Why Jordan Peterson is a bad guy...

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Here's what you need to say to anyone who defends Jordan Peterson (and by extension, Matt Rife)...
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I've got a big long list of why i don't like Jordan Peterson. Well put Femi. Lov'in your work..


This is a bad summary of Jordan Peterson’s points on why the wage gap exists…he also has said he supports equality of opportunity also. lol. I get that if you just hear specific clips and soundbytes without context why someone wouldn’t like him…I don’t agree with everything he says but a lot of his points and positions have logical and statistical reasoning behind them lol


There's a lot of things I don't like about Jordan Peterson. A lot! There's also things that I don't 100% disagree with him on. I'm happy to give people a platform to speak (I don't believe in cancel culture), because they usually bring their own rope (remember that BNP fella on Question Time?). Cancel culture stops conversation, debate and most of all - learning. It stops the person from time for reflection, evaluation, and forgiveness.


JP is a professional narcissist, sad but true!


I really appreciated your take on this, well structured and defined. I have found it hard within myself regarding jordan peterson, as he has helped alot of people, including myself in some regard, but then his extremity has gone beyond what I can support now, so I am thankful yet also not supporting of him…


Cool thanks for that, now I've seen enough to feel comfortable clicking on the do not recommend channel button.


You want to talk about abstract concepts like "social structures" and "equality". That's a huge red flag. First, because their definition are so broad that you can use them to mean whatever you want, therefore giving you "moral higher ground". Secondly, because it takes the humanity out of the conversation; an extremely common authoritarian tactic.


As someone who really liked JBP, whats wrong with him is self-inflicted brain damage.
He's lost his critical thinking skill, but not his confidemce in his convictions. He still sounds confident and convincing, but now hes talking about things he knows little to nothing about (like climate change) without any self awareness.


What's worrying is even Dragons from the Dragons Den are having him on their podcast


The solution is that all men should have their pay deducted by 50% and this is then paid directly to their wives . Those living together for benefits should be taxed 75% of their income and those who don’t marry or want to marry be taxed 100% . I say this tongue in cheek because supporting the present structure of paying men more because they never take time off for looking after their children is ridiculous . In the same way not having children should equate with keeping more of your wages .


Why can't we have one parent working but have the wage power of two parents. Thus, a parent can be with the children all the time(those who want to have children).


he redeffines every word in the english language/ a christian who denies the resorection, a racist that denies race a conservative who denies markets, a verbose fool once you se what hes doing


Ilike you and like J.P. I watch many of his lectures, interviews, etc. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I don’t think he is a bad guy, or would be misogynistic. I’m a woman and believe in equality, but it’s doesn’t mean we need to do the same things as men do. I grew up under the soviet umbrella and think we achieved more equality back then, than you here in the UK or in fact they in the US. We could study “men’s stuff”, like engineering or being a mechanic, a steel factory worker, driving tractors, or laying brick, BUT I strongly believe equality means we have the same choices! Part of that is if I decide to stay at home with kids, than I can do that too. I was very proud being pregnant and having the responsibility for a tiny human and give life to her AND I would NOT change that for billions of dollars on earth AND I would NOT change for any man, as only woman can give birth (even if there attempts to change that), AND was very happy to stay at home on maternity 3 years, as we have that’s much time in Hungary. You can be officially A MUM, paid by the government if you have three or more kids.
please don’t take OUT words out of context! He is not against women, when he talking about women make choices it’s NOT usually his view on that, but he refers to studies, and statistics. For example in Sweden, when they have more equality, women in larger numbers decided to stay at home as housewives. That’s an interesting fact, not misogyny!


I disagree with you… more unpleasant jobs are dangerous jobs are done by men…if women choose to do those jobs they would get paid the same ..Also there are legitimate studies on this outside of Jordon Peterson


I don't really get what the argument about maternity leave is here. Yes women choose to go on maternity leave because they are choosing to have a baby, and obviously new generations are important to the future economy, however if you take an entire year out of your job, your career is clearly not going to progress as quickly as someone who is as equally motivated and works the whole way through. That isn't sexism, it's just how work works. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of a competitive marketplace and taking a year out, for whatever reason, just isn't conducive to career advancement. If you stopped making YouTube videos for a whole year, how do you think that would affect your channel's visibility?


I am sorry, but your argument about jordan peterson being sexist about the wage gap is completely insane. you can take any statistic out of context, then it will have no meaning, and use it to argue anything. when you dig deeper, and find the context to that statistic, then it has meaning. what you are arguing is for equal outcome, and unequal opportunity.

Jordan Peterson didn't argue either, he simply stated the context to that statistic to give it meaning, when you account for all other variables, the wage gap becomes negligible, if not slightly in favor of women. There is absolutely no sexism when talking about full picture of the raw statistics.

not to mention that the gender gap in higher education is now at its highest, even higher than in 1972 when the Title IX of the Education Amendments Act was passed, only now the gap is reversed and now women vastly out number men. This will inevitably grow the effective gender wage gap in favor of women in the coming decade


I think you’ll find those jobs are done by both men and women… but you don’t find many women bricklaying in the middle of winter or cleaning sewers… women have choices in fact more options than men … women can earn the same as men in the same job .. if business could get away with paying women less than men… they would employ women over men 100% of the time


Life’s too short to listen to Peterson’s meandering nonsense.


Cdn here, from the Toronto area, during the rise of JP. He's a religious grifter, desperately craving relevance. He rose to fame when he was whacked out on drugs, and has some sort of weird messianic complex (reported on by I think the Globe and Mail at the time. A reporter followed him around for a day). He's admitted he found a way to monetise sjw's, got his first taste of push back for his idea to have a radical leftist list of profs he didn't like at U of T. His antics got so bad that the prof who recommended U of T hire JP, wrote an open letter to him in the Toronto Star newspaper saying how much he regretted it and asking him to stop. I could go on. If he helped you with some of his very obvious advice, then thats great. Glad you got something out of it. But he's still a grifter.


So is your solution forcing companies to raise the salaries of the jobs usually chosen by women? Would that work?
