Military Police Officer Reports Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter in the 1980s

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This soldier shared several different encounters from his military career.
Here is a chronological list of the episodes which contain those stories.

Part I: A Terrifying Encounter - (This video)

For all things strange and unusual relating to war and the military, Wartime Stories covers the most chilling cases of crimes against humanity, bizarre tales, unsolved mysteries, espionage, deception, creepy encounters of the paranormal, as well as feats of valor and ultimate sacrifice.


Merchandise, Episode Suggestions, and more…


“Halloween”, “A World in Trouble”, “Tensions”, “Creepy Vibes”, “Evil Rising”, “Please Don’t Cry”, and “The Quiet Morning” by David Fesliyan, courtesy of Fesliyan Studios

“The Lost”, “Be Still Now”, and “Necro” used by kind permission of CO.AG

Looking for more great stories? Be sure to check out Bedtime Stories:
Be sure to watch:

“The Kentucky Goblins | Part One”

“The Kentucky Goblins | Part Two”
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"It had distinctively thick, wide pelvis and big hips."
A true ass man checking out the goods even in the eye of the emergency.


My dad served at Ft. Campbell for 20 years, and I grew up there and in this area. It is so relieving to hear others validate the strange happenings there. Well done!


Being in the military and having an interest in cryptids/ paranormal makes this channel everything I look for. This is definitely my Favorite channel.


Dude the sound design on this is so aces. Those screams have me absolutely chilled!


Being a Military Police (MP) on Fort Campbell this was creepy as hell and scarily accurate with every little detail.


The Illustrations are really good. The technical accuracy of the vehicles really helps to get into the story because you realize that whoever made the illustrations is familiar with the military.


I’m so glad that this channel isn’t a downgrade in any way from the OGs at Bedtime Stories. Like the writing, reading, and production value is still fully up to par and I love both channels.


Your story of the pizza guy reminds me of a training exercise that I had in the Army National Guard back in the very early 90s. We were told that the OPFOR was using a certain paved road in the training area and to set up an ambush on it, which we did. Someone forgot to prevent the roads access to other people not involved in the training. So, some unlucky civilian employee got on that wrong road. Luckily, she didn't drive her car into a tree when we started to opening up with blanks, smoke grenades and artillery simulators, then rushing the car for intel. It did take a while to finally calm her down when we realized that she was not part of the training exercise, but I am sure she always had a good story for parties after that.


One night, during my military service, i was a sentry at the fenced perimeter of the base. It was very late at night, and I was waiting my replacement. Suddenly, I heard a blood curdling scream, that shook me to my core! Fortunately, it was just a fox, but it almost scarred me to death!


I seriously can't get enough of this channel. The narration, delivery, subject matter...everything is right up my alley.
My dad (who doesn't believe in anything spooky) has shared some of his "strange" stories with me when I was a child.
He was in the South African Air Force in the 70's and believe me, Africa is a hotbed of black magic/ paranormal activity/ danger one can't even begin to relay.


Boy having this video drop when I live 2 minutes outside the fort isn't creepy at all...and just after dark no less


Listening to this while driving around on duty as an MP in the Middle East. As soon as I heard the intro, I thought I bet he was an MP. I’ve only seen one strange thing since being out here (nothing super noteworthy), but we did have a Patrolman state that he thought he saw a shadowy figure walk through a perimeter fence. The soldier immediately rushed to the location and found nothing.Very strange. I love both of these channels, keep up the good work!


I was with the 3/502nd in Ft Campbell from '93 to '97. This was the same infantry battalion which suffered that horrible plane crash returning from the Sinai back in 1985. I was a buck sergeant back then and some my young soldiers living in the barracks would tell me that they would sometimes hear what sounded like a basket ball being bounced against the wall inside barracks rooms which should've been empty. They believe that the ghosts of those lost grunts returned to the one place they left, forever haunting those barracks...


