Coming home from Iraq:  A Local Marine's Story: Chad Russell at TEDxBend

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Chad served 3 tours (a total of 2.5 years) in Iraq as a Marine in a variety of positions, including being a sniper. While with the sniper teams, he conducted surveillance for intelligence purposes and eliminated enemy forces that would try to harm coalition forces or local civilians. Chad was also a Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, Radio Operator, and Forward Observer who called in air strikes. And he trained some of the first Iraqi Army units and Iraqi Police Departments.

Returning home from Iraq was not an easy transition. But Chad learned to gain valuable insight through the support of others, often including Vietnam Vets. Now married to his wife Taneal and a successful business person living in Portland, Chad realizes that the impact of his time in Iraq will always be part of him. And he knows that the returning Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen have a long road of recovery.

Chad grew up in Bend, graduating from Mountain View High School (Go Cougars). As a kid he had an array of interests: Chad loved soccer, tee-ball, and football. He was part of the Jazz Choir, participated in the Navy Junior ROTC program, and volunteered for the Deschutes County Search and Rescue.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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Im so proud of these dudes man it takes alot to talk about it right on brotha


If you lost someone in the war I am truly sorry for your loss. The loss of life by taking someone's life is a rough burden to bear, however is and was necessary for survival. We may never see eye to eye on this, but that's okay and is why I love America so much. Freedom of speech, and the freedom to vehemently disagree on issues that we both care about. These are rights that are worth dying for to protect. I can respect your passion, hopefully you use it to impact your community positively.


Thank you for your service Never forgotten


I love the military folks! Thanks for your service! You guys are awesome fighting for our freedoms!


I remember playing football against Chad. Thanks for your service!!


Thank you for your service and your courage to help others tell their stories both fame and fear. Congrats on your marriage, god bless!!!


Chad, Awesome job man! Thanks for your service and for your passion to help other veterans in the challenging process of transitioning from war back to home!


To Chad Russell,
Thank you for your service. My hat's off to you. I listened to every word you spoke, and I have a lot of respect for you and your Marine buddies. I feel certain you only touched the tip of the iceberg with what all you have said in this Ted Talk, and I respect you for that as well. Just thank you so much. I wish nothing but the best life for you.


Thank you for sharing your story with us. Peace, my brother.


Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us.


Thank you for your service, from the UK.


I lived in bend 6 yrs thanks for your service


Thank you for your service and sharing your story ( :


This is very valuable and I thank you for your service, difficult things must be done to keep others safe and thats just a fact of life. I think if more veterans felt not safer but i guess more comfortable confronting everything and seeking help when needed is what could help stop the 22 a day statistic. I believe veterans owe it to those who gave their life fughting to live their life to the fullest and enjoy every moment possible because they gave that up so you could move forward. Hooah and thank you for your service again!


Thank you for the encouragement Ben. It is a difficult task to crunch so much about your own life in 8 minutes. My hope is that someone can find value in what I had to share. We need to get our brides together and do dinner soon, and you and I need to get back out on the river and catch some fish!


I served in Vietnam, thanks for reciprocating.


You did your duty . You made it home . No one else could ever ask more of you . I've learned every righteous cause has it's price. No one escapes this . God Bless you all of your days. Have no fear.


Tow-Bar, I appreciate it. I miss the Lima company brotherhood. Be sure to connect with me moving forward. I want to hear about how life is going for you. S/F



The conversation about mental health has come along way and needs to go further. I am sure veterans connected with what was said in the video. Their are a lot of lessons that can be learned from your video. I can see you did need legitimate help from passionate healthcare professionals that valued your service and sacrifice. Dedicated health professionals are starting to appear and are making differences in the lives of veterans at local VA hospitals. The commitment for helping veterans seems to be improving since VA programs with substance are starting to appear. A veterans is not a threat. They need help from people that know how to help. Thank you, for your service and courage.


I was in Fallujah, you were probably in Haditha in 05-06 as well.
