10 Ways to Make A Narcissist Respect You

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How do you make a narcissist respect you?

You should be aware of one simple fact – narcissists don’t really respect anyone, especially in a functional sense. They can have respect for someone if it is potentially beneficial for them, but it is difficult to expect honest and authentic respect from someone who is neither honest nor authentic. What a narcissist can do is respect a person’s power, privilege, money, physical appearance, prestigious occupation, social status, unavailability – in other words, they can “respect” everything they want for themselves, except the person who possesses those things.

Even that “respect” for superficialities other people possess is laced with envy, which is also one of the core characteristics of the narcissistic personality. In some instances, it is important that you make a narcissist “respect” you, because you might work with them, have children with them, or something similar, so you are unable to just walk away. There is still no magical cure for narcissism, so employing different strategies to make them at least pretend to respect you might sometimes be necessary.

In today's video we show you how to command respect from a narcissist so you can take control of the relationship.




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#respect #narcissist #narcissism
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Narcissist is a fancy word for someone who is demon possessed, when you deal with them, your dealing with satan himself. Don't give them the time of day and get away from them and stay away from them forever.


I prefer the permanent solution. Permanent no contact works the best.


How about just walk away and let them know they don't deserve to be in your presence? A narcissist's respect is worth nothing.


Don't defend yourself against a narcissist. Attack is the only option. Be ruthless. Know their weaknesses. Attack!


Narcissist's respect is not real healthy respect. If you need a narcissist to respect you, you still have healing to do. Trying to gain a narcissists respect is complete supply to them.


1. Cultivate your self esteem
2. Let the narcissist know that u can easily leave n replace them
3. Don't engage with them on a deeper level, engage only when they r being nice to u.
4. Grey rock technique...go no contact r treat them lk they don't exist
5. Calmly end the conversation if its gng no where
6. Present urself as a high value person
7. Don't walk on eggshells around them...if there is danger of physical violence, call for help 1st
8. Set clear boundaries
9. Make them work hard to earn their presence around u
10. Play hard to get


These people are garbage. Not worth your time and trouble. Disengage yourself from them and never look back. They will do anything to hurt you in any way they can.


Best way to deal with a narc is to be unavailable always say no and again be unavailable sooner or later they'll get bored and fly away on their broom to someone else


Why would you want the respect of somebody who doesn’t deserve yours?


I really don’t care for narcissists, and I’m not finna “act” conceited or very confident just for them to “temporarily” respect me. 🤨 they can move tf out my way, miserably.


The only thing I find appropriate to do with narcissists is stay away from them and don't get involved into their drama and manipulation...I wouldn't even want to hang out with them at all because staying around them itself is too draining...


It is a waste of time trying to make a narcissist respect you. A person is only supply, a game, to use, abuse and manipulate is the way the narcissist think. Their temporary fake kindness is not worth putting yourself through their manipulation, games and abuse. They will hurt you worse than before. Go no contact.


Just don't react emotionally when they are trying to trigger you, so they can control you and remove yourself away from them as soon as possible. You don't need their respect, they have to understand that they have problem.


Don't encourage to put up with narcs. They don't change. It's best to run 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


My most draining experience in the workplace has been with a narcissist. I watch these videos in hope to handle myself in the most emotionally intelligent manner in case I run into someone like that again.


Basically narcissist are grown children....
Who always had their way or couldn't get there way as a child, only to see the advantage as an interesting


Narcissists just want to win, let them. Everything is competition for them, even a conversation. Just agree with them and they will leave you alone.


I believe there is no solution. I don’t want a relationship where I have to act one way(not who I am, or want to be)to get respect from a person. I love this person, and I think she loves me in her way. It’s sad, because it could have been a special relationship. After 11 years of trying, I’m starting to realize this. 😔


I've dated one for years, they will emotionally abuse you and push your sanity to its limits. They are emotional black holes that will suck you dry, educate yourself to avoid these types, as they will ruin your life.


Why in the world would you want the respect of a narcissist? That idea is amazingly bad for mental health. Respect yourself and forget what others think!
