How To Become A Master In The Art of Public Speaking (Part 1 of 2) | Eric Edmeades

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Do you have a fear of public speaking? Or perhaps you just want to improve on your public speaking abilities. Well, in this talk from Mindvalley University in Tallinn 2018, Eric Edmeades, gives us some great tips on how you can master the art of public speaking.

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Are you afraid of public speaking? In this talk we are made aware that this is the #1 skill to increase our income.


I got asked to do a 4-hour seminar/workshop at my former college at the start of the year. I reluctantly said yes. In the weeks and days leading up to it I constantly had butterflies in my stomach. Two days before it I even contemplated cancelling. But I stuck it out and did it. Actually really enjoyed it. And afterwards had a feeling like I just won the lottery. Getting out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself is hugely rewarding. Embrace the fear!


1. Breath deeply
2. We gaze
3. We see it coming out beautifully
4. We never let audience see us nervous
5. We start the talk with the predictable laugh
Thank y'all so much dearest 🌹
Y'all such an inspiration 🥰
Be Blissful Eternally 🙏👼🌈


An amazing talk.
So, the first thing is to never tell the audience that you are nervous, gaze slowly not stare, breathe deeply because it is a sign that you are safe, and just look at his body language. Truly, a master speaker.


Incredible: talked for an hour and twenty without notes or PowerPoint slides. Effortless public speaking - a masterclass. If he had been talking for that long in a language I don't even understand, I could still have learned a lot about technique - and I talk to people for a living. Bravo!


I have decided to write down a kind of "OVERVIEW" of BOTH the first and second part. With overview I do not mean timestaps, rather I mean things he said (note however, that I write them down in the same order as he is telling them in his talk). All the things I am going to write are from him, some sentences word by word, some sentences changed a bit. I will divide my writing in Part 1 and Part 2, but I will not provide any timestaps. Further note, that Eric uses stories/examples to make things more clear/visual, which I do not provide in this overview. That said, I hope this will be helpful for some people.

Edit: If anyone wants me to add something to the "list", please let me know :). Or just share your thoughts in the comments. If I find something particularly valuable, I will add it myself here (so that people do not have to read all the comments).


- stories make it possible for us to survive; our DNA loves stories;
- speaking is one of the most powerful forces there is in our society;
- being a speaker, being comfortable sharing your ideas, being influential in the way you communicate can triple or more your income;
- speaking obliterates all other advantages (e. g. height, gender); it is the most powerful thing you can do for your professional life;
- we were NOT born to be afraid of public speaking/communicating;
- the minute you start producing cortisol and adrenaline, you step back in time in your brain; you go to the more primitive parts of your brain; the more scared you are, the more primitive you go; we become more pessimistic and we lose touch with our proper brain;
- children are the toughest audience ever;
- Fear of missing out (FOMO) can absolutely get in your way of creating an incredible financial future;
- Today, if you want to influence people, you have to start to think about them, talk to them;
- Always have really clear, strategic objectives before communication (e. g. have fun);
- Never let the audience notice that you are nervous (otherwise you will not believe people; their prais & warm words are platitudes & lies);
- never go overtime;
- your breathing has everything to do with how safe you feel;
- when we are only operating on instinct everything will look scarier than it really is, because it is safer that way;
- when you breathe really full, you communicate to your DNA that your environment is safe;
- Excitement is nervousness about something cool and nervousness is just excitement about something scary;

- Things to make you feel better going on stage:
*breathing deeply
*using your eyes in a soft, gazing way
*we see the presentation coming out beautifully
*we never let the audience see us nervous
*be predictable in that first bit of your talk; know exactly what you're going to say so that you can create a predictive response from the audience in the first 30 seconds


- The stage effect is the unfair advantage that you create for yourself by standing in front of an audience;
- The quality of your presentation plus the size of the audience creates the level of attraction you create as a speaker (e. g. views on YouTube);
- nothing will create a more lasting impression than face-to-face contact, but it is not very practical;
- face-to-face contact, however, is even more powerful face-to-faces;
- one of the greatest tools of the introvert is learning how to be great at storytelling and standing on stage because then you don't have to go meet people; the come and meet you;

