HELLDIVERS 2: Answering A Few Questions About Setting Up Ava [Tutorial Type Stuff]

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Just touching on a few things. If you have additionally question just ask them in a comment. I will either answer them there or post another video

#helldivers2 #ava #voicecontrol #virtualassistant
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Love it. Don't sacrifice family time for us. This already makes it usable. Such a simple fix lol


Thanks for that extra tutorial! Very helpful. I'll replace some phrases (as I've already done) but if you put this out for general use, you MAY wish to update it so that every time it says, "James", it instead says, "Helldiver". But, not sharpshooting. What you've provided us (the masses) is spectacular. Thanks!


Thank you for your hard work and tutorial!


Thanks a lot!
For everyone who's running on a non -English Windows version:
You need to install the English speech recognition packages and then select them in the Voice Attack settings, otherwise 90% of the commands won't be recognized.

I found out the hard way, desperately calling for a railcannon with a charger breathing down my neck...


Now we need a full mission of Glorious Democracy being delivered with Ava, Cant wait to try it out once i get home in a week or so. Thanks for all your hard work you put in, Sent ya some Super Credits your way for the work 😊


This takes me back to my Elite Dangerous days, when I probably spent more time perfecting my cockpit AI in Voice Attack than actually playing the game in VR. No wonder Youtube recommended me your videos, the algorithm wants to see me suffer through this again ;)

That being said, I always preferred using the Text to Speech feature in Voice Attack over premade audio files because you can just change words on the fly and don't have to record a new audio file each time. Even bought a TTS voice called Ivona Amy because the Windows TTS voices weren't all that good. But considering how much better online voices have become nowadays, you'll definitely get a better result if you use something that isn't a decade-old software installed locally on your PC.


Thank you so much! I love your videos! Don't ever apologize for having family to attend too.


Thank you so much for this awesome little tool!

i noticed there are are a few missing soundfiles, however ..three to be precise: Kante, Gundam and Mark 2


Thanks for you effort, Ava works like a charm! I even updated her offline script so that she no longer says good night James lol


my guy... this is too god damn cool! i bloody love this!


Hey again, I just gave AVA a shot last night and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER.

Pleasantries out of the way XD a few things I ran into.

500kg calldown wasn't enabled in the profile and when I tried enabling it, she couldn't call it.

If you close Voice Attack during gameplay, it can cause a controller to fail and not register the game's controller inputs. (Probably Voice Attack itself and not AVA related)

Personality based: In your next more developed profile, would you consider giving her a more analogous reflection when referring to the User? Its a bit off-putting when I say Offline and she ends with 'James' lol

Thats all so far, keep the great stuff coming!


Omg, love you so much you make my kid dream come true 😘


WOW! Great tutorial, thank you very much!!


Great work! I've been using another profile with VA but have just switched to yours to try it out. I can't seem to find the SEAF Artillery (although there are AVA responses for it). Also, you can enter multiple match phrases in VA for entries. e.g. for the 500kg you had "Eagle One" so I changed that that "Eagle [One;500]" so it will respond to "Eagle 500" as well.


Hey Love this idea and everything you suggest. Have everything up and all but I am noticing that when i did import the profile and did the sounds file into VA that none of the voice sound files wherent applied to the commands. So do I have to go through each command and apply a sound file to it or is there to apply the voices to the commands in bulk?


would laugh if someone sets up the E.A.T to "Ava eat me" 🤣


Thank you so much for this! Helldivers became so much more fun. Is there a chance that there would be an update where Ava would not use name James? Thanks again for this thing!


Thank you so much love it! btw do u have the sound list of which commands she uses your name so i can change to something more general for me and my friends?


Love it! is there a way to edit her saying "goodnight James" though? my name isn't James KEKW


well done !!! can you please show us how to make it more suitable for keyboard + mouse players, as the cancellation voice only works for Joystick players.
