Master OLED Displays with Arduino, ESP32: A Complete Guide

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This step-by-step tutorial teaches how to use OLED displays with your Arduino or ESP32 microcontroller. Follow along as we cover the basics of wiring, programming, and controlling OLED displays, and discover how to display text, graphics, and animations. By the end of this video, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to incorporate OLED displays into your own projects.

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Thank you. All I had to do was change D to C. now it's time to solve the next 12 problems. one at a time!!


Thank you for taking the time to do this. It was my first display image that I ever created. What a learning process.


Thank you.
Very short and to the point.
Practical examples are the way to go!


Shukran! Thank you very much bro! Very helpful for someone who doesn't know low level coding well!


Legend thanks.i was wondering how I get an image onto the display. Thanks a lot


Nice one .. Did thje same with the ESP32 . 1 question .. why is the top quarter of the screen yellow ?


Help, I hooked up all correctly, code is correct. What I get is the first 5 or 6 lines that seem to be working correctly, but all the lower lines are just stagnate and not moving but with a random pattern. I've tried 6 different OLED (all same model and Manufacture), and I've tried 2 different Arduino, one Uno and one Nano with the same result. I find it hard that all 6 OLEDS are bad, but... Changed wires, change com ports, had a few beers...


I'm building a simple Muon detector. I learn mainly from the YT vids. Anyhow the end result of the detector is a LED that flashes every time a muon is detected. Well, I can't sit there and watch it waiting for the LED to flash every now and then.
So I purchased a 128x64 OLED. I would like to keep the LED and further connect the leads from the LED to an arduino nano and the OLED with the hopes of somehow getting the arduino and OLED to maybe show a cumulative total of all the muons (flashes) detected. Even better would be showing how many detected in last 24 hours, and the last week, and the last month all on the OLED. Perhaps I am a dreamer but it should be possible. I'm a novice so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Thanks for your hard work. Your videos are very useful


That image to HEX array generator is really cool! I wonder how to program that!


Thank you so much.. finally found a way to display on i2c oled using esp32 cam module.


Hey do u know why my oled regulator got burned after inserting to vin


The problem with those AdaFruit libraries is that they are memory hogs.

Look how, with just the few lines to set up the display and only print "hello world" the sketch already takes up 42% of program storage space.

I used to use these little displays and the color version as well, but after displaying a few things, the memory is just eaten up.

Some may also notice that once you get above 72% (around there) the Arduino boards start glitching out.
I had so many problems with that bug.

Then, I found a library that was very small as it was only ASCII and no graphics. That was good enough for what I was doing.
This took up much less memory.

But on bigger projects using the color display, again, so much memory sucked up that there wasn't enough left to do anything decent.

At that time, I changed to using Nextion displays, WITHOUT their HUGE libraries.
NO more memory issues.

Then, I moved over to ESP32 boards and of course, no more memory issues.


is there a way to develop the display groahically?


Hi. Is there code anywhere that explains how one could "turn off" the display with a button push. The only thing I know that its more of a black screen rather than a 0v to the display. Thank you


Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge my friend. But I wanted to ask you what Arduino IDE do you use and how we set it up?


Would have been better if you don't use Adafruit libraries and show how to build fonts and graphics.


It's possible to run two displays on same esp32 ?
