Dragon Age Lore Summary DOCUMENTARY

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Wizards and Warriors Channel fantasy animated documentary video series on the lore of the Dragon Age Universe continues with a video in which we discuss the story of the first 3 games. We dive deep into the epic storylines of the first three Dragon Age games: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the world of Thedas or new to the series, our comprehensive summary will help you relive the key moments and prepare for Bioware’s next installment, Dragon Age: The Veilguard. We also discuss how your choices shape the story and explore major characters and plot twists. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more gaming lore content!

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Writer: Dimitris Koutsoumis
Illustration and Animation: Lito Areta
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov

00:00 Intro: Recap & What’s New
01:58 Dragon Age: Origins Overview
10:07 Dragon Age II Summary
18:24 Dragon Age: Inquisition Recap
27:58 Conclusion: Looking Ahead & Thank You

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Extra info
During Origins: You can also recruit Shale, a sentient Golem who was once a female dwarf and if you take her with you when you meet Caridin, you can recover her memories in one of the old abandoned dwarf thaigs. Plus, Logaine hires assassins of the famous Antivan Crows to kill the Warden and co., one of whom, an elf named Zevran Arainai can come with you. While you're in the Circle on Lake Calenhad, you also can recruit one of the Senior Enchanters, an aging woman named Wynne. In the Awakening DLC story, the Warden becomes Warden Commander of the Ferelden Wardens, using Arl Howe's old stronghold of Amaranthine as their base, accompanied by female knight Ser Mhairi. With the new Warden recruits from Orlais having gone missing, the player recruits Anders and Oghren into the Wardens to help out, though Mhairi doesn't survive the Joining. Through the story you can also recruit Legion of the Dead dwarf Sigrun, Arl Howe's wayward son Nathaniel, a Spirit of Justice that somehow escapes the Fade, and Dalish elf Velanna, all of whom become Grey Wardens too. The foe of the story is an army of slightly more intelligent Darkspawn, led by a powerful broodmother named simply The Mother, who are actually the spawn of The Architect, one of the mages who entered the Fade in an attempt to reach the Golden City. You can side with either one, but the outcome is the same, the Darkspawn are once again defeated.
During II: Hawke's siblings are Carver and Bethany, a warrior and a mage respectively. If you choose to be a warrior or a rogue, Carver dies, and if you choose to be a mage, Bethany dies. Sebastian Vael is the exiled Prince of Starkhaven, another of the city states of the Free Marches, whose family was murdered by a usurper, and will become a member of Hawke's party if you complete a quest for him. Two other recruits in Hawke's party are an escaped slave elf from Tevinter named Fenris and a Rivaini pirate captain Isabela, the latter's actions being partly responsible for the Qunari occupation of Kirkwall. If you let Anders live after the Chantry blows up, Sebastian will leave the party and vow vengeance on Kirkwall. If you have become friendly enough with any and all your party members, they won't leave no matter which side of the conflict you pick. One you can't control is that, if you side with the Templars, Anders will leave for sure. If Carver lives to see this, he will either be a Templar or a neutral Grey Warden, but if he's a Templar, he will turn against Meredith out of loyalty to his sibling. If Bethany lives instead, she will either be a Warden or a Circle Mage, in which you can choose to let Meredith execute her or stand up for your sister in defense. In two DLCs, you can go on a Wyvern hunt in Orlais which leads to a Qunari conspiracy alongside Qunari elf Tallis and head to a distant fortress to discover the truth of Hawke's father and battle Corypheus for the first time, though the Magister isn't killed in the battle as he possesses a Grey Warden and escapes right under Hawke's nose.
During Inquisition: Sir Delrin Barris or Grand Enchanter Fiona will be at Skyhold if you recruit either Templars or Mages. The ones you don't save either become Red Templars or Venatori. It also leads to the recruitment of Cole, a Spirit of Compassion in the body of a Mage from Orlais, or Dorian Pavus, your recruiting choice determining who you meet first. There's another in-game story where you move through the lands of the Avvar people, confront a radical group called the Jaws of Hakkon, and discover the truth of the first Inquisition. When you confront Solas at the end of the Trespasser story arc, you can either tell him that you'll stop his plan or keep trying to convince him his plan is wrong. At the very end, the one-handed Inquisitor meets with Cassandra, Leliana, and Leliana's dwarven scout Lace Harding, where they make plans to counter the Agents of Fen'Harel, whatever their plans may be, by finding forces Solas isn't familiar with, setting their sights on the Tevinter Imperium.


"In peace, vigilance. In war, victory. In death, sacrifice." — Grey Wardens


I remember choosing the mages at the end of Dragon Age 2, and Aveline still fought by my side.


i liked first and third game . unfortunatly i don't have much hope for new game i will play it but from gameplay it feels like mass effect rather than dragon age


"Ferendel" 😂 Devin sounding like an A.I text to speech


Freaking DAO was the peak of the whole series in my opinion ❤


I heard that in the events surrounding Origins, the Warden first went to the Circle of Magi, before Redcliff.
This may have been due to permanent stat buffs in the Fade, but the history is a little shrouded!
(If you know, you know 😅😉)


I enjoy all three of these games. It’s been a while since they were released.

Speaking of old games that could use some lore videos about them, the Soul Reaver games are getting a remaster to be released this December. It’d be neat if there were a video detailing the story there before its release.


Played all the games so far, and loved them. Thanks for the summary.


I do the mage tower first. That way you can get mages to help Connor.


Long live the memory I carry close to my heart. RIP Dragonage


Thank you for recapping all three of the Dragon Age games. I’m looking forward for the recap video of Veilguard.


I had a Dragon Age story of my own to tell, but it was getting too complicated for me to keep track so I decided not to do it. But I still love the lore of the games nonetheless.


Happy halloween! Perfect timing 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉


Thank you for this video, I watched multiple times your video on the history of Thedas, and was wondering if you were gonna revisit this universe with Veilguard coming out. THANK YOU THANK YOU


Wow. Thank you for supporting one of my favorite franchises!


Speaking of D&D, I think it would be cool if you guys covered the history of the world of EUIV's best mod "Anbennar, " simply because I don't have time to read all the wikis for all the lore


Why do I remember origins like it was yesterday


Thanks For this Guys! You always make My day ❤❤❤❤


I am still so bummed out about them not giving more world state choices heres to hopeing theyll do it in future dlc's
