Mormon Temple Baptisms & Confirmations for the Dead

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Mormons believe that every single person who goes to their idea of “Heaven” (aka the Celestial Kingdom) must be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormonism), either in this life or by proxy after they die.

This video was recorded in the Mesa Arizona Temple in June, 2016.

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If Catholics were baptizing dead Mormons to become their members and go to heaven, how would Mormons feel about their ancestors and deceased family and friends?


The Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses seem to have endless list of tasks they have to do to be "good" members.


Geez Mike. You'd think they'd have your mugshot at every temple to keep you out!


i never did confirmations, only the baptism for the dead so i didnt realize the confirmations where pretty much claiming that person to being a member of the LDS church. im wondering if all of their member count they claim to have, is that including the confirmations of the dead?


Keeping the members thinking they are accomplishing some grand purpose while wasting their life.


Been there...was forced to do that...hated every minute of it...glad I never had a testimony and was able to get out as soon as I was old enough. 45 years later I’m still recovering from all that nonsense. Even though I’m the only one in the whole family who isn’t Mormon. Going to church was torture for me. I wasn’t given a choice. If I argued or wanted to be free of the bullying I endured from the girls in young women...I’d just get my ass beat. It’s caused me so much depression, anxiety, and health problems. Was left in the care of child molesters for years. Despite my begging not to be. Still working hard on forgiveness. Not easy when it’s family.


They are probably counted as a member so they can up their numbers.


I thank god my father came to his senses and didnt get me baptized into this church... Its too bad the excommunication, shame, and guilt he experienced at the hands of his family and the church proved too much for him. May god bless his soul


Can’t believe I used to do this shit

So glad I left at 18


That was me at age 15. While my dead ancestors were like, "The fuck is he doing?"


My Mom was so upset when someone in the family “baptized “ and confirmed her Mother after her death. It took me a long time but I finally got an apology from an official of the LDS church. I wish my Mother had been alive to accept the apology. I told the official she was never ever Mormon but was a Christian who usually attended the Church of God. A less than devout Mormon was a great help. But again I wish my Mom and her siblings had been alive to accept the apology. Kind of wish I could sue them.


Baptisms for the dead is one of the least thought through doctrines and practices. It makes for an extraordinary waste of time and resources.


It is brainwashing over and over with each dunk. For all people involved. I did this as a preteen. Dreadful and read the cesletter.


i know if i was dead and heard my name called wherever i may be-my spirit may be i would go where i heard my name and demand they remove it from their record


Wow! They come after your soul after passing. It’s like Lucifer trying to gather a following in the afterlife.


Is a parent present in the room while this is happening?


wouldn't this practice negate the new and "everlasting covenant" in genesis after the flood? chapter 9;16?a and doesn't the bible tell us that once we know we're on our way to our permanent dirt nap we can't ask forgiveness? all those who died without being forgiven stay unforgiven


I didn’t know that when I was a baptizing people who is not a member of the lds without their family consent who were named I thought I was baptizing them because they haven’t heard the word of the Book of Mormon only to find out that I was baptizing them without their family’s consent and permission to use their name for baptism I thought they were family members who weren’t members but died for myself I am sorry


You should blur her face more. She's just doing what she has been taught, likely her whole life.


I would blur faces more, if possible. They’re wrong, probably brainwashed, but the internet is a cruel place and I fear that someone might think they’re being edgy or whatever by harassing the folks in these videos if they track them down.
