Top 15 Orthodox Books - Introduction to Orthodox Theology

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Often requested, this topic is one of the number one issues people want to know about - what are the top 15 orthodox theological texts that I found the most helpful in regard to Triad, Christology, etc. Also included are a couple honorable mentions for Orthodox philosophy. Be sure to like and share and join my site below for exclusive content.

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1:32 Aristotle: East and West
2:36 Full Text of Saint John of Damascus
5:16 Genesis, Creation and Early Man
6:26 Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy
7:52 The Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ
9:20 The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church & In the Image and Likeness of God
10:06 The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit
11:22 Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite
13:30 The Experience of God
14:46 The Photian Schism
16:18 The Filoque
17:06 Two Paths
17:46 On the Procession of The Holy Spirit
18:28 The Mystagogy of The Holy Spirit
19:26 On the Holy Icons
20:28 Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ
21:14 Christianity and Classical Culture
22:46 Byzantine Theology
23:24 Jay's Books


Well after my training in Albuquerque where I saw many people of all ages come to Orthodoxy because of Jays channel, I finally come back to my home Church to find a large family and a young man that are now catechumens and again Jay Dyer comes up as always. A good amount are converts from the Roman Catholic Church. I’m tempted to do a vindication video interviewing some of these people to show the trad Catholics, this is not only happening but in a very impactful way. Keep it up Jay!


Your teaching is 100% along my 30yrs of indepth studies including the books you quote here. Thank you Sir


I’ve recently renounced Protestantism, and am now researching to discern God’s true church (i.e.) the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church, or the Western Roman Catholic Church. I’m leaning towards EO, but need more sources. Therefore, this video is a Godsend. Quite literally 😃


Regards from Serbia!!! Have translated some parts of Seraphim Rose writings, God bless!!!


I am reading Vladimir Lossky's The mystical theology of the eastern church at the moment and i love it!


This is the channel that led me to Orthodoxy. Thanks for the recommendations!


If anyone is looking for books on orthodox spirituality/praxis, St. Paisios’ spiritual counsels series are the best 🔥🔥🔥


Thank you very much Jay!! God Bless you sir


Nice!! I been patiently waiting 🙏🏻☦️💪🏻


The video we’ve all been waiting for, thanks jay


This is a highly intellectual approach to Christianity. I like it. I’m used to the televangelists asking for money; screaming evangelicals telling people they’re going to hell; megachurches singing Planetshakers; people crying, speaking tongues and getting miracle healings; antisemitic conspiracy theories inspired by the book of Revelation. This style of Christianity definitely gives me a more a Brahminical contemplative vibe.


It's hard to narrow it down. (Comment from "That Time Stamp Guy" whose comment wasn't showing up for some reason)

0:46 The Orthodox Study Bible
+ Scripture

1:28 Aristotle East and West by Dr. David Bradshaw (demands philosophical background, because it is written by a philosophy professor)
+ logical arguments

2:48 St. John Damascus, influenced by Aristotle.
+ To overview Orthodox Theology

5:16 The Problem of Evolution and Religion
+ Death is NOT Natural

6:27 Importance of Christ as Hypostasis, St. Cyril of Alexandria and The Christological Controversies. 5th Council.

"I Am Not Advocating EVERY POSITION of the authors."

7:52 St. Maximos Introduction to Understanding The Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ
+ Logi + Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection

9:22 Vladimir Lovsky
+ Trinity + Christology + Personhood

10:07 The Mystagogy of St. Photius,
Filioque creates Diad.

11:28 Dialouge between an Orthodox and a Barliamite
+ Jay uses arguments from this text

13:30 The Experience of God by Fr. Dumitri Staniloae
+ Convincing someone Orthodoxy is True

15:08 Photian Schism

16:19 On The Filioque

17:17 2 Paths
- Vatican I and II

18:05 On The Procession of The Holy Spirit

19:27 Iconographics

20:33 St. Joseph Popovich
+ Critiques of Papalism

21:20 Christianity and Classical Culture
+ Analysis of Capidocians
+ Trinity, One and Many

23:53 Hollywood Decoded


6:06 I wish this wasn't $300 😭But I have HEARD that it should start reprinting again soon 😏💯


Aristotle east and west - David Bradshaw (redelijk moeilijk)

Writings: The Fount of Knowledge- The Philosophical Chapters, on Heresies, the Orthodox Faith (The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 37) (philosophical terms of orthodoxy etc)

Genesis, Creation and Early Man - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Saint Ciril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversies - John McGuckin

On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ - St. Maximus the Confessor

Mystical theology of the Eastern Church en in the Image and Likeness of God - Vladimir Lossky
(Trinitarian view of God, Image of God, Iconography and Christology, good intro to orthodox theology)

The Mystagogy if the Holy Spirit - St. Photios
(Orthodox case for the filioque)

Dialogue between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite - St. Gregory Palamas

The Experience of God - Dumitru Staniloae
(Deals with western objections of Orthodoxy, pretty hard)

The Photian Schism - Francis Dvornik

The Filioque History of a Doctrinal Controversy- A. Edward Siecienski

Two Paths - Michael Whelton
(Good intro for the papacy issue)

Apodictic Treatises on the Possession of the Holy Spirit - St. Gregory Palamas

On the Holy Icons - St. Theodore the Studite

Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ - Father Justin Popovich

Honorable mentions

Christianity and the Classical Culture - Jaroslav Pelikan (intro to a lot of theological terms, hypostasis, energies, logi, the one and the many. Intro to the Cappadocian thinking and theology)

Byzantine Theology - John Meyendorff (lot of history)

Jay Dyer books

Essays on Theology and Philosophy

Meta narratives: essays on philosophy and symbolism

Hollywood books


Christ has lead me here, Thank you Jay for these series, lectures and talks.


Thank you for sharing the knowledge Jay


My honorable mentions would be - The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and the Orthodox Tradition by Georgios I. Mantzaridis,
Deification in Christ: Orthodox Perspectives on the Nature of the Human Person By Panayiotis Nellas, and The Life in Christ by Nicholas Cabasilas. (all 3 are published by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (SVS Press). All are easily accessible, smaller in size, and have benefitted me greatly over many readings; every time I pick them up I gain new understandings or perspectives/connections to Scripture and other texts. For me, they aren't just strictly intellectual (but they are that indeed), but also even devotional by leading one to a prayerful and worshipful spirit from the beauty within their pages. In my opinion, The Life in Christ especially is not recommended enough or even mentioned often times - it's not just valuable for catechumens as one of - if not the best- mystagogical catechesis of the mysteries (Baptism, Chrismation, and Eucharist - it touches on or covers in theological scope to some degree Soteriology/themes of Atonement, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Anthropology, the passions/virtues, etc..), but is most beneficial to all Orthodox, especially the final 2 parts tying everything together in describing that very Divine life received by initiation through the Mysteries and then how it is lived by following 'The Life in Christ' (hence the title)... all leading to theosis/true experiential theology. Just read through the Table of Contents - it's incredible!


I’m slowly getting rid of my Funko pop collection because of you. I have a box with my Star Wars Funko pop collection in it and I dread the time when I run out of all other Funko pops to throw away, and I have to face tossing those as well.
