5 Signs God is Moving You in a New Direction

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00:00 Introduction
01:45 Sign #1 - Doors are closing.
03:00 Sign #2 - There is no room for growth.
03:57 Sign #3 - God's provision moves.
06:48 Sign #4 - You are afraid.
08:38 Sign #5 - God told you to.







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"Where God guides, God provides" I love that 💙


“Where God guides, He Provides”. 🙌🏾 Thanks for the confirmation. 🌷New subscriber.


OMG!!!This is really a confirmation!!..God has been nudging me to move out of the country and I feel to get better medical attention for my health..I am blown away because I've been standing in fear and doubt. I'm constantly in prayer because I don't want to make the wrong decision..Please pray for me❤


For my busy/impatient ones😌

1)The opportunities you once had, are closing/closed doors
2)You are outgrowing your current environment/season
3)God’s Provision is higher
4)You are afraid(fear shows lack of faith, therefore God will push that fear onto you, to strengthen your trust and faith within God)
5) God gave you a word


”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”“
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Confirmation 😢thank God


I am moving to North Carolina at the end of October. I have put this desire to move there under the rug for the past 2 years. When I asked God when is the time to really go ahead and move He provided a job and an apartment already along with a research opportunity, it is just me that has to move now. I put off the desire to move to NC, because my mother is not financially stable to take care of her bills. Yet God continues to say leave your mother to me I am her provide. I need to be obedient and move out, yet fear and guilt tries to pin my mind constantly.


I had been praying for a way to make several much needed improvements to my kitchen. I was not able to afford to make ANY necessary improvement. Shortly after Christmas we had a pipe burst under our home. We filed a claim with our insurance provider and we are now in the process of getting our much needed improvements, paid for my insurance. God always provides. Praise HIM.


I felt all of this, in 2020 . God has a way of pushing you when you dont want to be moved.


I feel God moving me in another direction and I'm looking for more signs of confirmation.


I feel God is moving me to be a leader in helping those who don't trust in his power.


This appeared in my suggested videos and it definitely spoke to me. I have been feeling very uncomfortable and like I’m in an awkward transitional season in my life, which is terrifying. I am praying that His will is actually for me to move to New York to attend Columbia University.


God is DEFINITELY moving me. I've been taking baby steps cause I'm scared, but HE probably wants me to 'Jump" like Steve Harvey says. LOL


Last year God showed me a vision that I will go to Canada and I've been consistently praying about it last year. Now, I didn't really take it on my prayer daily but this week God has been showing me stories in the bible about traveling from one country to another. Like Elemilech in the story of Ruth and Ezekiel 12 to pack bags. I've been in the season of wilderness and transition waiting on God to push me to move. Im currently praying for his timing.


4 & 5 just hit me like a ton of bricks. I heard God say, "I'm waiting on you", and nearly started crying. Fear is stopping me but Faith will carry me through. Thank you for


I have never come across your channel until yesterday when I typed in “is God telling me to move”, I watched this video and felt that it was a little confirmation for my situation.

But this morning 8/28 I read the verse of the day on the BIBLE APP and IT’S YOU!! Lol reading Ephesians 3:16!! Like how crazy is that?! I’m thinking this is all total confirmation now from God that I am making the best decision I can in my next season of being homeless but using this time to BECOME who God has called me to be and documenting it all on my channel for His glory!

Thank you!! :)


im a new christian, i know God is real
i want to surrender my life to christ
obey and listen to God
sin no more

ive never read the bible
how can i be born again


Love this, " As God moves, His provision goes with you." Thanks!


God has definitely and is still moving me into a new season. I began school again full time and it has caused me to stay at home with my son. I took him out of the school he was in due to a curriculum which violates our Christian beliefs. I do not have the money to homeschool at the moment since this took me off guard and I am falling behind on bills. I also felt the Lord was telling me to leave NY so I have submitted a port out transfer and am now just waiting on supernatural provisions because I do not have the capacity to make it on my own. He has done it for me before so I am believing however, I’ve done all I can do on my part I think… so don’t know what else to do. Please pray. 🙏🏼 this is what I needed to hear. New to the channel ❤🎉


I feel GOD moving me into the next season I currently reside in VA, in fact I got approved for an apartment in Dallas, Tx after a long time waiting & praying and getting denials last year, fasting, trusting GOD etc!!!!

I’m going with no income or savings or vehicle just faith please pray that GOD will bless me with a vehicle & income and just provide in general when I move there next month in may.


What If your scared because you been in a church for over 10 years and the pastor said that God wouldnt lead you to another church but God has put it on my heart to serve another church .. I'm scared to tell him that it's time for me to make a certain move!
