BRUTALLY Honest Dating Advice To Young Men

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0:00 Brutal statistics about young men
1:33 Men are not maturing because of their lack of dating success
3:05 Why do men need to improve but women do not?
3:45 The dating formula that men are not following
5:30 Your Social Skills Stopped Growing In Highschool
7:03 Avoiding Women is what limits your growth as a man
8:00 The Downward Spiral of the Immature Man
9:51 You only need to do the bare minimum to survive
12:39 How S*x Drive Is What Keeps Society Going
16:28 The Immaturity Crisis is Leading To Our Demise
18:26 These 4 Things Provide Value To Society
21:02 You Need To Get Your Life Together First
22:20 The "DATING IS A WASTE OF TIME" Defense

Avoiding Girls Has Caused Men To Stop Growing (Maturity Crisis)
Dating Has Caused Men To Stop Growing (Maturity Crisis)

BRUTALLY Honest Dating Advice to my Younger Self
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I used to ask girls out. It always ended in rejection. Now I just don't care.


One of the main issues is the shrinking of the middle class which has nothing to do with your average man out there. We were born into a failed system. That right there creates a huge amount of men issues and living longer with parents because it's too expensive. Women maintained or even raised their standards for men to provide when its not even possible to for so many. Times have changed from 50 years ago when 1 person could easily support a household.


"Your rent is low". Bro half of us cant afford it with 2 jobs


25M. Never allowed to school, No friends, Never experienced intimacy, still live with parents, working 10 hour shifts yet still can’t afford to move out. I don’t want to see the next day, but I have no choice because it would destroy the little family I have left


Losing social skills is a big one for me. I developed social anxiety in late highschool, and went from a popular sports kid to a nobody in college. I lost a lot of confidence, friends and social skills. Now here I am in uni, fighting demons in lectures/seminars just to get my degree. I probably have about 6 hours of screen time every day (although most of this is studying/coursework). I don't really have friends: I have contacts but i wouldn't call them friends. Besides socialising, I'm doing well though. I've been going to the gym 5 times a week, taking walks everyday, eating/drinking well, taking care of my physical appearance etc. Social anxiety is just my biggest hurdle: it's singlehandedly ruined my life.


When the “ bare minimum” requirement is too high people slowly begin to give up. This is being seen across all developed countries. A small amount of hyper successful men and a much larger amount of men struggling to get by.


Learning social skills isn't like learning other skills. If you're learning to play an instrument, you can practice alone without annoying other people with your wails and twangs. However, improving social skills requires you to nessessarily irritate other people with your incompetance in order to calibrate and improve. I believe this is the biggest factor of avoidance, especially to highly empathetic people.


I'm 23 years old and my screen time on avg. Is 1, 5-2, 5 h per day. Denmo i wanted to thank you for being an inspiration and of guidance to me. I'm currently working a low-wage job, struggling with mental health issues, but still being there to support my family. Cheers from Estonia✌


You have a lot of good points.
But you're coming off as a man who hasn't been through a divorce, forcely taken your house, possessions and kids from you.
You're coming off as a man who wasn't the "weird kid" who never got picked for sports, invited to play, invited to parties etc. I know you point out in other videos how much of a loser you were, but trust me that's nothing.
I've been through it all, had a pretty good life financially and socially through my twenties, just to lose it all in my early 30's. I'm still recuperating from that.
So you're both right on many points, but also wrong, and "just try harder, bro lol" is not always a valid solution.


When the economy only allows a small percentage of the total population to not be losers I fail to see why I should care about a system that wanted me to fail


I have social skills, friends, I workout, have my own place, good paying job. I agree these are the bare minimum. However it feels like despite doing my best there are little to no dating opportunities. All of my efforts only amount to me dating someone significantly below my standards set by my last relationship.


Our fathers and grandfathers never had to go to gym to get a decent woman, that was an extra.

Our fathers and grandfather's never had to develop social skill, they just lived in a society that wasn't overtly hostile to socialization.

Our fathers and grandfathers never had to swipe on an app, work 70 hours a week for a 1 bedroom apartment, never had to compete with 3rd world immigrants for work... hell our grandfathers didn't even need to compete with women.

Yet we pretend like all this shit is normal and has been how it is since the dawn of man.

"You don't want a world where men get sex easily". What you mean basically all of human history up until about 1960. You mean the periods of time where the greatest growth occurred? Those periods? Really dude...

No what you don't want is a society where sex is scarce its almost unobtainable for anyone but the top men. This is a society that will lead to men becoming absolutely violent.

I'm not saying I expect these issues to be freely solved for us. Ultimately we have to sort out our own problems. But diagnosing the problem is the first step.


