M365 Loop: Project Management Tool Guide

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We love Loop and it has some great features and capabilities to get your team on the same page (literally) and moving in the same direction. From effortless formatting of notes, to team member task lists, Loop strives to create an approachable environment where team members can easily collaborate and stay aligned.

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0:00 Welcome
0:58 Flexible Structure
2:24 Teams and Loop Integration
3:14 Effortless Formatting
4:30 Presentation or Working Sessions
4:58 Page Templates
6:26 Saving Loop Templates
8:34 Loop Section in Teams
9:21 Customizable Task Lists
10:45 On the fly Tasks
11:32 Customized Visuals
13:30 Problems with Emojis
👋 See you on the next video!

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I agree with the guy at the end. That was great. I did not end up truly learning something new, and still watched to the end because your explanation was quick paced, well composed and insightful. You got me invested enough to keep watching, hoping for a nugget of knowledge that slipped past me on the topic of Loop.
Personally I found one thing a missed opportunity, not mentioning planner when discussing the task list. It's the least logic part of the notes in loop so far as it breaks the 'one stop shop' concept of planner in teams. Otherwische, I totally agree. In client meetings it is 100% a piece of absolute gold. Microsoft smashed it out of the ballpark lately, and so did you with this presentation.


Thank you. This helps, I've been using Notion but work in a D365 environment, very hard to collaborate. Loop is still so underdeveloped but getting better, I hope new features keep rolling out.


Loved the new feature where you can create your own custom templates for Loop - it was about time! And indeed, now we only need to be able to create custom templates that we can use across multiple workspaces. I'm starting out on using Loop for personal projects so I would definitely love to see more Loop videos on project management and new features.


As a Project Manager I can see its advantages. Excellent video.😁


Great content on PM uses for loop. Yes, please create more videos on M365 apps usage as a PM!


Excellent video - very well paced and helped me so much in getting started with our team.


Great video!. As a fellow PM, this is useful.
tip. you can add a loop component to a post, and pin it. it's not the tab you asked for, but it's a work around


I LOVE loop, proceeds to shit on it for 15 minutes hahaha


@Emma Allport: Great job! I thought I'd let you know, though, that a "back slash" is the slash where the top leans back (to the left). You mean to say "slash". Again though, great job. These videos are so helpful.


So loop and Planner (and Project and Tasks and...) still don't work together? Kind of looks like Notion or Confluence. We use Confluence and tasks in JIRA with their huge ecosystem of addins.


great examples! I think Loop is going to sway more people from Notion into M365 eventually


Big problem, if you accidentally delete a workspace it is unrecoverable. I won’t be using it anymore until that is fixed.


Been testing the new Planner and Loop integration. The Loop side with Task Lists is not fully baked, imho. I can create the Task List, and while I can access them on the Planner side, subsequent updates to the Task List on the Loop side (mostly) fail to update the (pinned loop) in Planner. Also, while I can easily go to Planner from Loop to view the Loop Task List in Kan Ban board format, I would like to have the same Planner type views within the Task List. A workaround I discovered is to create a Plan in Planner, copy its url to the Loop Page. That seems to work as expected.


Thanks, Emma, for the very nice video.... I have started using loop for my meeting notes now. I have a series of meetings over the year say about 30 meetings and when I add each one to a workspace then I need to toggle between meetings. At some point it may become difficult to toggle between these meetings with separate agenda but common follow-up tasks which may need some updates during each meeting. Can I create an automatic link to follow-up tasks added to the entire series so that I don't have to go back again and toggle between meetings to view the progress. what I mean is having multiple Agenda pages containing and common link to the follow-up tasks. is it currently doable.


I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere so hoping you may know! When adding the meeting notes to a workspace manually, do the people that have access to the notes page end up with full access to the workspace? and vice versa? Those not in the meeting but in the workspace, can they now see the notes? I've looked through the MS guides and there is very little on permissions and access for Loop so this would be super helpful if you know!


Oddly, I'm not able to create a template in the online version of Loop, only in the desktop version.


Can you explain content ownership for Loop? It seems to me that everything in Loop is tied to a singular M365 account (Like someone's OneDrive or M365 portal). For a collaboration tool, this seems counterintuitive particularly if the content owner leaves the company. I have also heard that moving Loop content (components or pages) to SharePoint or Teams, which is where I think they should live, breaks things?

Do I understand this correctly?


Thank you Emma, great content! 🙏
Is a Loop exclusively owned by its creator, or can it be associated with a group or a SharePoint site?
One thing that I am confused/worried about, is what happens to a Loop workspace (or even a Teams for that matter) when the original creator is no longer available.


Great video but if you don't type "cross" to get a ❌not sure how intuitive it needs to be.


Re. 2.20 - just 'share' the entire loop page to a team and pin it. Easy.
