I know you like to funnel things down and simplify everything (which I respect) but please try to be open-minded to us, I try so hard to be the best I can for the people I love, and I personally have dedicated my loyalty to whomever my future husband may be. I've turned down certain opportunities with men that were very tempting because I'm trying to do what's right and be loyal regardless of how I feel. Because I know my man is going to be amazing, so please don't assume we're all too childish or irresponsible, we're human. And some of us are trying to do right out here. I know I'm always trying to grow.

Much love, stay strong :)


I met another ENFP this week. It's very interesting when this happens, even the body language is so similar. It's a lot like looking into a mirror of similarity.

The times I have been into someone nothing is held back. That open book we are becomes much more open.

Depending on the person and the timing of it I will tell them something that suggests they are significant to me in some way. As I have gotten older I will do this as soon as I know. It's not like life is forever, ENFPs are going to seize these moments when they come and deal with it if the other isn't into us. I had this experience last year so it's a fresh memory.

The biggest compliment you are likely to get from an ENFP that is into you, is that they feel you understand us at some important level. Its does not appear to be well know, many ENFPs as open and friendly as we are can feel quite misunderstood and often quite lonely because most can't handle our intensity.

Many ENFPs with all that intensity can be a lot more sensitive than most people realize.

I do see why people might think ENFPs are flaky or flighty because of our natural tendency to be gregarious. It is real, it might not be what you think it is.

There is a video describing the ENFP two hearts that I learned about and its true and discusses why based on cognitive functions.


INTJ male here. I'm sorry but i can't with ENFP females anymore, and i don't understand how any INTJ would like to date them. Everything you were saying in your video made me cringe so hard.
Yes it's crazy intense, it clicks, there is a deep physical chemistry and intellectual connection, it's like wild fire, but that instability drives me crazy. It's hurtful.
When they feel like they get bored or they take something the wrong way (irrational bs) or they feel like you want to confine them, they just become distant and all that enthusiasm that had been transfered to you feels like false hope.
I now consider ENFPs like children, and i don't want to be their last toy until they get bored or find a new one. I really don't know how an INTJ can deal with that instability.
Maybe they are better with age (over 30)


Undercover ENFP here, don't mind me. Just taking notes👀


Are ENFPs intended to be more attracted to other ENFPs? Cause I am 😂 It's like I see a reflection of myself and seems like we can understand each other


Ok but as an INFJ, it’s so awkward to flirt w an ENFP coz like, you both get so nervous & can’t express yourself how you want, or it comes out like total word vomit or high praise or awkward silence but not being able to look them in the eye (also this ENFP has the bluest eyeballs and is always wearing sunnies so it’s so much harder to read him haha). Like I’m so certain about the connection but neither of us have said anything because we live on the other side of the world to each other. But one of the first things they said that sounded “flirty” to me was in a room with 2 other ENFPs and they looked right at me and said “ENFPs & INFJs work really well together” after we all exchanged personality types. I could tell he KNEW it would send me into a frenzy but he also knew he was putting something out there & I just did not know how to respond & was immediately in my little Ni-Ti loop. Last time I visited he was like “dream with me” & took me up to this building explaining what he was believing for and then ended with “love you, see you soon!”
Oh, I’ve also known the guy for 8 years LOL. Above stories are from 2018 & 2022. Send help I’m seeing them in a few weeks when I travel overseas again 🫠 but also like, they suck at texting (which I get) but when I’m there make so much space for me. So hard to interpret 🫠 but also I’ve read ENFPs wrong before so LMK what y’all think plz.
K wait the end of the video was helpful coz that’s what I was intending to do. Feel free to disregard the comment & not read my word vomit 🫠🫠🫠
