The Complete History of the Earth: A MAGNIFICENT Journey into PREHISTORY | DOCUMENTARY

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💥 Earth history:

The history of the Earth begins in the very first seconds of its formation. It has been unfolding for nearly 4.6 billion years. Marked by mass extinctions, catastrophic episodes but also periods of stability, the Earth never ceases to evolve. The mysterious blue planet of the universe, it is the only one known today to harbor any form of human life.

4.54 billion years ago, the Earth's accretion began with the formation of the Sun. A few million years earlier, the gravitational collapse of a tiny part of a molecular cloud gave rise to our star. A disk of gas and dust forms around the young celestial body. These grains slowly coalesce to form small solid bodies, the first fruits of planets in the making - planetesimals. Under the effect of gravity, these planetesimals grow to a few kilometers in diameter, eventually forming embryonic planets and ridding the disk of its original dust. The farther from the Sun they orbit, the more massive they become, as they find more matter to agglomerate along their trajectory. After a certain distance from the Sun, planets are able to attract cloud gases composed of hydrogen and helium until they collapse in on themselves, giving rise to the gas giants we know so well: Jupiter and Saturn. As Uranus and Neptune are smaller, they don't retain their gases, but only their rock and ice cores. The planets that form closer to the Sun are known as telluric planets, and are composed of rocks and metals. They are violently collided when their orbits cross to such an extent that only four remain: Mars, Venus, Mercury and Earth. All these planets took 100 million years to form.

Theia, a protoplanet, wanders in a stable zone of the cosmos, at the same distance from the Sun as the Earth. When it reaches the size of Mars, Theia is destabilized by the gravitational influence of the other planets. Its orbit becomes chaotic, and it collides violently with the young Earth, which formed 4.52 billion years ago. The impact was so violent that Theia's iron core plunged into the Earth's core. The rest of the planet and part of the Earth's mantle were ejected into the cosmos. All these materials orbiting the Earth eventually come together to form the 22,500-kilometer Moon. The Moon stabilizes the Earth's axis of rotation and slows it down through the phenomenon of tidal friction, which explains why a day lasts only 6 hours and a year 1,434 days.

As the Earth began to cool, a solid crust formed, marking the beginning of the Archean Eon, some 4 billion years ago. It was at this time that the Earth's first oceans appeared, created by the condensation of water vapour from volcanic outgassing and perhaps supplemented by water brought by comets. These first oceans were the cradle of the first forms of life. Simple single-celled organisms, such as bacteria and archaea, began to thrive in the primordial soup, paving the way for the biological evolution that was to follow.

The Proterozoic era, which began around 2.5 billion years ago, was marked by significant changes in the Earth's atmosphere and biosphere. Oxygen levels began to rise thanks to photosynthesis by cyanobacteria, leading to the great oxidation. This dramatic increase in atmospheric oxygen transformed the terrestrial environment and enabled the evolution of more complex aerobic life forms. It was at this time that the first eukaryotic cells appeared, giving rise to multicellular organisms.

The Paleozoic era, which began around 541 million years ago, marked a period of profound diversification of life forms. The relatively short Cambrian explosion saw the rapid emergence of most major animal groups. Marine life flourished, with the development of trilobites, brachiopods and the first fish. In the Ordovician period, life began to colonize the land, with the appearance of the first plants and fungi.

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Рекомендации по теме

2 minutes was enough for me. The inflection at the end of every sentence was like nails on a chalkboard!


This is exactly how I remember it happening, as well


It sounds like Forrest Gump narrated this


An amazing video dropping you a like ❤😊❤


Sorry bout all of you.. but I think the narrator did have a good voice to listen to😅


re-post with a better voice or just pay the 20 bucks for a voice actor


That's unfortunate about the voice.. the content is good but that voice makes this unlistenable


That computer voice is driving me crazy !😊


Why does the speakerrrr end each with thaaaat inflectionnnna ? He is too annoyiiinngg


"I hate the tenor of the narrators tone, that voice and it's presentation are mind gratingly like stabbing myself in the ear."
(Said, in the narrators tone deaf delivery, and poor locution.)
Is that AI?
Cuz it sucks.


It’s hilarious how so many organisms’ names are mispronounced so poorly, but so confidently! 😅


If the owner of this page reads this I would love to learn about botany and how trees grew into existence. How they didn't deteriorate for a long time and became petrified trees. I would love to know more about early plants


Oh wow, that's a loud one :D Only 5 minutes in, though.


First time I was annoyed with your ai voice. I stopped watching it.


i really wanted to watch this... but that darn narator is so trash... i just can't


Narrator has strange voice, irritating


Vocal fry. Too irritating. Shame. Couldn't listen.


Can’t watch this bc of the ai voice. So annoying


Humans can’t even solve problems without violence but yet we think we know the age of and how the UNIVERSE was created. 😂😂😂😂


Dreadful AI voice . It's Forrest Gump on drugs. Shame cos the actual content is good.
