The Fastest and Easiest Way to Remove Labels From Jars

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how to remove labels from jars:

Put your kettle on and bring the water to a boil

Pour boiling water into the jars and then wait around 5 to 10 minutes

The labels should easily peel off at this point leaving behind lots of glue residue

Create a paste of baking soda and dish soap. It’s not an exact measurement, but 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda plus a few pumps of dish soap should work.

Stir the baking soda and dish soap together until a smooth paste is formed. Continue adding more dish soap or baking soda until you get a good consistency.

Apply the mixture to the glass jars. It doesn’t have to be an even coat, but do the best you can to spread it around the full jar.

Let the jars sit for a few hours or overnight.

Wash the paste off and VOILA! Clean jars 

#zerowaste #ecofriendly #sustainableliving

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This worked so well, the glue came off so fast! I did it a little different but the same stuff. Thanks for this amazing idea!❤️
1. Take the paper off the jars
2. Boil water to put into jars and fill them
3. Let the jars soak for 5 minutes
4. While soaking those make the paste and put in on the jar where there is glue
5. Them let that sit for 5 minutes
6. Then I took a ran some warm to get some of the paste off
7. Next I got a cloth dish rag and scrubbed the glue residue off
8. Rinse off the jar and you have a clean jar.


1. Put water in jar to make it heavy.
2. Put jar into a bowl with a warm water/dishsoap-mixture.
3. wait
4. Labels will fall off completely and swim as a whole in the water.
5. Get the labels out of the water, rinse jars, use them.

No scraping involved!


It is a terrible idea to pour boiling water into cold jars. Most of the time you'll be fine, but once in a while a jar will shatter due to thermal shock, spilling dangerously hot water everywhere. Put the jars in a big pot of water and slowly heat it on the stove until it almost boils. It's much safer, and also easier -- you'll probably won't have to do any scrubbing.


Hi dear! I am from Ukraine and I live zero waste lifestyle by a year. And now I learn English and your videos is a very comfort and understanding for me. Thanks to you I can hear an interesting and a new information for me about eco friendly lifestyle and learn a new language at the same time. I don’t understand why do you have not a million subscribers?! You are an amazing and a smart girl!!! I wish you all the best! Never give up! Good luck and thank you! (I am sorry for mistakes in text. I am studying))


Thanks for the video. I first soak my jars in warm water instead of pouring water into them and the labels come off easily. Then I make a paste with oil and baking soda to take care of the rest. I will try dish soap combination this time 🙂


Lots of glass jars crack when boiling water is poured into them.


The paste worked very well. I used it on two jars, one label and residue came off almost immediately with very little scrubbing. The second jar was tougher so I let the paste sit on the jar and dry for several hours as suggested and then it washed off as easily as the first one. Thanks for sharing this tip!


A safer way to remove labels with boiling water from glass is to put the jar/bottle into a pot of water and then start to boil the water. This way you prevent the possibility of a thermal fracture which happens when glass changes temperature too quickly and will start to crack or worst case scenario shatter.


The top adhesive remover on the market is "Goof Off". It includes several solvents including Acetone and Xylene. You must use nitrile gloves while working with Goof Off.

On the extreme side of things, I've removed carpet from a concrete floor and used Goof Off to remove the thick, hard carpet glue off a concrete floor.

Goof Off is undoubtedly the best adhesive remover ever. However, it suffers from one minor drawback: it evaporates rather quickly.

To get around this, apply Goof Off to a cotton rag/towel and wrap it around the glass jar/bottle that you're using it on. Place the glass jar in a resealable container to prevent the Goof Off from evaporating. After a few minutes, the adhesive will be able to wipe away from the jar with ease.

To remove carpet glu off concrete, apply Goof Off (sold in drums at Home Depot in USA) directly over the carpet glu on the concrete floor and quickly apply plastic painter's cloth over the Goof Off treated area (use a plastic painter's cloth with a high MIL rating - high MIL means the plastic drop cloth is thicker). Use semi-heavy objects to weigh down the painter's cloth. This will prevent the Goof Off from evaporating. After 15 - 20 minutes, the thick, hard, carpet glue can be removed with a large floor scraper. The carpet softened glu will come off the floor as if you were removing peanut butter off the flat floor with a paint scraper. This method is used commercially by professional flooring crews.

Hope this helped others out.


P. S. - Always use chemicals over a cheap layer of kitty litter. The kitty litter will absorb harmful chemicals, solvents, fuels, oils and other liquids and allow you to dispose of them in an environmentally safe way. Kitty litter is also the preferred method of cleaning up chemical spills on the floor/concrete. Use an outdoor broom to sweep up the chemical absorbed clumps of kitty litter and dispose of it in the trash.


In my country we do the dishes by gand and that implies having all the dishes, jars, cutlery and cups in the sink getting get while you wash everything. What I do is just wash the hars with stickers last. By then, they will be wet and easy to peel the sticker off. If any label is too stuborn, I just get a knife a scrap what is left. Has been working for years.


Thank you so much for this. I literally have eight jars on the counter that I have tried soaking, scraping, and scratching to try to get those labels off with no success. It seems some companies never want their labels to be able to be removed. Will be trying your method tomorrow, and hopefully I can clear the countertop and put those jars to use. You are a gem! 💕


I make same paste with tsp alcohol. I save free toothbrushes and scrub any stubborn bits. Not my favorite pastime however I LOVE GLASS CONTAINERS.REPURPOSE, RENEW, REUSE. The foxfire journals listing pioneer methods of candle making, canning, preserves & harvesting fresh foods were like a journey to my ancestral roots. Taking pride in your home & making it a source of comfort, nurturing and maintaining body & soul.Being a pioneering woman embodied many careers accounting, chef, nurse, referee and wife, mother, sister, daughter. Of course physical fitness was a must..educator if children were home schooled and that required many layers music teacher, agriculture & husbandry. Life was constantly being propagated whether it was divided plants saving heirloom seeds or the new calf or foal. I've yet to understand how anyone could think being a career woman was a modern vocation. A man's work is Sun to Sun but a woman's work is never done. Keep on offering your channel.


Lemon EO works really well at removing the sticky residue too.


Thanks for the comments about putting the glasses in a pot of water and then bringing it to a boil. I did that and my "Jingle Juice" Christmas beverage glasses from Dollar Tree had their labels off in five minutes. Then I just sprayed some environmentally friendly "Goof Off" on the residue and cleaned the residue off with some light scrubbing with paper towel. Thank you YouTube! How did we exist before YouTube?!


Not all jars will stand boiling water, , hot water yes, but some will crack and break by putting boiling water in them. Please be careful folks.


It's those clear decal-type stickers, like the kind that often come on spice jars, that drive me batty. They never come off.


I've tried every method under the Sun and here's what I found -- just leave the labels on. Saves energy, effort, soap, sanity...


Just tried this without the water boil (time consuming and a little dangerous for glass). Worked PERFECTLY. Thanks!


apply oil on the labels and then steam it all sides by turning for 30-40 seconds and it ll come off, no scraping involved


Y’all, All I do is was the jar and use a butter knife to scrape everything off. I fill a large bowl I keep in the sink for washing dishes and I fill that up with hot water then I go to town with removing the label with butter knives. Comes of super easy then I just use the rough end of the sponge to get any left over residue off.
