Assassin's Creed Mirage vs Valhalla - Parkour Gameplay Comparison (4K 60FPS)

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Check out the parkour gameplay comparison between #AssassinsCreedMirage and #AssassinsCreedValhalla.

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I recorded parkour gameplay in Valhalla, aligning it with Mirage's new parkour footage for comparison. After watching this, what are your thoughts on Mirage's parkour gameplay compared to Valhalla's?


The difference in parkour movement seem subtle if any. I guess they mainly changed the environment to facilitate parkour more in Mirage compared to Valhalla.


I have to tell you the truth, the two games look no different


If you compare it directly to the Ezio games, they dont have this “pause” whey Ezio hop from bar to bar. The animation in Mirage feels “unsmoove”


Hey game dev here, it seems what they’re missing in this game is shorter animation transitions hopping across the bars. There’s like a little pause instead of being a smooth blend into the following jump. Which makes the character feel weighty and kills illusion of flow. Also when the character is walking across a narrow platform, he does this slow crouch walk that also kills momentum completely. It’s basically the same parkour from Valhalla


They look identical to me, I don’t know what they mean by making the parkour faster or smoother. Maybe the vaulting is smoother but that’s about it for the parkour.


just started playing through original and ezio games again, realized how much more attention to detail and complex parkour level design are in those compared to the new trilogy. They are so much more dynamic with ejecting and catch ledge.


Something about the running seemed slow to me, now it’s obvious it’s a reskin


I dont see any differences the only difference is Basim used his hand on the rope while Eivor was, smarter he used his axe..


Well, at first i'm hoping for the parkour will be smooth and fluid like unity, but here we go, just the same as the past 3 games before.


Unity raised the bar so high I don't think any ac game will ever get to that level of parkour fluidity even if they tried


Same parkour animations, the only difference is that Basim is faster than Eivor.


As I can see, the parkour is still the same in both the games and I finally realised that Valhalla's environment was the main problem that why people hated it's Parkour. Also the fluidity and complexity mechanics are absent from the old AC games like Unity, Ezio trilogy, etc.
I am not hoping anything but I still wish the devs could add the parkour physics and animation from Unity and older AC games as Mirage is still a work in progress (or they can add it as a future update in the game).


My only main issues with Valhalla’s parkour was the little hop Eivor does when climbing a ledge up, the recovery when dropping down, and not being able to roll from average height like Origins. So far, Mirage doesn’t have that little hop, and the recovery is faster which is relieving (for me at least)


they need to remove frames from the parkour animations in mirage. its WAY too stompy


The entire time Basim was free running he was doing so at a jog. I wonder if sprinting while free running gives you a whole different set of animations that weren’t available in Valhalla. Would be a nice surprise but unlikely.


Basim seems a bit lighter and more nimble than Eivor/Eyvar despite the basic animations being the same. I think the tweaking was just enough so as to get rid of the unnecessary weight pulling you down every time you made a leap in Valhalla. Its not the same as Unity, nor will it ever be in an engine like this, but i hope we can have a decent parkour experience with what technical means are available to us.


The best thing about new ACs releasing is always you uploading. Been following your channel for a long, long time, always excited to see your videos.


One thing I feel nobody has noticed is that every single time they do parkour in the video, it is never at Basim’s full speed. In Valhalla you could jog forward and still parkour, it’s the same for this game. Throughout 99% of the demonstration they never press the sprint button, HOWEVER, after Basim kills the guy who shoots down his bird, he crosses a rope with full speed, scales up a wall pretty fast, and runs foward on the roof stupidly quick. That run speed on the roof right there, IS the full speed on display, they just for some reason wanted to show it slowly first which I never understand why demonstrative videos like these do that but aye, just thought i’d point that out somewhere


I saw it myself and started to searching some comparisons like that. Nothing changed. Our dreams about Unity parkour system will stay only dreams.
