Can You Ask Judge to Reconsider His Ruling? New York Trial Attorney Gerry Oginski Explains

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New York Medical Malpractice Trial Attorney
Phone: 516-487-8207

At trial when the defense attorney yells out "Objection!" and the judge makes an immediate decision that prevents you from asking a question or having the witness answer the question, can you ask the judge to reconsider his immediate ruling?

When a lawyer objects to evidence or to a particular question being asked, the judge must make a snap decision about whether to allow the question to be answered or not. Many times an attorney will be extremely persistent and ask the question multiple ways.

If the attorney is not satisfied and does not believe the judge made a correct ruling, can the lawyer ask the judge to reconsider his ruling?

The answer is "Yes."

Does that mean that the judge will change his answer or his ruling?

Think about it.

If the judge has just given you an immediate answer that says "No you cannot ask that question, and the witness cannot answer that question," do you think that the judge will immediately change his mind?

Do you think the judge is going to reverse himself in front of the jury and in front of the attorneys for no reason other than the fact that the attorney asked him to reconsider?

Watch the video to learn more...

Law Office of Gerald Oginski
25 Great Neck Road, Ste. 4
Great Neck, NY 11021

Twitter: @GerryOginski
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