✂️How To Prune Limelight And Other Panicle Hydrangeas To Go Up⬆️

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I have ones I prune to be more shrub-like and I keep them that way. You get to choose but this type of hydrangea benefits from routine pruning. It makes them stronger and they produce more flowers. If you don’t, branches bend and flop all over the place and they can get weak, and crack and the flowers tend to be smaller. I do this in the spring so I can look at them over the winter and they provide more privacy. They’re good for wildlife too. However, you can definitely do this in the fall if you prefer, especially if your plant is overgrown and you’re worried about snow or ice damaging the branches.
To maintain its same size, cut back at least a foot or more each year because they can grow at least that much in one growing season. I saw a tree hydrangea recently that appeared to have grown about 4 feet in one year. Since this type of plant creates its buds in the summer you are safe to do this before they form. They are really hardy so you can massacre them if you need to and they will be fine.
Location: videos are done by clients at their homes and this was done by Annie
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