My name is Justin Burke; I recently found your program on YouTube, and I have enjoyed it, especially this episode. I am a Navy veteran who served from 2010 to 2016 as an Electronics Technician third-class E-4. I was stationed on the USS Theodore Roosevelt from 2012 to 2016; for two of those years, I was temporarily assigned to the Master at Arms or as the Military Police in the other branches. We would rotate between day shift and night shift every couple of months. Now at this point, I have heard stories about the ship from buddies of strange things, such as the little girl who fell down a magazine to her death during a tiger cruise, and you can hear her laugh; I was skeptical because I couldn't find any report of it. I have two stories that happen during our patrols at night. The first story starts with two buddies, Hickey, Heard, and myself, in the forecastle or the front of the ship, where the anchors are pulled up and lowered. So Heard was into the paranormal such as ghost hunting, so he decided to do An EVP, so I'm writing in the log we checked the space on a wild cat which is used to pull the chain up or down; as I'm doing this, Hickey is on the other side, the left side, and heard is behind me heard goes pull my friend Justin's leg if anyone is here. Nothing but a few seconds later, Hickey yells what the fuck! Something pulled my leg, and not even a few seconds passed; a bolt or a screw from the right was thrown, hitting the left side wall or bulkhead. So we stopped, looked at each other, and backed out, facing the room. The other was again at night; we had two new guys from different divisions named Brown and Drazek; this will be important later. So we head to the O10 level called Pri fly, where you have people taking note of landings and departures. So again, Heard does an EVP, but this is the weird part Brown's cellphone chimes with a text message from an unknown number, so we say call it; then Drazek's phone rings turns out it was his phone, but he wasn't using it, but the phone message was personal for Drazek, I can't remember what it said, but it was meant for him. After this, we would tell other patrolmen what happened, and we would get stories of a ghost of a sailor going through a door that was there at one point, now a wall. But there are others, but they are second-hand, but they were weird.


Damn good one! As a KY native, I've heard many a weird tale coming out of those untouched rural areas. Too detailed to be false, too frightening to be hysteria. Part 2 can't come quick enough!


*I was stationed at Campbell at the exact same time!* I kinda thought the post as a whole was kind of creepy. The shadows of Vietnam did hang heavy on it. Everything in the Army seems shiny and new now (I was in a long time). But back then the equipment and buildings dated from Vietnam to all the way back to WW I - and thanks to years of budget cuts looked it. Really the only new things were the Battle Dress Uniforms. Chances are Robert was still carrying an M1911A1 .45 pistol. Those guns were awesome when new. But by ‘88 the newest were made in ~1965 and some in WW II. Most were so worn out they barely worked. The Army phased in M9 Beretta pistols the same year.

While I heard some spooky stories, I never experienced anything supernatural there. Pizza was ordered from the field though even before cell phones. There were range towers that had land lines you could break into and order pizza on. The delivery drivers were often moonlighting soldiers or former soldiers who knew the MGRS. They could navigate out there as long as it was a coordinate near the road. Rumor had it one pizza company even had its own AN/PRC-77 radio for taking field delivery orders.


Having seen and been stalked the giant cats of Afghanistan(Caracal are what they're called *check spelling*) These weren't as big as Mountain Lions and not as stalky as a lynx or bobcatas. They were longer, slender and about the size of a large Labrador. We had a Drone operator radio us one night when he picked up its thermals. He told us we had a "Lion or a Leopard" stalking us about 25-40 meters to our right side. All we could see was nothing but the deadly Panjwa'i Grape fields. Arty fired some lume for us but we never saw it. The guys in the TOC got the drone feed on a big flat screen and they got to see it. Also saw some of the famous Vampire deer(Musk Deer), there's plenty of crazy sounding shit out there that people don't believe is real.


I really like how you add personal stories and thoughts during the credits. It makes you more connecting. You all do a great job!


My dad served at Ft Campbell with 2/17th Cav back in 1974 and one time while out in the woods for training they encountered something, they heard horrific screaming sounds and there was movement in the woods that the never could make out. Dad and 4 of his friends, all Vietnam veterans and hunters used to being in the woods. When they came in out house the next morning they were all visibly shaken and disturbed. They specilated about bigfoot, aliens, or even possibly a panther....they never knew but it clearly scared the shit out of all if them.

Also we lived on a farm off post and there was a huge creepy cave on the property. I was too young then but always wish i got to explore it more.

I remember also that we were always seeing weird lights in the sky that my dad and his friends...pilots and air crews...couldnt identify and were uncomfortable discussing.


I served on fr Campbell myself, was doing some field training and had to pull roaming guard at night. My buddy and I looked up at the night sky little lights moving around, like little stars dancing around and with each other. They were moving way too fast to have been man made, and moved around in unnatural ways. There's undoubtedly something weird about that place.
