How To Start Programming With Python on TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculators

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This previously live, interactive event featured the use of Python on a portable programming platform, the TI-Nspire CX II graphing calculator.

We explored the Python coding implementation, discussed the benefits and highlighted TI resources that are available for teachers, students and enthusiasts.

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0:00 Welcome and Intro
2:21 Relevance of Python Programming on TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
6:15 Agenda
4:17 How Can You Write Text-Based (Python) Code on a Calculator?
5:00 Python Modules on TI Graphing Calculators
5:30 Physical Computing With External Devices
7:08 Orientation: Resources to Get Started Using Python on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
8:10 10 Minutes of Code — Short Activities To Introduce the Basics of Python Coding
9:19 Using TI-Nspire CX Software to Demonstrate Coding With Python
10:47 First Steps To Write a Python Program on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
11:00 Other Calculator Applications Found on TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator (Used in Conjunction With Python Applications)
11:50 Adding a New Python Editor Page, Including the Math and Random Modules for a Dice Roll Simulation Program
15:14 Using Menu Selections to Code in Python + Overview of Python Menu Categories on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
17:48 Creating a For Loop With Python on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
18:04 In-line Prompts and Auto-indents to Simplify Coding in Python
21:00 How to Run a Python Program on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
22:01 Importing and Using a Python Module on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator: Illustration With the Time Module
25:25 Commenting Out a Line in Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
27:12 Generating a Random Integer With Python on the TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
27:52 Using Copy/Paste in a Python Program on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator, Part 1
28:08 Summing Two Variable Values Wsing Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
29:14 Using a Print Statement in Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
30:33 Storing Values to a List using Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
31:00 Creating an Input Prompt for Integers Using Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
32:15 TI System Module: Using the Clear Shell History Function using Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
34:00 Creating an Empty List to Accumulate Values Generated With Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
34:25 Using the Var Key to Look at Variables You have Defined with Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
35:45 TI-System Module: Storing a List of Python-Generated Values for Data Analysis on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
40:18 Splitting the Screen to See Python Shell Input and Data Analysis Output at the Same Time
42:49 Using Python in Statistics Class and Math Class
44:22 Using Quadtratic Formulas: Intro to Loops in Python
44:56 Addressing a Common Error When Using an Input Statement in Python
46:22 Using Copy/Paste in a Python Program on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator, Part 2
46:47 Addressing a Common Misunderstanding: Improper Use of the Carat ^ Function for Exponents Rather Than ** Double Asterisk
48:03 Applying Boolean Expressions: Creating a Conditional Test With if, elif, else
50:40 Using CTRL-Z to Undo a Coding Error
51:47 Use of Color Font To Identify Reserved Words, Operators, Text Strings
52:20 Use of == To Test for Equality Versus = for Assignment
54:27 Benefits of Coding Python on a TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
56:05 Q&A: Guidebook
56:57 TI Python Resources: Handheld OS and Software Updates
57:24 TI Python Resources: Coding Activities, Webinars, STEM Projects, Science Olympiad, Contests
58:49 TI Python Resources: Guidebook, Python Getting Started File, Python Interview
Рекомендации по теме

Timestamp 47:47. In Python, caret(^) is a bitwise XOR operation. To get 7 squared (7 *7), or exponents, you will need to use ** operator in python; 7**7 will output an integer result of 49.

7^2 resulted in 5 at Python due to XOR.
7 = 0111 (binary)
2= 0010 (binary)
Now, XOR both numbers, you will get
0101 ( binary) = 5 in decimal.

9 = 1001
2 = 0010
1011 = 11 in decimal


Wow! Excellent! I am almost a retired from being a Math teacher, but I think will be back to feel the experience!


Loved your tutorial video on using Python on the TI-Nspire CX II, expecially the statistical analysis of the frequency of numbers from the roll of the dice. Brilliant! Many thanks.


Wow, amazing capabilities in the TI-Nspire. I've been wanting to purchase one for upcoming math courses. Now convinced that it will be a great purchase.


Importing modules not installed in Python?


I really enjoyed this webinar! Btw it is possible to explore how to create your own module in future webinar?


Can this python invoke a call to Nspire's API, such as the isPrime()?


Does Python include fnInt() or nDeriv() functions? When I include this code: print(fnInt(X**3, X, 0, 1)), I get an error message: fnInt() is not defined. Please advise.


Did adding Python make the Ti nspire II cas more capable than ti 84 plus ce as far as programming capabilities?


Hello. Can I make my own library in Python?


Can i install python in a ti nspire cx cas or not?


how can i interact with spreadsheets and python as i can with stadistics?


Is it possible to change the font to monospace?


I have a question. Some functions included in the standard math module the missing from menu and documentation in the Python implementation on ti-nspire. CX II. But, in fact, they are. For example, hyperbolic functions and, most importantly, , errors functions and gamma functions (since they are not present in ti-basic). Why, will they appear in new software versions or disappear altogether?


can the Ti Nspire Python do most stuff (engineering and science calculations) that a CPU version can ?


Does anyone know how to connect the ti-nspire cx 2 to a computer?


I love the fact that they think Python is run more over C, C++. About 90+ still running in C, C++ only new companies are running that because of the library build in, but C runs the world of microchips and technology because it is much faster. But it is a great approach using Python


SVP, comment installer Python sur ma calculatrice T inspire cx cas


programmes " in 3D ... like in 2D ??? improving slowy in 2D thanks for your tutoring "


This calculator is far inferior to an HP Prime G2. Any kid has a laptop. Code on that. Buy the better, faster calculator.
