Ham Radio Basics: 5 Things Every Ham Radio Operator Should Know

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Ham radio operators need help when they're first starting out. Our hobby is technical with a lot of experimentation and learning along the way -- and with experience comes wisdom. These are five things I think all new ham radio operators need to know when they're new to the hobby. Hopefully you find these amateur radio tips helpful. If so, please like and subscribe for more helpful ham radio videos in the future! #HamRadioBasics #HamRadio #AmateurRadio

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0:00 5 Things Every Ham Radio Op Needs To Know
0:41 Find an Elmer To Teach You
1:19 Use Your Ham Radio Privileges
3:00 Plan Ahead for the Future
4:52 Your Antenna and Coax are MOST IMPORTANT
5:55 How High Should Your Antenna Be?
6:44 Don't Be Afraid of your Microphone
7:35 YouTube the Virtual Elmer
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Good voice, good look, good production value and you didn't bore and irritate your viewers with a two minute intro and ten minutes of babble. You got right to the point and you were obviously well prepared. Well done and thank you.


Also have extra coax in case u want or need to go potable like for field day or a POTA activation.


Another great option for technician/foundation holders is Data Modes like FT8. The instant gratification of contacts even on 2m/70cm keeps them interested. It also helps to visualise the propagation at different times of the day/year.

Awesome video man, your so cool 👌


Great and honest advice, you smashed that nail right on the head, thanks, really enjoyed your video, keep them coming !


You said a lot about coax. Don't forget that balanced line really works good. Low loss even on long runs. In Colorado I might love a big tower.... but my wire antennas work veery well in our little back yard. An of center fed dipole at 8 or 10 ft off the ground gives me surprising results on hf.


Your videos, advice, and ham gear reviews are really helping to promote the hobby. Thank you! -KB6TPS


1:40--LITERALLY my experience. Very defeating. And I started during C19, so no one was really meeting and all the Elmers (usually older) were cautious about meeting folks. Better now.


Just trying to start getting into this all, thanks!


I planned ahead... just got a 991a. Definitely dont think im gonna cry once or buy onne!


Join a club, read read read learn about the hobby, keep your mind open to new stuff and join the arrl


Helpful information for the new ham radio operator I am an extra class operator but I have had my ticket since October of 2009 but still found this you tube video to be rather interesting. KC9QVE Marion, Indiana


oh yeah another thing do not buy mfj wquipment, i was in my local ham shop buying a brand new still in its box as packed by mfj, and the shop owner shook the box, and you could hear screws rattling around in it, he then proceeded to open the box for the first time to reveal 2 brocken pieces of polystyrene holding the atu in the box, and upon opening the atu 2 screw rolling around inside that had come out in shipping and 6 more that were on the verge of falling out, the mfj quality quality is/was zero to non existent, once bought once cried since then i havent bought anything with a mfj connection and i have no breakdowns or failures :)


Thanks for the sage advice. I am helping my 80+ yr old father put up a new vertical antenna. I have done several projects like this with him. I noticed your license plate on the wall. Can you direct me to a really solid ham group that meets in Denver. My father has not had much luck doing this.


I would add carry a note pad so if you come across another ham you can get there name and call sign and get them on the air


Good info for all new & current hams.


"Find an elmer" should really be "Find a club". Which you mentioned, but only as a way of finding an elmer. The club itself can be your elmer, in fact lots of elmers.


On the subject of COAX that can't be overstated, you can get very good transmission line, but the wrong type. Make sure your buying the right cable for your intended use. RG-8 FOR HF AND 6M, and RG-213 Or hardline for VHF/UHF Work.


Those were 7 great tips..I mean 5 😉 but seriously another good video. I'm still a little mic shy and it seems pretty common especially on my local repeaters. A lot of people just listen


Awesome advice! Thanks for all your doing to promote Ham Radio! I have your QSL card displayed in my Ham Shack! Look forward to talking HF in the near future! 73! KN4ZOO


Hi. I would like to know how much Ham radio study/certification would be needed in order to participate in public events like marathons and 5ks, especially in areas where cellphone reception is limited. Could you do a video on this topic?
