When a Man Ignores You - This is What He's Thinking

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Are you Being ignored by someone you care about? IF so, you know it’s one of the most frustrating and difficult situations to deal with especially when you don’t know the reason. That’s why In this video, I’m going to share the top 5 reasons why the person you’re dating or interested in might be ignoring you. And I’m going to tell you exactly what to do about each of them.

I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great #relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing here.

Whats a guy thinking when he ignores you and what you can do about it.

There are so many reason why men.. (and women) resort to ignoring or fading away from a person they are dating. And make no mistake about it… feeling ignored is terrible. It’s hurtful, frustrating, and unfortunately it’s a common situation that people deal with when in dating relationships. Everything starts out great…. He’s giving you tons of attention, making plans to see you, he’s keeping in touch on the phone and with texts – basically, things feel perfect. But then something happens… He stops calling and has become less responsive to you or perhaps he doesn’t even respond to you on the same day.
He’s ignoring you and it feels horrible in the pit of your stomach. And that’s when you start questioning everything… replaying your interactions over an over… trying to figure out what happened. was it something you said? Did they learn something about you that they don't like? Why is he ignoring you and why is it so difficult to handle?

being ignored hurts.. a lot. But there is a little bit of good news… because this emotional pain is felt in the same areas of the brain as physical pain, you can take Tylenol or ibuprophen to help alleviate the pain. Its true… look it up

OK… so we know the feelings of being ignored are real and they are painful. So why are they doing it?… what are they thinking when ignoring you. Well, first… you have to be absolutely sure he is ignoring you? you’ve got to be completely certain that you aren’t over reacting and panicking when there may be a legitimate and harmless reason for his lack of communication. When a man doesn’t reply to your texts right away, but eventually, he gets back to you in a few hours or the next day, this isn’t such a big deal. Chances are he’s got an explanation and good reason for not getting back to you.
But if someone is leaving you unanswered after days and this behavior is completely unlike him, then you know you’re being ignored. Now you can start to worry. So If you feel like your boyfriend or the guy you’re interested in is ignoring you, here are the top 5 reasons and how you can deal with them.

1.They are playing games or playing hard to get.
2 He’s punishing you
3 He’s not alone.
4 He’s trying to break up with you.
5 He’s just not that into you

OK.. now we move on to the things you absolutely must not do. Because if you do these things, you’re ruining your chances of making things right again.
1 Don’t Keep Calling and Texting
2. No begging and pleading.
3. Don’t resort to hurtful insults, name calling or picking a fight.
4. No Hunting and haunting

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#relationshipadvice #datingadvice ghosting dating advice for women what men want
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If you get ignore just move on , never beg someoneone to love you or like you, respect yourself


i just ignored him even if i love him so much.. im so tired of being taken for granted.


Don't react, don't block, don't message, don't get angry, don't give them the reason they are looking for/ confirmation to ghost you. Get busy, stay classy, connect with people who love you, focus on you for once. Take your focus away, take your attention away, your time is valuable. If they come back, monitor their actions and consistency - not their words - to see if they deserve you.


I live by the motto if he ignores u let him go/set him free if it’s meant to be he’ll come back to u. Stay single until u meet someone who lifts u up & wants to grow with you❤️not makes u feel bad all the time or manipulates u


As you get older you become wiser. When a person you usually chat or talk to ghosts you for a few days, it means they are with someone else or there interests are elsewhere. Honor yourself and never give in to that. Because it means you don’t love yourself more than him/her. Loving yourself more means no one will ever hurt you.


You don’t miss him, you miss the idea of him. The lover he had the potential to be, rarely is it because they were ever any good.


When a man ignores you and continues to ignores you, that means that he's seeing someone else that's a red flag. It's time to move on.


It's really hard to ignore the man you love, hurting, but sometimes we must bear this to give ourselves some time to think


Some of these men out here are raggedy as hell. Don't ever chase a man and never love a man more than you love yourself. If he's ignoring you, he isn't worth your time. Screw him!!


They are not for you, you should never be ignored. Someone who truly cares will absolutely show you how they feel by calling u. Remember actions speak louder then words. Always.


If a man ignores me, he's not the man for me. NEXT!


We should not be so dependent on someone. Our happiness is our responsibility. Forget the one who don't deserve you.


Break up with him if ignores you for more than three days. Seriously. Don’t allow him to ghost or reward it by staying silent. End it and walk away politely and set a new tone in the dating game.


If someone ignores you don't ask no questions. Move on & find someone that values you. NEVER reach out to someone that ignores you. They are NOT worth it move on.


It hurts a lot... I know... I were tired of waking up in my sleep with tears in my eyes every morning...


Walk AWAY, move on, he is not worth it


Love is not begged... It's a grace... Don't go back of them.... Eventually u will loose your self respect... Don't worry The right once won't leave... And success is the best revenge for them 👌👌👌👌👌


If the man ignores you.. Ignore him too.. Let go.. and close your eyes.. A lot of fishes in the sea ..love yourself so you can love better!!


~ Don't keep calling and texting him
~ No begging and pleading
~ Don't resort to hurtful result
~ No hunting and haunting


If a guy ignores delete his number and Lord knows I can't remember anyone's number...bye Felicia!!!! Thank you next!!!!
