Why Aegon Married Both His Sisters 😲

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Did you know in the books there was a reason why Aegon I Targaryen married both his sisters? This short uses evidence from A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter.

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When your family is producing the hottest people in town.


Damn, lannister and targaryen always make sure their bloodline pure


As I recall, The whole “10 nights for Rhaenys and 1 for Visenya” thing was a rumor spread by housemaids and cooks and it wasn’t confirmed or denied in the lore. Visenya is confirmed to have loved Rhaenys though, after she died and they sent a piece of Rhaenys’s dragon she was ready to turn Dorne to glass.


Quite the contrary, once Rhaenys died Visenya and Aegon couldn't stand each other anymore. She was the glue that kept them together 😂


Aegon really believed in the phrase "Don't let your marriage stop you from finding true love."


Maegor had a cool relationship with Aenys . Remember Aenys gave Maegor Blackfyre and named him his Hand, he wouldn't have done it if they hated each other


Visenya loved Rhaenys, she was furious when she died and was ready to completely burn Dorne


Entirely speculation, obviously, but I think the resentment might have been more “If you wanted to marry her, why did you go through the wedding with me?” Visenya and Aegon’s marriage was arranged by their father. Neither particularly wanted it but both did it out of duty. Aegon then married the sister he wanted anyway while still trapping Visenya in a marriage she didn’t particularly want. They only had Maegor to essentially prove that yes, Aegon could father children, that he now had two sons who were definitely his and there was the “heir and a spare”. I don’t think they were particularly attracted to each other sexually, but there was a lot of respect and familial love there.


Maegor always respected Aenys beacuse he was older and never wanted kill him even serve him they were like Viserys and Daemon at one point


I don't think Visenya hated Rhaenys. There were no mention in the books that the sisters hate each other, not even the slightest. The three understood their role in the conquest, they were a team.

Aegon, the conqueror
Rhaenys, the diplomat
Visenya, the mastermind


Visenya loved her sister too. She burned every castle in dorne when Rhaenys was killed.


I don't think there was any rivalry between the sisters. It was never even hinted at that Visenya was jealous of Rhaenys, i don't think Visenya even loved Aegon romantically either, theirs was a political marriage, the other one was a love marriage and as long as both goals (Aegon and Rhaenys being together and the seven kingdoms being conquered) I don't think any of the 3 had a problem with it.


Visenya was the most underrated Targaryen in history. I think Dark Sister is a magical blade.


I think Visenya's love was in power. She was the one people feared. She was the one who actually ruled the kingdoms. Rhaenys was softer, she was definitely Aegon's real love.


I don't think Visenya had much interest in Aegon or marriage as a whole. I think she was simply loyal to the traditions of their house and her family. The two older siblings were most likely betrothed at a young age. Visenya and Aegon were raised to "do their duty" and marry each other, but Aegon fell for Rhaenys. Going as far as to revive an old tradition just to be with her as well.
I think Visenya loved her younger siblings and only wanted to protect them. Aegon was ambitious brash, while Rhaenys was flightly. Visenya was the only one of the 3 conquerors that thought more than a few steps ahead. She was calculating and more than willing to do what ever it took to see their dream of uniting and ruling the seven kingdoms come to fruition.
Visenya was steel to Aegon's fire. Rhaenys was silk to the much harsher natures of her elder siblings. She softened them, and when she died they became cold and hard to everyone. Each other included.


Honestly, I always imagined that Aegon, at the very least, respected Visenya as a warrior and as his blood sister, even if he didnt love her as a wife or as a sister. I mean, if my sister loyally fought for me without fail or hesitation, she would at least get my respect

Also, Im pretty sure Visenya loved Rhaenys. She even mourned with Aegon when they heard of her death.

Also, consider Threesome but its like Aegon and Visenya sharing Rhaenys


I’m still broken after years by Rhaenys’ death, and even worse the theories around letter that Aegon received from the Dornish envoys, that goes like that Rhaenys was still alive but was tortured and only through accepting a truce Aegon could relieve her😭 why George?!


He married Visenya for Duty and Rhaeneys for Love.

If only Robb Stark understood it.


It’s also possible they were all into each other as it’s noted Visenya was completely heart broken when she heard about Rhaenys’ death. It should also be noted that Visenya may been given the short end of the stick biography wise as she birthed Maegor, the universally despised dictator, so it’s possible these types of claims are little digs at her expense


Don't forget she defended him from assassins.
