Why Strength Endurance is CRUCIAL for Performance (How to Build Work Capacity!)
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Training for strength endurance (and thus work capacity) may just be the most important form of strength training, when it comes to real-world performance. If you aren't doing some metcon and varying your rep-ranges, you are leaving gains on the table!
While max strength is certainly useful and can translate to impressive physical prowess, we more often are tasked with exerting force repeatedly. Whether you're a martial artist, swimmer, athlete, construction worker, rock climber, or anything else... you need to be able to generate power over and over again without fatigue. This is strength endurance.
And better yet: a bigger work capacity will mean you can train harder and longer at the gym, resulting in more strength and more size over time.
While you get some strength endurance as a natural consequence of any resistance training, this is limited. To really build an impressive work capacity, you need to hit the slow-twitch fibers, and you need to build cardio to match. Metabolic conditioning (metcon), and training with higher rep ranges are just two ways to do this.
This video goes deep on the best ways to build strength endurance for any sport, or life, with conditioning and smart training. Enjoy!