When He Ignores Your Text, Do NOT Make Any of These Mistakes

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He doesn't care .
It hurts, but you can't make someone care.
Respect yourself, and realize you can't make someone have feelings. He is not your match.


When he ignores the text... let them know how you feel and move on. Makes no sense to repress your feelings and make no sense to continue waiting. You deserve respect!


Basically do not get involved in a relationship unless you have figured yourself out, feel confident, strong in your own self not getting affected by what others might do or not do. To me the solution starts with ourselves. Thank God I'm not 21 anymore. 🙌😋


I say move on without him, he ain't worth your time if he can't understand your value.


Whenever someone does this, I simply delete his or her phone number. I do not tollerate the lack of respect.
After deleting their phone number, they suddenly wake up and write to me and then I ignore them. Life goes on. I've got no time for these stupid games


Effort = interest = effort
If he ignores you he doesn't like you. Move along swiftly


Don’t text them back !! it’s all games !!! trust me everytime he will do it again and it’s the same games ! Block them


Ladies, there is nothing wrong with asking someone what is going on when you are treated this way. It’s not needy or self deprecating. It’s what adults do. Communicate. But really he’s being passive aggressive if he was pursuing you and is now doing this. He either wants you to go away or worse, he is trying to manipulate you and using tactics to get you hooked. Either way you should run.


I don’t make mistakes.. he did it by ignoring me😌⚔️


Thanks for this video! I just leave the door open and send him a text once in a while wishing him well and letting him know I'm thinking about him. No self-pity, no worrying about what I did wrong because I can't know unless he tells me, nothing like that. He's explained how busy he is and I've accepted that he's not willing to make time for me for whatever reason. Nothing I can do or say to fix that and that's okay.


ignoring them back doesnt work if they dont care about you in the first place


I don't get frustrated with anyone who doesn't reply to me but I do have hard and nervous feelings about it because I feel like they might cut me off.


Nice post but, ignoring back doesn’t necessarily mean that one wants to get rid of him, if we feel hurt or upset I feel it’s best to get into a space of calmness and peace before responding and moving forward


If a guy ignores your text, he is telling you to get lost. It’s rude and IMMATURE so do yourself a favor and move on.


If he ignores your text then ignore his text back if he does text u back and wait a day to respond back to his text to make him think you were busy. Don’t respond to his text immediately.


I'm going to pretend I did none of this


I already made these mistakes 😢😂 i mean, my reaction was justified in my situation. Let me explain: he flaked me twice successively without giving me any reasons, i had only "i will call you, i have problems". I waited for few days and he came back. But that situation had already happened to me once and he knows i do not appreciate this behavior. When he came back to me, i naturally asked if his problem was fixed and what it was. He responded to the first question, but not to the second one. I then sent him a kinda reminder which he did not respond to. I said "every time i am writing i have no response. Should i stop writing?" = no response. I was very frustrated that i ended up saying "sorry, i think i am brothering you. I got it". First, it was not respectful not to respond, second, i had no justification for him flaking me the other time / not even a sorry, third he comes back with no justification. My patience has limits as well.


He was giving me a lot of compliments and he told me I don’t compare to any of the other girls that he talks to.


Mad disrespectful like leave a man who ignores me ... like if you like me you would enjoy my presence ❤


I think I know what I did.... first, he was not that into me to begin with 😔😔 second, I drank a little too much when I was with him, so I was super clingy.... this might have killed any physical attraction. 😔😔 there is nothing I can do right now. Time will decrease my pain 😔😔😔😔
