The REAL reason why the Jewish people have always faced HATE

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Throughout history, the Jewish people have been targeted over and over again. But why have the Jews been so hated throughout history? Glenn reviews a few theories that he believes are flat-out lies. Then, he gives the one reason he believes is true: "The Jewish people know who they are...They are God's chosen people." The Jews have a covenant with God. But America also made a covenant, Glenn says, and we must remember it as the world turns against us: "If we're looking for a way out of our situation, the surest way is to follow the example of the Jew. Remember who you are."

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Glenn, a minor point of clarification. The Romans did kill Jesus, but it was the Jews that offered him up to the Romans. The Jews didn't have the power (standing) to carry out the law or executions.


One of Obama's classmates who never knew of or saw Obama at Columbia even though they graduated together on the same day both political science majors, both pre-law students in a class of 100-150 students. He said,
"America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence at the hands of a community organizer. It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the American Dream."

This was in 1983. He said: "My classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day  "taking the system down." They blamed America for “unfairness, racism, inequality, and lack of social justice.”

I remember in 1984, Pakistan had encouraged their men to take up flying, learn to fly and go to the USA. 1984 is the year no one can find Obama. He had traveled with his 'friend' first to Moscow, then to Pakistan. Pakistan had blocked USA Visa Citizens so what passport did he use to get into Pakistan.
Same one he used to go to Occidental College in Cali?

He further said,
My classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day  "taking the system down." They blamed America for “unfairness, racism, inequality, and lack of social justice.”
My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on “social justice.”

It's all about about lying to coverup the Marxist agenda of destroying the middle class, redistributing wealth, and putting big government in control of our every move.


A small correction: half of the pilgrims didn't die on the Mayflower. One sailor died from falling overboard and one baby was born during the trip.


I have never been a HATER. As a Christian, I always believed that HATE was an unworthy emotion. I can get angry, and I learned to temper my anger so as not to spew hate. The same is true for fear. I have never hated Jews. I do not fear Jews.
People are often TAUGHT to hate -- often as children.


What you said was right on. It's a spiritual battle between the devil and God.. he's been after the people of the covenant for thousands of years. God will destroy him in the end.


It's absurd to blame Jewish people for Christ's death. He deliberately offered up himself for all the sins of all people everywhere. Those who believe and receive Him as their personal substitute Lord and Saviour by faith in their heart are saved. Those who don't are lost. THAT is The Gospel. To blame Jews is nonsense


2 Chronicles 7:14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
You want change do what He says to do.


Loved this. I have been asking for years, “Why do people hate Jews? I understand all the reasons you talked about. However, it still makes no sense to me! Every reason is ridiculous to me.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights." Remember America!! 🤔


Before i watch this, i can tell you i'm hated for being a bright light in a dark world, and other's envy is my greatest enemy.


Satan... any other answer is wrong. If Satan can destroy the Jewish people, He could show God a liar. It will never happen !


No one killed Jesus. He laid down his life in sacrifice for you and for me. He took our sin on himself for our redemption. There is no condemnation and even Jesus said "Forgive them for they know not what they do."


JESUS Jesus said they hate me and they will hate you


The Roman's had no cause to condem Jesus. Only through the allegations that Jesus will cause an uprising and chaos were the Roman's able to condem Him.


they choice a criminal Barnabas to save instead of the son of god, Jesus.

Start with that


God made a covenant with Abraham and his seed....


you are incorrect on death of Jesus. The Jews condemned Jesus to be put on the cross, and the Romans followed thru with that,


When we stopped repeating God Bless America, The Pledge of Allegiance, and prayer in schools, we began our fall from Patriotism. Repeating these phrases in our youth establishes healthy perspectives, and more acceptance for others regardless of religion, and race, and offers a stronger foundation for mental health.


They may not have killed Jesus themselves but they did chose Barabbas...what does that say about their ethics?


I’m no bible scholar but I have read the bible. God’s chosen people constantly disobeyed and turned their backs to God. God tested and punished them accordingly. They did not accept Christ as their Messiah and God is testing them yet again. Being favored by God carries a greater burden. Sort of like being on a ball team and your Dad is the coach. His son gets pushed just a little harder at practice than everybody else. But as time passes the love between father and son grows stronger.
