Therapist gets Sober by Tool

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Therapist analyzes the lyrics of Sober by Tool to discuss the internal battle that many individuals experience when they are on the path of sobriety. The song gives us insight into how strong the addictive voice to be and encourages us to fight back against it by remembering what we want to achieve and who we want to be.


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#tool #sober #undertow
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For the millionth time, hearing a song through another person's ears has me hearing a song for the first time in 32 years.


Thank you for being one of the few reactors that understands the double negative of "why can't we not be sober." So many get that wrong.


Please keep going down the Tool rabbit hole!!!!


I am an addict in recovery. Tool is my favorite band. When I decided to get clean 6 years ago and went to treatment, the clinician had us pick a recovery song. She printed out the lyrics of each of our songs for us and played them during a group session. By the end of the song, most of the group were in tears because this is exactly what addiction feels like and the internal battle that we go through. Thank you so much for putting out this video because it’s a reminder of why I choose to stay clean and not have to relive that hell ever again.


Youve got to see the live video! See the expressions of Maynard while singing.


For me, the song wasn't about drug addiction, but rather addiction to destructive thinking, ultimately the ego.


There is a live version of this song from Reading Festival in 1993. Watching Maynard deliver this song adds a huge next level to it! Definitely worth a watch


As a recovered alcoholic, it also speaks to how a user treats those around him, particularly those he loves, admitting to them that "I will only complicate you, trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you, I will chew it up and leave. I will work to elevate you, just enough to bring you down." Meaning, if I'm going to let alcohol destroy me, I'll manipulate you into going down with me.


If she’s a therapist, she will have a field day with “Vicarious”


Going on 29 years of Sobriety and this song has been part of my backdrop music all along the way. Nice job interpreting it in more detail. Thanks for taking a look at this song.


You're a therapist? Oh, you are so going to Love Tool!


Love the bass on this song. So brutally heavy. The lyrics just rip my soul to shreds. Every time. Tears flood down every time. Never make it within crying. Brilliant. Maynard is a genius. Tool are amazing.


I am clean and sober for almost 5 years now. Your analysis is spot on on. Undertow like sober is worth examining the addictive mind.
Tool has been so important in my recovery.
46&2 was instrumental in getting through my step 4 & step 5.


I just recently relapsed in terrible fashion with alcohol after over a year of sobriety and this reaction video hit me hard with all the feels: tears, goose bumps, grim determination to overcome my inner demons and this cunning, baffling, and powerful addiction. I am definitely in need of support in this life-or-death struggle! ❤


Since you’ve heard the song, now you HAVE TO watch the live version. Maynard’s emotional performance is INSANE !!!😮


I never heard anyone talk about a song like this before. I've seen vocal coach videos, but this is so much more valuable to me.


One of my all time favorite bands!!! Please do more Tool


I just rewatched and it reminded me how much this song resonated with me a couple decades ago when I thought I had destroyed my life and will to live. “I just want to start this over” (life)
“Why can’t we sleep forever” (end this misery)
ugh what a time! And I’ve doubled my years since… used to say if I can do it anyone can


Tool songs are a treasure trove for a therapist.
Don’t even know wear to begin recommending. Sooo many deep songs!
Keep going you are sure to get hits.


I have dealt with alcohol addiction my whole life. The last time I ever took a sip of alcohol was October 13, 2019 at none other than a Tool concert (Aftershock). I knew it was time, and I wanted to say goodbye to alcohol while watching my favorite band. I have been to 7 more Tool concerts since and have loved each and everyone more without alcohol. Since quitting drinking, my wife (she quit drinking with me too) and I had a daughter and we both went back to school and finished our Bachelor's degrees. Life is amazing without alcohol. I love that you are doing this series and I am here for all of it.
