Depression Demystified - Anhedonia

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Most of us are aware about depression, but there's one part of depression that many have experienced but don't have the name for - anhedonia.

Anhedonia is a component of depression where the sufferer is unable to experience joy in things that would normally be quite joyeous. Playing with their child or going to a concert for example.

The problem with anhedonia is that those who suffer with it tend to stop doing these things as they are perceived to be "not working". This can lead to people throwing out otherwise good habits such as journaling, going to the gym or even eating food.

In this video of depression demystified I talk about why it is important that we keep doing these things, especially when we don't feel like it.

Music Credit

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

🎵 Track Info:

Title: Adventures by A Himitsu
Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic + Happy


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All words by Dave Cottrell of Mindset By Dave

#mindset #mentalhealth
Рекомендации по теме

Anhedonia has to be the worst part about depression. Makes life feel absolutely pointless


Just the acknowledgement that I am suffering from Anhedonia is a major breakthrough for me. Putting a name to what I am experiencing makes all the difference in the world! Just yesterday, a friend asked me to go to lunch. My first thought was no... I don't want to go anywhere, I'd rather stay home and give in to my depressed state. But instead, I acknowledged that I was giving in to my depression, so I forced myself to go. I can't say I loved the experience, but I didn't hate it either. And... most importantly, I made my friend very happy by going out with her. And perhaps most importantly, I was proud of myself for the effort to do something positive for myself. One step at a time! Thank you so much for this video... it is helping me incredibly and I can envision the day when I will look forward to things the way I used to. Thank you so much!


You explained this very well. It seems like the people who personally deal with a mental illness understand it a lot better than someone who just went to school for psychology!


It's really great to find this kind of information on depression that is different from the typical, "eat healthy", "exercise", "try something new" advice that frequently shows up on mainstream mental health sites that do not give the level of insight I need like this video does. Thanks for this.


i've been trying to get out of this for 3 years, at this point i am full of rage and bitterness. I don't want to be around anyone in this state i just bring everyone else's mood down.


Awesome video about this topic. Its very encouraging and I know its working with the overall trend in my mood slowly increasing as I keep doing things. Progress is there, just not immediately visible.


No I am the embodiment of depression. I only use that word because it accurately describes my symptoms but it’s actually much worse than 1 or 2 things I have 15-20 different phisical n mental issues that make me unable to live like a “normal person”
I do focus on positivity but if there’s nothing positive going on then what can you really focus on?? I’d like to think someday in a hypothetical reality I’ll feel like I did when I was a kid; but it’s not actually realistic or possible


I loved tha analogy on putting a 5er each week away, this does make sense as i know with myself, i always tell myself whats the point as you just want to wake up better. Thank you 😊


On top of 10+ years of anhedonia i have autism, ocd, adhd, scoliosis, kidney disease and severe tinnitus im so fuckedy fucked fucked. And im only 26


Anhedonia is crippling. not only what you are talking about but for me it was loss of motivation loss Not caring about anything at all even life. there is no point to anything. affect on hygien i have not showered or even washed my hands in over 5mos. My Dr cannot help me after 10yrs of trying. there is no cure for anhedonia i'm told, somebody please respond to this comment what you think


Thanks for recommending this to me Dave! Never knew this really had a label and it helps to know there are things I can do to help. Thanks again!


Thank you Dave, this is much appreciated & helpful.


well this is good video for someone wants to understand what it is but as i person who lives with this .. nothing to add


I don’t understand I was really enjoying life and it’s like iv hit a brick wall my mum not being here doesn’t help


I started watching the old pink panther it makes absolutely no sense but it interesting I think I’ve watched every episode now though. My issue is I cut all of the bad things that give me dopamine out of my life. I cut out trying to have the desire for a romantic relationship a deep friendship and I even cut a huge portion of TVs shows out that put inappropriate thoughts in my head but I feel so meh. I try to find kids cartons to watch but it’s very few things that I like let alone love unless they are bad for me


Brilliant video. Had a spell in hospital with mdd. Put me on all sorts of meds, I’m out now. Still in a depressed state but the numbness is really stopping me. I can’t enjoy playing with my son and it really upsets me, vicious cycle. I feel like some of the meds in the hospital have damaged my brain. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Get rid of that background music. It’s an irritating distraction.


Pls 🙏 help me. I had a traumatic event, that was caused by myself, and i lost my career job after decades of a very enjoyable job. I stressed so bad, ... anxiety, insomnia and severe depression. Im suffering daily.! And, i have, feel NO enjoyment in any of my hobbies, or activities... not even being with my children😢
.... i hurt badly, i don't have my job, friendships, routine, identity any more, and i cannot return. This depression is unbearable, .. im still forcing myself to walk, or go to gym.... vitamins, talk therapy... still nothing. Anything to help me..🙏😫


I think anhedonia is the cruelest illness I've ever experienced 😢


Great video.. Just one thing .. get rid of that junky background music.. it's annoying.. I can't focus on your voice..
