'Σαμψών' - Greek Pontic Music

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No politics just good music
Sampson is a type of music and dance from the region of Amisos/Sampsounta (Samsun today in Turkey). This dance is the equivalent of Serra/Σέρρα and Dipat/Διπάτ in other parts of Pontus.
Sampson is a type of music and dance from the region of Amisos/Sampsounta (Samsun today in Turkey). This dance is the equivalent of Serra/Σέρρα and Dipat/Διπάτ in other parts of Pontus.
'Σαμψών' - Greek Pontic Music
Samson (Live)
''Brave men from Pontus'' | Greek Pontic guerilla song
'Πάρθεν η Ρωμανία' - Pontic Greek song about the Fall of Constantinople
Sampson Folk Dance (Greece) SCOV Dancers
Sampson (Live)
Hellenic Pontian Music
Pontic Greek Song: O Kotza Anastas - Κοτζά Αναστάς (English Lyrics)
Sampson, Greek folk dance
Pontian Music - Music of Anatolia
Konstantin Efimidis – Pontic Greek Song
3 Pontic Greek (Pontian) Songs
Standard Greek vs Pontic Greek (Romeyka)
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