Can a DWI be Dismissed in North Carolina?

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It's very rare that a DWI will simply get dismissed in North Carolina. So, it's important that you arm yourself with an experienced DWI attorney if you're charged with a DWI in North Carolina.

To learn more about DWI law in NC, visit our website:
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Hello, my name is John Williams. I received a dwi back in 2013 in Johnston county NC. It was New Year's Eve and me and my wife would coming home from a friend's house and I was pulled over for going 6 mph over the speed limit. I was instantly given a breathylyze as soon as I rolled down my window. I blew a 0.12 and then was given a field sobriety which I did great on. This caused me to lose my dream job, the house I was purchasing and me and my family had to move 500 miles away where they stayed with family and I was homeless. Also they lied on my paperwork and said that I refused to sign papers when I know for a fact that's not true. My life has been a living hell as I have 4 kids and haven't had time or money to take the expensive classes.. I have been pulled over twice driving on a suspended in the past year and a half but I have no options because I can't provide for my family without driving. I have a court date coming up for the last driving on suspended ticket I got. Just wondering if it would be worth hiring an attorney or if you have any other advice, thanks.
