Gladiator 2 Set Photos Reveal Massive Coliseum Under Construction

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You don’t need to be a fan of Gladiator to stare in amazement at some set photos that Collider is debuting for you right now. But if you are hyped up about Gladiator 2, you’ll be glad to find out that Paramount and Universal Studios and director and producer Ridley Scott are taking it extremely seriously. During a visit to Malta, where he is currently attending the Mediterrane Film Festival, Collider's Editor-in-Chief Steve Weintraub was able to gather some images from the set of the highly anticipated movie, which just started filming a few days ago in Malta.

The photos reveal that this location from Gladiator 2 is massive in scale, and a huge coliseum – or at least a good chunk of it – is getting built on the tiny island overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The photos also reveal the construction of several buildings, which suggests that a whole Roman cinema-city is coming to life in Malta. The massive set is curbed by huge tents, which suggests the workforce involved in putting the set together is hefty. Since they’re apparently going all out, it’s safe to assume that the production team also will put hundreds of extras in place to simulate a screaming crowd. If the photos prove anything, it's that there certainly is room for everyone.

#gladiator #ridleyscott #paulmescal


Рекомендации по теме

good god. this movie didn't need a sequel. it was perfect.


Maybe it will be good but it’s gonna be hard to top a movie like Gladiator. It’s a 2000s classic


I absolutely adored the first Gladiator film with Russell Crowe! I think that it will be impossible to make a second one as good as that or better.


This is one movie that should be left alone. It was and is perfect the way it is. Bringing a sequel in 23 or 24 years later would ruin its legacy.


Cool, another sequel no one asked for


Adam smoked stoned!!!!@!!💨💨💨💨💨💨😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💨💨


Comodus, maximus, guius Markus aurilous, gracchus, Cicero, proximo and hagen all got, got in the first movie, Juba left Rome to be with his daughters and wife, and nobody cares about luscious.
What exactly is there left in the story to make a sequel?
They should have picked a different era in the long history of Rome, that could be set in the same "universe" of gladiator but focused on a different aspect of Roman culture. Something like the teutoburg forest where a legion was ambushed and slaughtered, and aftermath of it.
There's literally thousands of years of Roman history they could make movies about. the battles of Carthage and the barbarian hoard, calligula reign as emperor, or neros reign.


I dont know if they are going with the original idea of following "Maximus' ghost" in the afterlife but whatever path it takes, I dont want it.

Just leave great films stand alone


Great. Now you're going to ruin another classic. Can nothing be left alone? Is everyone to be corrupted by greed?
