How to sink Driftwood l How to cure Driftwood l Aquarium l Guppy l tetra l neon tetra

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To prepare driftwood for a fish tank, follow these steps:

Soak the driftwood in water for several days to a week. This helps remove tannins that can discolor the water. Replace the water daily.

Boil the driftwood for 30-60 minutes. This will help kill any potential bacteria or parasites that may be present.

Scrub the driftwood with a soft brush to remove any loose bark or debris.

Rinse the driftwood thoroughly under running water to remove any remaining debris or residue.

Dry the driftwood completely before adding it to the tank. This prevents it from leaching tannins into the water when first submerged.

Once dry, the driftwood can be added to the tank. It may need to be weighted down initially until it becomes waterlogged and sinks on its own.

Monitor the water parameters after adding the driftwood, as it can initially cause a spike in tannins and lower the pH. Perform water changes as needed to maintain stable water conditions.
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