Im a 25yo guy, and I get treated like a kid by everybody. Nobody takes me seriously, it absolutely sucks. My coworkers pity me, my neighbors pity me, and women definitely dont get wet for me lol. I hate it. I hate being looked down on


I'm 31, screen time weekends maybe 4-6 hours, work week 8 hours as my job requires me to be on a computer and my job gives me good benefits. I have my own place, own car, I go to the gym 5 days a week, no dating experience. i've been single 31 years encounting. Women just don't want me at all. so i've given up on dating and stopped wasting my time and energy with women and trying to find someone to date. Also no close friends. Used to have maybe 1 but I recently ended the friendship a few weeks ago.


31 here, the things you listed like: having a car, being fit, having a job and whatsoever sure it's good to have that. But this hasn't solved my problem in dating at all. Even though I could check all boxes. Maybe some guys are just not meant to be chosen and girls would rather choose a guy that already has massive options. They feel like the gigachad will be the better option for them. Don't fucking know how what else I have to improve. I think I just lost all my hope - maybe you guys will have better game than me...


Might sound like a COMPLETE degenerate but. Age 30. Screen time 12-16h/day. Studying electric engineering. Im a lonewolf and actually fine with, and happy running solo. Havent even bothered seeking for someone to be completely honest and im decent looking. Dont even know why and how this came into my recommended nor why I even clicked on this video. Maybe just out of curiosity as to what the guys are struggling with.


Young women are wayyyy more chronically online😂


It’s a lot worse when you have 10-12 friends of which you don’t how many of them are fake


One social meet up group I attended lately, one of the guys there told me he sadly didn't get his very first girlfriend until he was 30, while he is happy about having a girlfriend now, he still gets kind of depressed and bitter and resentful over having been single that long. Feels he didn't grow up having a normal youth because of being single that long. Causes him to envy and feel resentment and feel bitter when he sees couples out there younger than him.

He has the mindset that he feels if he had been born a woman at least an average plain-looking woman, then there is a guarantee he would not have been alone or single that long. Since women are always guaranteed attention or dating options because for all time women have always been on the receiving end of sexual attention. A lot of guys hate and resent how nature and reality dictates that men have to make the first move all the time and be the initiators and do the pursuing but unfortunately there's no other way.

Yet people think men still have the better end of the stick in the dating world than women do, especially when men are far more likely than women are to be single that long, be alone or single longer, or to have a lonely journey, yes men and women each have different difficulties or different issues to deal with but being alone or single later than normal is normally never an issue or never a problem for women.

He says he feels angry and mad whenever people and Society say that he should feel grateful that he has a girlfriend now and that he has no right to feel angry and bitter that he was single and alone that long.

Or why get angry and upset about what didn't happen in the past.

Well he has a right to feel how he wants to feel.

Probably because women are just a guaranteed options and attentions for just existing and breathing or having a pulse but it's not true if you're a guy or a human male.

Men have to learn all of these skills or behaviors or know how to talk and behave a certain way or act a certain way to attract women( I got even more pissed off when a guy said that men also have to learn how to talk a certain way and behave a certain way or act a certain way in order to get a job or get certain social ranking in Society), that pissed me off a lot because that's a different issue and that's a different matter and plus the way you talk and behave and act in order to get a job or get social ranking in Society is different than what it takes to attract women, women however since they play a passive role, I just don't understand why or how women have to learn any skills in order to attract men, I just don't get it, that doesn't require any learning or I just don't see how it requires any learning.

It's stupid and mind-boggling that women would have to learn any skills to attract men or how to meet men when they don't have to do any thing in the courtship phase the man is doing everything.

So yeah I get very mad and annoyed that there is even dating advice for women on how to attract men

But yeah I get very angry whenever people think men have it better than women do in dating.

I feel like I can relate to him because I didn't really have a breakthrough or a long-term relationship until my early 30s, I'll forever be sad and depressed and bitter and resentful that I didn't have a long-term relationship in my 20s.

Yet people still think men have it better than women do when in fact women have always been and always will be less at risk than men do at being chronically alone or single later than normal like I described.

It won't surprise me if you are the type of guy or the type of person who has the mindset that it's better to be a man than it is to be a woman at the end of the day.

Overall, I will forever be angry and bitter, resentful, that I didn't have a girlfriend until later than normal.

I remember when one person told me that I should just be glad that I was able to get a girlfriend or have a girlfriend now and enjoy the fruits of my labor and that just made me more angry and pissed me off even more it sounds like that person has the mindset or mentality that a guy or a man should still be happy that even if he finally managed to get a girlfriend even in his 50s or 60s or as a senior citizen.

Yeah I have the mindset that women are the only gender that are owed a relationship but men are not.

It naturally feels like women are owed a relationship but men are not, because when you're on the receiving end of sexual attention it means that you always have options and choices or it just means that you are in abundance by default for simply just existing.


My social skills stopped growing in middle school
