Trying Hungarian Street Food | Budapest Food Tour

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Today we are experiencing Budapest by taking you along on a Budapest food tour, tasting iconic Hungarian street foods for the first time. We start our day trying the famous strudel, rétes, with a poppy seed filling. We also sample some traditional langos (fried dough with sour cream and cheese). We visit a butcher shop to try Hungarian blood sausage, liver sausage, and paprika sausage, before trying a delightful cinnamon chimney cake fresh from the oven. Then we sampled a unique dumpling called túrógombóc made with potato dough and fresh cheese (recommended by our friends who are locals) . We end our day with classic Hungarian dishes like chicken paprikash and stuffed cabbage at a restaurant overlooking the Basilica.

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This video was filmed in November 2023.

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The túrógombóc you've had is not the traditional one but the modern commercial/food factory version. The real deal we eat at home is made of cottage cheese mixed up with a pinch of salt, a small amount of sugar, wheat grist and eggs, then left to settle for 1-2 hrs, rolled into small dumplings and cooked in boiling water, and rolled around in toasted bread crumbs once done. We traditionally serve it with sour cream and many also add powdered sugar. Or even jam or compote, but that's less traditional, rather a matter of individual preference. (note: cottage cheese and sour cream are not a 100% accurate translation for túró and tejföl, respectively, but they are as close to the concept as you can get)


Budapest will now be on my list of places to visit. I love Hungarian food 30 yr old son had a Hungarian babysitter that loved to send me home with food 😂❤


Hi !
For the sausages:
The difference between a hurka and a sausage is the filling.
The sausage is always filled with raw seasoned minced meat. Its important spices paprika. The paprika will make it orange-red.
The filling of the hurka is rice cooked with marjoram, cooked minced offal + spices. This is the basic mix. For the liver version, boiled liver is added to it. For the blood version, raw salted blood is added to the base.
4:56 Traditional pickled vegetables. On the right is an apple-shaped paprika. Of this, the spicy version is usually pickled.
Pickled paprika also have cherry-shaped peppers.
It is always pungent and mostly red in color.
They are pickled either in one piece or filled with cabbage.
The knife has un ram's horn (pepperoni) paprika.
Here, all parts of the paprika plant are called paprika. Elsewhere, it's just the powder used as a spice.
Pickled cucumber in the middle.
We eat it with fatty foods, as it helps digestion.
5:45 He was a brilliant comedian, a recognized representative of the stand-up genre. In the communist system, it was not easy to joke about politics. He brilliantly used the opportunity given to him by the system..
Many of his jokes are still quoted today.
7:45 The phonetic description is about: turogombots. The resemblance to cheese is no accident. Cottage cheese is one of the steps in cheese production. This pure milk protein is pressed together to make cheese.
The Sopron factory is indeed a subsidiary of Heineken, but it is a traditional local beer. It is popular together with the Dreher brand. I think both are better than Heineken.
There are many versions of stuffed cabbage, as well as goulash and stew. Listen, because goulash here is always soup, and we never add sour cream.
Be careful with palinka it can be tricky.
Although the minimum 45% alcohol is shocking at first...



We’re going to Budapest in May, our first visit 😊 the food looks amazing, can’t wait to try it 😊


I recommend to try next time "túrós csusza with harcsa paprikás" - you will love it.


Túrógombóc has no potato in it if it's a real one. Also, you guys ate only at turistrap places. You could have ate way better and way cheaper at other places.

Edit: Tejföl is not exactly sour cream although very similar.


Turogomboc is absolutely traditional. My grandma used to make it. There are many other sweet dumplings that are traditional, usually with fruit. Potato dough, like gnocchi. It's too bad you missed the famous cafes and their excellent sophisticated pastries (like in Vienna). These cafes are as traditional as you can get. Of course, they are not street food and they can get expensive. SOme of the really famous ones tend to be touristy, but still worth it - New York Cafe (for the architecture too) and Gerbaud are perhaps the most famous.


Another educational video for us foodies! Thanks again !


The chicken paprikash (previously know as paprika hendle) was a dish in the Dracula novel that Jonathan Harker said made him thirsty lol. Looks yummy. BTW the noodles are mini dumplings apparently.Thanks both 🤘


Get outa here. I am Hungarian and now I am hungry :D


There are many delicious Hungarian dishes and cakes that are not sold on the streets of Budapest. The Hungarians are at the center of the mixing of cultures, and Hungarians have adopted many foreign dishes, which they have transformed in such a way that they are delicious for everyone, wherever they come from.


Good to see you enjoying the country <3 Jó látni titeket, hogy élvezitek az országot.


What is the small black tower on the top of the Matthias Church?

This little black tower is a hussar tower, which got its name because it sits on the ridge of the roof like a hussar on his horse. A hussar tower can be seen on other churches and public buildings, the XIII. became fashionable from the 19th century.

Since it sits on the ridge of the roof, it must be light, so it is built from wood and given some attractive and resistant covering, shingles or slate coverings are common. Our little tower has an elegant bronzed copper mantle.

Even before the renovation carried out by Frigyes Schulek between 1874 and 1896, it decorated the roof and the great master builder restored it because it divides the plane of the roof so beautifully. It also has a function: so this part of the roof is also easily accessible when the pyrogranite tiles need to be replaced.

This slender tower houses the seventh and smallest bell of the church, the soul bell, which weighs only 50 kg. The soul bell is used to announce the departure of a soul from the ranks of the living.

A crucifix can be seen on the mantle of the bell and the following inscription:

Goss mich Anton Zechenter in Ofen 1724. In Hungarian: Anton Zechenter cast me in Buda in 1724.

(There is only one older bell in the church, the 900 kg Holy Trinity bell cast in 1723.)

Nowadays, it no longer functions as a soul bell: there is a big hole in it, because II. he was shot in WWII. Its tongue has disappeared and its pull rope has also disappeared, so it was taken down from the tower and is now displayed in the church as an untitled bell.
(from Facebook "Bacchus újratöltve Borutazások") 9:55


Lovely review. About the "hurka" & sausage: You've tasted them in the proper order as you should :), because the intensity goes that way. Normally(at home cooking for your yourself) you wouldn't eat the "hurka" by itself but with a bunch of potatoes, cabbage and as you've done it: cucumbers. Sausage with mustard + bread in itselv is something that more people would eat normally just like that.
My suggestions:
A) you should clarify if you are interested in what the general population tends to eat or go foodie and look for some local gourmet specialities :).
B) in general hungarians love soups: my suggestion for you would be to try a simple (cold) "fruit soup" and a simple proper "chicken soup".


You’re both looking good 👍 obviously enjoying yourselves. Keep up the good work.


Just found your channel, love it! I'm from Newcastle and my husband is Austrian and we live in Canada. I miss Greggs LOL and he misses langos!


Lecsó kolbászt ögyetök. Na az maradandó élmény lesz


That looks lovely, and I wouldn't consider it expensive at all, considering the current cost increases in Europe. Thank you both! 😃


The sausage and blood sausage is best with mustard, but the liver one is not sausage (kolbász), but it is called hurka and that is better with pickle. It is a mix of cooked liver, heart and other intestines and rice. We rarely eat it with mustard. Crunchy pickles and bread is the best choice or mashed potato.