Marc's Story: Anhedonia

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Marc explains his anhedonia, which is the inability to enjoy activities that one previously enjoyed, such as his love of music.
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Rarely I have glimpses of watered down emotions and even those are enough to understand what you are missing from the world every second, it's so unfortunate that we have to live like this.


For people who don't know it's like being alive on the outside but dead inside.


Six months ago I had antidepressant that took away my ability to feel emotions ever since. It's very difficult, especially knowing it was preventable; but it's something that's improving every day. Antidepressants can work well for those that are fully clinically depressed (like it had for me when I was), but taken when you're not, they can totally knock you on your butt and make it so that you can't feel. Anhedonia is no joke. Wishing all well, don't stop moving toward recovery <3


SSRIs have made me feel like a zombie. As others have said, I get brief glimpses back into my old level of feeling. A certain smell or sound on a clear summer day can give me a rush of feeling, as can starting to dream when falling asleep. But it's so elusive


I get no enjoyment from things I used to like such as music and comedy. There are a few tracks which evoke an emotion but it is not happiness and what used to make me laugh no longer does, I know what is being said is funny but I simply do not laugh and rarely smile. I think it goes hand in hand with my depression.


I suffer the same due to depression/psd caused by prolonged subjected stress.

Having listened to a professional psychologist on the subject, who says the behaviour comes before motivation, I'm going to try & force myself to do little bits (each day) of the things I used to enjoy...& hopefully bit by bit some enjoyment 1st, & motivation 2nd, will start to return.

It'll be very hard as I don't feel like doing anything, other than my work & daily dog walks, which I've no choice, but I'm going to try, try & try more.
I can't continue just existing, I want to live again.


I used to watch horrific videos online just to feel something. They were real videos of people getting killed. And it used to disgust me and make me feel sick, but it felt better than feeling nothing at all.


I believe it began for me in early childhood. I was never allowed to express my feelings. Criticized for having them. So, I had learned to internalize my emotions. Today, I can't seem to get motivated or interested in things. I love my children and grandchildren, yet don't feel much inside when with them. I find it very difficult finding anyone who enjoys my company and is open to intellectual discussion. I hate small talk. It also infuriates me when people criticize me, and I deplore noise. I either sleep to much, or too little. I have no structure in my day. I'm in survival mode, that is I fix my own meals. I cannot afford to eat out. Far to expensive for me. I'd like to have some companionship, yet, need space for myself. My personality is registered thru MBTI to be only 1.5% of the population. This makes me a rare bird. People describe me as a Lone Wolf. Can anyone relate out there?


I also have this problem and in my case I believe it stems from many years on high doses of ADHD medication (stimulants). Without a high dose of stimulants nothing interests me and I can't sit still and enjoy anything. It's a horrible condition because I'm chronically bored and I find myself wanting to sleep a great deal of the time because that's the only thing that gives me relief.


Can I ask what the medication was that worked for a while. I have this and haven't found anything that works. Cheers


This happened 11 years ago and its a shame it didnt get enough attention. If it did it would have saved so many people, and many from takig these drugs.


Anyone familiar with anhedonia caused by mood stabilizers? (Abilify, Zyprexa, Seroquel) I was a time in my life where I was falsely diagnosed and put on pills. I've had complete chronic anhedonia for 11 years now and counting. I'm pretty sure it's brain damage cause it doesn't go away despite any treatments i've tried. I'm basically a walking corpse. If anybody has ideas for a cure please let me know and if it works I'll be in your debt forever.


I’m dealing with the same thing, plus it overlaps now with my marriage. I don’t enjoy doing anything with my wife. It’s terrible, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


How is he now? Has he healed from this?


That’s horrible. God bless him. I just don’t understand why sometimes God allows things like this. I experience this myself but mine I believe is either caused by Depression or the antidepressants themselves. Hard to tell which. To be confined of an existence where nothing brings you joy but you just go through life “existing”. Just something I don’t understand. I don’t doubt the goodness of God but I have a lot of questions I wish I knew the answer to.


To mention a medication which has helped, then ignore all calls for more info on what it is, is really unhelpful.
There's very little information on effective medication, and even just a week of relief would be welcome.
So, thanks for building up hope and then dashing it. Even a response to let us know you're unsure would be better than ignoring us. You should know, that's a dangerous thing for people with this condition. You really should be more careful


I use tre zen and carbamazepine normon 400mg and work like great i dont know if it will work for you


Why bother if you won’t anser anyone’s questions?
As to what meds you took?


I know this is old. I pray somebody sees this. What kind of medication helps? Are there a lot of side effects? I almost couldn't even concentrate on the video and was only like two minutes long. Please help me… At least describe


i wonder if psychedelics will help this. as in mushroom, microdosing.
