Intermittent Fasting For Leaky Gut, Rapid Healing, and Weight Loss.

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In this episode of Pick Dr. Osborne's Brain...
How intermittent fasting can improve your health from:
1. Improved gut function and recovery
2. Blood sugar control
3. Weight loss
Dr. Osborne discusses different fasting strategies, including 16:8, 20:4, and full 24 hour fasts. He discusses why fasting works, and how to increase your success doing a fast. In addition, he speaks about the benefits of intermittent fasting for those who are trying to overcome chronic autoimmune diseases.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
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Thank You, Dr. Osborne ! Your amazing Videos and NO GRAIN NO PAIN are Life changing !
You share your knowledgeable scientific information to help Heal for FREE all Planet !
Bless your Heart !
many Blessings your way,
Regina Rianelli - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


This gentleman knows his facts. Someone close to me just passed away. I tried to pass on some info on to this person regarding Dr. Osbourne's videos concerning statin drugs. Sadly, he wouldn't listen and his symptoms developed exactly along the lines mentioned in the good doctors video. Many thanks for your awesome advice Dr. Osbourne. 👍🙏 And thanks for helping others by making important info available to them.👏


With gastrointestinal problems, I find that nutrient-dense feeding times are powerful. My intermittent schedule is--20:4, 3 days a week; 18:6, another 3 days; and a 24 hour sipping broths, herbal teas and water. Supplements include: ionic magnesium, probiotics, and digestive enzymes.


Really glad I stumbled on your YT Chanel. It just showed up on my "wall". It's what I needed to hear and listen.


His Idea: while fasting... take a good Probiotics (one rich in lactobacilli!) at bedtime. ---> big healing effect on Leaky Gut. Pls Thumbs Up!


good grief you make sense.!!
subscribed aiming to get healthy. You described my gluten intolerance symptoms to the exact point giving me certainty. Doctors failing to look holisticly but just seeing one more patient with a developed ruitine for each.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Wish I had a doctor like u.. smart man


I really appreciate Dr Osbornes advice about fasting - thank you!


GREAT channel. Thank you for all of your wisdom.


Thank you, man. This was such helpful information.


You're video's are the best as you always give reasons and details 💞


unknown to me I have celiac disease and in my younger years the only way I could manage my symptoms was just to not eat. I didn't know to call it fasting but I have been quite good at not eating. It's Ironic that it was good for me to not eat. I felt like I was starving. Its not hard for me to stay off gluten now especially since I found that that's what causes my problems. I was sick all the time back then and now I'm just trying to recover.


Great job on all your webcasts! For future topics can you discuss ergonomics, posture and muscle health related topics? Your background in anatomy, physiology and nutrition would seem ideal for upper / mid back pain related to computer work that many of us do everyday.


A lot of great information....thank you Dr. Osborne!


Amazing info, and so perfectly transmitted- thank you so much - God bles u and ur family 🙏


Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge. I've been battling ulcer(s) on and off for several years. I thought it was healed for quite some time but struggling through a flare up. Just ordered ultra biotic defense.


Fastings definitely work when changing diet 🤙


This was very helpful as I'm trying to heal a yeasty gut or leaky gut. So giving my gut a fasting break I think will work. Thanks!


I had blood cancer and I was on chemotherapy, IV antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, blood transfusions, antivirals, antifungals morphine (when I was in a coma) I had c-diff from the antibiotics I had from septic shock, , , even though I am in remission from the blood cancer I have massive digestive problems now and severe bloating and acid reflux, , when I went to the dentist the other day he accused me of beinf bulumic because he said the inside of my mouth looked like a person who is bulumic and I finally figured out it must be from my digestive disorders and GERD... I am crzy stressed right now I don't know what to do, , I am juicing and drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water and eating only bananas for the next few days until i figure out what to do.. I don't even have health insurance right now I am so screwed.. but this video did help a lot thanks


Such great content. Thank you for sharing!
