5 Sure-fire Signs INFP Likes You Romantically (And NOT As A Friend)

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Since INFPs are kindhearted individuals, it’s perplexing to discern whether they like you as a partner or not, if you’ve breached the friend zone or not. That said, it’s important not to confuse friendship with romance.
Sometimes, INFPs unconsciously show hints. It depends on how sensitive you are to interpret them.
Without further ado, here are 5 signs INFP likes you:
Thanks! :)
Writer: Margarette Mathias
Animator: Garubin
Was the video helpful? You can buy me a coffee. :)
Sometimes, INFPs unconsciously show hints. It depends on how sensitive you are to interpret them.
Without further ado, here are 5 signs INFP likes you:
Thanks! :)
Writer: Margarette Mathias
Animator: Garubin
Was the video helpful? You can buy me a coffee. :)
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