The Oldest Myth in Sidearm Throwing Technique

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I go into more detail here than previously including explaining why it's so wrong and why you still see good players doing it this way.

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This is definitely a myth I’ve believed for a while. In fact, I remember watching a beginner sidearm tutorial here on YouTube where the advice was to picture yourself holding a pillow between your body and your elbow.

Gonna have to start incorporating this one into my game now.


Thanks Scott for all the videos! Did one of ur clinics a few weeks back and it was great. And it was an honor to meet you.


You are awesome sir I first saw you play in 96 or 97 at the veterans park open in Arlington tx I want you to know you were polite when a fan said hello I learn so much from your content thank you it is a pleasure watching you and learning from you


It was an honor to have dinner with you in Kalamazoo after your clinic! I took away many good points like this one.


This made me laugh out loud 😂. I wonder if this side arm to your body comes from ball golf.


I played lacrosse for 12 years and my shooting form translates to my disc golf flick. I get criticism for a wide reach back from players, yet my disc out drives them and doesn’t flutter 🤷‍♂️


On the other topic you raised, I have been truly baffled by how modern pro disc golfers do not have their own coach/caddy/manager. When Paul first got his million bucks a year, I assumed the first thing he would do is hire a coach! I am tremendously happy that Brad Hammock is caddying/helping Paul Ulibarri - that is one reason Paul is playing so well. Your friend and mine, Yeti Reading, says "Disc golf is nothing but timing and technique" - but I have a corollary to add, "And the other 95% is mental".

In recent times I have seen plenty of players (MPO and FPO) lose the mental game, as they are not properly prepared to manage their own emotions, and the effect those have on their play. A Caddy/Coach/Manager is there to ensure their player is able (at all times) to play their natural game. Disc golf is an absolutely brutal game, where the player is their own worst and biggest enemy. Most need help!


Keeping elbow close to body can really help if you are recovering from a shoulder injury, (backswing only). I think keeping the elbow close is great advice for preventing injury.


I always ask the little kids I coach, what animal was worst at baseball? Trex of course.


I'm sorry Scott, but T. rex actually had longer arms than the abelisaurs, who evolved to not even have wrists.


I still have my Kiss the Sky Discraft XL I got from you at 99 World's at Chili near Rochester, NY.

I never did quite figure out how to get it to fly as far as it did for you 🤔🤷.


My wife laughed so hard when I explained why she shouldn't use the Trex stance for the forehand


what about silver latt? his is kinda tucked, although you make sense 100%


Every time I've tried to throw forehand with my elbow further out, pretty much everything else goes to hell. Less spin, lots of wobble, too much anhyser. I've practiced this with intent, and it doesn't ever get better. When I reach out, and initiate the throw by pulling my elbow in, it gets better, in every way possible. In fact, almost every time I notice my forehand getting worse, I realize it's because I'm letting my elbow get away from my body. If there's some other magic way to describe how to fix everything that breaks, then I'd love to know what it is, but just suggesting that elbow in is bad, elbow out is good, doesn't help me one bit.


is that your new forehand grip? That paul mcbeth grip?


Your forhand has earned you enough money for everyone watching to shut up and listen!lol


Now throw a hyzer with your arm at 15 degrees.


@4:36 I really respect your ability to FH but this reasoning is a little laughable. You say we need to see what would happen if those players learned to throw like you, right after showing us an example of you trying to throw like them in an effort to prove how much better your mechanics are. Wouldn't the same concept hold true for you? If you actually learned how to throw from a lower angle would those example throws look as different as you showed?


Your tutorial was incomplete, you didn't explain why some players do bring the elbow close to body ( we know why ). There are other tips that you left out ( especially regarding spin ). You did make an inference to what it takes to throw far, but you didn't elaborate as to how. I understand that you are trying to sell lessons.


First of all, *forehand. I know you're old school, but still incorrect.
