The disoriented woman didn’t want her daughter to bear too much pressure#shorts #doctors

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This segment is from Chicago Med, Season 5, Episode 18.
Before her condition worsened, she signed a do-not-treat agreement without telling her daughter. In the end, the daughter blamed her father for not saving her mother, but it had been a decision made between her parents. The hospital director later comforted the daughter, helping her understand her mother’s and father’s intentions.

Chicago Med Season 5 was first broadcast on 2019.
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Paragraph guy: This woman was in the early stages of Alzheimers when she decided to write a contract stating everything she wanted done. She knew that when her brain deteriorated, she wouldn't be able to make the right decision. She did not want dialysis. She wanted a simple, peaceful death without life-expanding measures. The daughter didn't know about this. She's protesting, along with the now-mentally deficient mom. The doctors override the patient's wishes by giving the woman life-extending care, meaning she ended up in a coma with no way to recover. Exactly the thing the mom didn't want for herself. Daughter wants to keep the mom on the breathing machines, wants to keep her alive for as long as possible. But they eventually decide to pull the plug


Don't spring your upcoming death on your kids! Give them the opportunity to adjust while you're still around to comfort them. Give them the opportunity to ask you anything they've been wanting to. Give them the opportunity to say goodbye and be there if they want to be. Sudden death is SO TRAUMATIC but knowing it's coming and having the time to adjust is so wonderful even though it's painful. It leaves the surviving family with a solid ending they don't have to get therapy for.


“I don’t want to burden my daughter, so when I go to hospital because my body’s shutting down, it’ll be just fine and there’s no way she’ll be too overwhelmed to process it!” Kid’s not seven, she’s old enough that she needs to be at least somewhat informed.


Hiding illness from your kids is some of the worst things you could do to them. Your children deserve to know! My mom hid her pain & breast cancer (by ignoring it) from her kids. By the time we MADE her go find out what was wrong it was far too late. She was gone in 2 months, nothing they could do.


Living wills give the final say. As much as it hurts seeing them go, it's better they go with some dignity. Just long enough to say goodbye. Most people don't have that luxury.


My mom and I made this agreement with each other a looong time ago. We promised each other that if anything would happen to us, we would let each other go, because neither of us wants to live as a vegetable. It's our worst nightmare.


I have a medical proxy who has a notarized document stating my wishes should I ever be in a similar situation. Made it when I was still in college.


Tricky part of the situation is if the mom changes her mind or doesn’t have enough “mind” left to remember signing a form only she and her husband seem to know about, it could very well appear as though the husband/dad is either lying about the “advanced directive” or forced her to sign it without her actually knowing it.


It doesn't matter if she signed an advance directive if she is able to so much as blink her eyes. ADs are for when the patient can't communicate, and has to be in her medical record.


We need paragraph guy. Did she actually sign the advanced directive or was he lying?


I understand why she wld do this but she sld let her kid know at least before she's feeling broken and confused why this happened.


Why are chicago meds doctors so manipulative instead of understanding toward their patients.


Let's be honest the mom didn't want the ad her husband did that's why he was so adamant about it


DNR’s shouldn’t be legal anyway. Nobody should have a right to take their own life.
