Vanish with this Anti-Tracking Technique

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My Father was a Viet Nam Vet and taught me from childhood to walk and run across crumpled sheets of rice paper until i learned how to walk quiet across leaves. The paper makes the same noises for the same reasons.

He also told me of sandles the VC had with reversed footprints on the bottom. So when you go one way your tracks, at least to the untrained, will appear to go the opposite direction.

ALL of this stuff is crucial info. And these days, i'd suggest knowing it. Somethng tells me we'll be in the woods for a while in the not too distant future. Lol.


I worked in blacktop, and the hot asphalt would eat the soles of my shoes.
I got tired of replacing shoes every few weeks, while the uppers were still good.
I cleaned off the soles with acetone, to get the oils off.
Then, I took a couple tubes of high-temp gasket silicone, and spread a layer on the bottom.
Fixed the holes in a hurry, and added some nice heat resistance to the sole.
What’s more, when I had to walk on the hot asphalt to “step it in, ” it didn’t stick to the silicone!
No more oiling the soles to get the sticky mess off!
When I walked in something soft, like sand or dirt, I didn’t have a tread mark, either!
The silicone was also an excellent glue when the sole tried to separate from the upper, too!
You just clean it as I mentioned, and make sure you don’t use to much. You don’t want an uncomfortable lump in your shoe or boot.


Smugglers coming out of Mexico have used pieces of old carpet and/or thick socks to do the same thing for decades.


In the hood early 2000s Ducktape at the bottom of shoes had csi lost. Food for thought 💯


My Grandfather taught me about woods walking to minimize noise but also to avoid leaving sign. He did taught me to wear soft soled shoes with minimal heels and how to place ones steps . Avoiding moss, wet areas, bare soil and dense leaves whenever possible. Step on rocks, roots gravel etc and placing feet with a rolling motion.


Thanks for all your survival information and tips.


You can also use plants that have larger green leaves on your tread.


Moonshiners in days of old made them out of cow hooves so it looked like cows were walking around..


Thank you brother ❤ more of your knowledge Im cripped so i pass stuff like this on.


get as much distance between you and the adversary as you can.
In rocky areas stay off the dirt, if there's water, use it, but know a good tracker will know of this and probably look for your entering and leaving. Water = mud.

Avoid ridgelines, trails and work open spaces carefully. If there's dogs, try to delete them, if its people, get in the thickest bush off trail and work your way slowly, at night.

Or, just delete the mfrs fkng with you, if you're about that.


Cat Paws fall off my boots. Their really made for Men sizes and widths. A young marine showed me how to take a pair of dollar flip flops & punch holes for laces. They are quiet, & don't fall off. With dry leaves, there's not much you can do... practice not using a trail... If possible. Definitely stay away from mud and sand.


Going straight to the source and wearing just flip flops in any escape and evasion scenario. Good tip.


Pieces of carpet or leather from an old sofa/ couch works very well...
I never pass by or throw out an old sofa without first cutting off the leather from the arms, back and any other usable sized pieces.
You can also turn the leather inside out and sew it together to make Haversacks, bags, pouches and such


Thermal zip up overboots work extremely well too. They also double at night to put on your feet in a sleeping bag or bivy, so you can let your feet rest from your boots yet they'll keep you extremely warm. They don't have an edge cut on them, cat paws still have an edge on the felt that can make a line around itself in sand.
I've heard of poachers using old trimmed up mop bottoms to throw off trackers. Even if they manage to cut your track, there is no way to tell which direction your heading.


The more you know. Wow cool I didn't even think of that thank you hope you had a happy Easter God bless


Just use carpet, soft side down, like the southern border invaders do when they don't want to be caught...


It's good to know your family members' shoe-treads. Maybe keep a pic or two on your phone. Then if you see a strange track in your driveway, etc., you will be more alert. Ditto for car tire treads.


A cop tried to screw with me when it was snowing and didn't realize I was hanging directly above him in a tree in arms reach. He was lucky I still give a ****.


I have used old wool blankets for years. The wool pac boot inserts also work (gluing another layer with fringed edges a good idea)


Great idea. Had a 350 lb bear walk right within 25 yards of me in dry leaves and he sounded like a chipmunk.
