5 Sure-fire Signs INFP Likes You Romantically (And NOT As A Friend)

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Since INFPs are kindhearted individuals, it’s perplexing to discern whether they like you as a partner or not, if you’ve breached the friend zone or not. That said, it’s important not to confuse friendship with romance.

Sometimes, INFPs unconsciously show hints. It depends on how sensitive you are to interpret them.

Without further ado, here are 5 signs INFP likes you:


Thanks! :)



Writer: Margarette Mathias
Animator: Garubin

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Me, the INFP watching to learn how to hide more effectively 😎


As an infp, i'm watching this to find out if I romantically like someone, cuz even I can't figure out


I dated an INFP once. We weren’t compatible as partners but she was one of the nicest and most genuine person I’ve met. The way most INFPs think and perceive the world is magical


Another point i wanna add is that,
Infps suddenly become more dependent on the person, that they usually love.
It's a sign, that they wanna spend more time with that person.


thank goodness my crush knows nothing about MBTI types because this would expose me😭😭


"INFPs talk and care for you in private, but ignore you in public"

Guys I think im in luck

Edit: nvm I was delusional lmao


We as INFP are the extremely deep thinkers and creative people who think outside the box, but we are also the most restrained personalities who constantly struggle with our own idea of self-worth and being very critical of our behaviors, and thinking what is ok to do and what isnt, to the point we often get stuck. It takes a long time for us to be ready to jump into a new relationship, which makes the other person think we are not interested in them, but we just need to make sure. We mostly dont like spending time in public spaces like restaurants, cafes, bars, and definitely not nightclubs, in places with lot of noises and chatter around we wont be able to really open up. Better activities for first date is going for hike in nature, biking, chilling at a lake or beach, art galleries, or simply staying at home and showing the other person the you have made. It doesnt matter if INFP is girl or boy, we HAVE TO trust you and be comfortable in your company.. we take vulnerability very seriously and wont be vulnerable with many people.
We sure are interesting pokemons


Me, an INFP, watching this for cues of whether I’m really attracted to someone currently in my life 😅


If my crush learns about INFPs and watches this video… I AM


So good at hiding it even I don’t know if I’m into someone.


As an INFP, I think we really hate inconsistant, unauthenthic, and show-offs. I hate liars and Im pretty good at detecting it, We can like or dislike people and they have no idea what we are thinking unless we are really close


0:47 INFP’s talk and care for you in private but they ignore you in public
1:45 INFP’s like alone time with you. Not social invitations
2:31 INFP’s like you when you sense they are jealous
3:15 Once INFP’s compliment your physical attributes, this means they see you
3:58 If INFP’s get upset with you but stayed in touch that means they like you


As an INFP, I'd say this is so accurate for me, like everything describes me


I feel like most people watching this video are fellow INFP’s just checking out if all these things are relatable.


Acting awkward around someone you like is definitely a sign that an INFP likes you.


As a male INFP this video is really illuminating. I found myself clicking with every point 😄
I find it incredibly difficult to get to know women as I’m a very private person (obviously 😂) and in the past I’ve felt like a total oddball for how quickly parties and social gatherings tire me out.
It’s so nice to see things like this and to learn that I’m not alone in feeling this way ❤


I am an INFP too and some of this is true! I am very secretive when it comes to sharing my love life and personal stuff to my family and friends (even to my closeset friends). But I have no problem letting my crush know that I have feelings for him. He's the only person that knows what I feel towards him(fortunately, he's cool aboutit) Of course I am very shy when I see him face to face but I'm quite bubbly in chats despite of not having the guts to have a conversation with him in real life. I give genuine compliments and he told me that he enjoyed talking to me a lot. So, this is my little story. I hope you have fun reading 💝


As an INFP I'd say this is a fairly accurate description of off-the-shelf INFP romantic tendencies. But, would add, for lonely INFPs who feel overlooked in love, that you can develop your Extroverted Intuition (in particular) and mostly bypass the default settings.


This is relatable because if a guy I know smiles a lot, no matter how physically unattractive they are, i immediately think they are attractive. Smiles make me smile 😊


I think this makes us more vulnerable to emotional damage or betrayal too.