- Broad spectrum appeal: deliver with broad spectrum, i. e. in a way where the audience likes what is going on even if the topic is not a direct match for them
*USE STORIES (stories are the operating system of the human mind)
**stories can trigger emotion; no emotion -> no memory; emotion is the glue that causes memories to stick;
**remember to deliver information in story format (you don't need to know a lot of stories);
**one of the important type of stories to tell are metaphorical or allegorical, where you tell a story that the audience wants to hear but that's teaching them something else;
**stories are broad spectrum automatically;
**deliver with passion; be who you are; put heart and soul into your talk;
**you should know you story so well that you can tell them with imperfections;

- Communication frequencies:
*VISUAL: like to talk in picture; usually quickly and loudly;
*AUDITORY: more steady tone; talk with a predictable cadence; in a way that is quite pleasant to listen to for a short period of time; use words like "listen to me", "I'd like to share";
*KINESTHETIC: talk really quietly; use long pauses; give you time to process the things they've said; use words like "feeling", "warmth" and "connection";
- The spread of those type of communication frequencies within the audience is more thermostatic than discrete (i. e. 30% of that type, 40% of that, etc.);
- you need to speak to the audience in the language they want to hear;

- Charisma Pattern:
*Start with Kinesthetic people; building rapport with them;
*as you start to warm up the auditory people start to notice (the kinesthetic people still think it is a good talk eventhough it's come up; it's called pacing and leading (a term from NLP));
*finally you build up to crescendo; visual people start to notice (the kinesthetic people still like your talk because you took them there);

- when stories are being told and delivered well, you create Time Warp, you create illusion;

*BREATHE PROPERLY; push your stomach out as you breathe not your chest; do two or three of those and you will feel better;
*USE YOUR EYES softly and gaze out at the world; you will create a feeling of being incredibly relaxed;
*NERVOUSNESS AND EXCITEMENT are effectively the same thing; if you can learn to create better pictures in your head you will transition your nervousness into excitement;
*START YOUR TALK with a really predictable beginning;

- you can only dream and fantasize from the position you're in right now;


I am 12 minutes and 45 seconds in and I can give this man my approval or thumbs up. He seems genuine, he speaks well and he comes baring gifts.


I think the best decision I've made today was clicking on this video. This is more than a great talk, it is simply a great experience!


What a brilliant talk! I had no intention to watch it this evening, I was going to save it for later, but once I started listening I couldn't stop. Terrific!


Eric is the man. These free public speaking themed talks have made me a way better public speaker. A specific plan from an expert will change your life!


"Excitement is nervousness about something cool."


He is a pro, n he is so natural. You can only be confidence as a speaker if u know your topic in n out.
His attire helps him to relax n be comfortable. Imagine if you are in your best suit. Makes you too formal n robotic. Good for speakers to dress in a comfortable manner.🙂


I just lack patience I have never watched a complete speech vedio of more than half an hour. And I watched this talk without a single break (both the parts). Enjoyed as if it's a interesting series. With all the contents needed like moral, entertainment and what not! A complete power pack! Watching this gave a incredible lesson for life. Great thanks to Eric!


Watching Eric for first time taught me a lot about myself & learning to engage with the audiences without fear.


Eric Edmeades is a phenomenal speaker, hands down. My perception about this guy has completely changed - I clearly remember skipping those Mindvalley ads in which he talked.


I like the way he repeatedly asks 'Is it true?' to reinforce his point!


I have no words to describe how your talk has just changed my life. You have simplified concepts in a way I can go and apply with confidence.


How brilliant speaker he is!
I am blessed to have watched this video.
He is so amazing!


In One hour and 20 min talk without Um, er, ah and PowerPoint slides. This is master!


19:02 A study found that taller, good looking people got hired for this one reason. Confidence. They didn't hire them for their looks, being taller. When you go in for an interview. Your confidence is going to land you that job.
