The Keepers of Clouded Moon 'Drawing a ____!'

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Short stories from the points of view of the storykeepers for the Colonies

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*”Keepers can make simple tools”*
“Hey, Keeper! What do you have?”


I just love the fact that the cats refer to their parents as “Mom” and “Dad” I really like that change


Imagine with me: a keeper has gone for almost a whole day and when the clan was about to go for a searching party for the ‘missing’ keeper when they see the keeper trotting back to camp with a root twice there length, dirty paws and a smile like they won a bet on who can bring the biggest prey for the prey pile.


the fact that keepers can make things makes me think.. have they ever tried making weapons?
_has anyone ever been stabbed_


Im surprised that nobody is talking about the fact that tennelle wont be using paint tool sai anymore. I feel this kind of marks a new era for tennelle. RIP paint tool sai


I can't wait to explore even more about the different career paths, how they differ from colony to colony, etc... I even updated our character roster to reflect the rank each job has in the social hierarchy of the colonies ;)
So happy to see how excited people are for our own lore, and I hope that we are able to inspire your imaginations to create even more amazing stories!


I was absolutely elated when I saw that Shrewbelly was a keeper for the Marsh Colony, and that he had a part in the narrative of this video! He's been one of my favorites, if not my favorite cat from this series. I'm so happy to see that he plays such a big and important role for his Colony! His and the others' stories warmed my heart, and I can't wait to hear more from other roles!


Love this! I feel like warriors fans have a special talent for noticing everything wrong with the clan system and coming up with ways to fix it 😅 though, I don’t think this was your exact goal. Anyway, I enjoy this system and lore much better than the ones in the books, keep doing what you’re doing! This is extremely interesting and clearly well thought out. Also, the art is absolutely amazing!!! Have a good day! ❤️


Oh gods. I was actually tearing up at how cute the Finchflight and Wrensong thing was. That’s so sweet, Finchflight deserves all the love. Oh who am I kidding, I teared up at all of them. They all deserve the love


oh god, that last story about shrewbelly and frostshadow really managed to make me cry. this video was wonderful. looking forward to hearing more about the different roles and characters in clouded moon! <3


I love these subdivisions within the clan, it reminds me of Windclan's old system. In a way, the clans have already had keepers, but they aren't labelled as such. There are always a handful of cats who are working on dens, camp duties, and kitten care in the original series. I love this idea.


something that keepers in marsh and river colony might have access to that the other keepers wouldn't be able to use as much because of how labor intensive it would be to carry it back to base-- clay.
It dries down and keeps things in place, keeps dens warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and it's available easily in river beds and swamps if you know what to look for.
In contrast, oak colony is probably better at wooden construction and field colony are probably incredibly talented weavers and good at camoflagueing their settlements


I love this rank addition! In fact, for my wolf pack OCs I added a very similar rank to my packs called "sweepers" who just keep the camps clean, organize events, and sometimes watch pups


It's interesting to sit back and think about if you were a cat, which role you would be in. Keepers remind me a lot of my current job, I work in the daycare field and have been told many times to pursue teaching due to my skill when handling kids. But that last story in particular hit me. I've always been a bit ambitious. I want to be remembered, be important. My goal was always to work in congress or a well respected court. Especially the part where shrew belly thought about not leaving camp for a while.... childcare is needed but we often times want to make our mark elsewhere. Rising through our own ranks and can feel trapped. Idk it just made me reflect. I really enjoyed the video and am excited for one discussing envoys in particular.


so what I find adorable is the fact that jagged stripe is a cute brown tabby with 0 braincells and is the sweetest thing, I have a cat who is a brown tabby with green eyes and is the sweetest thing but also the dumbest thing ever. I find it funny I have my own little jagged stripe in my home and I love It cause it reminds me of my favorite YouTuber everyday :D


I love this. Clay is best boy and he deserves the world. <3


It's back! Tennelle is back with another wonderful set of gorgeous art!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday so far ^w^


I really wanna make something similar to this!

My idea is that a bunch of rogues start studying the clans and attempt to join them or even make their own clans, hoping to impress these strange, almost mystical cats, who they see as role models! But, They all get driven out, as they where seen as to weak. Sad and Betrayed, they leave and find a new place to call home, still worshiping those mysterious cats, and trying to understand their lives and ways. These new clans end up become far more advanced, and much better morally.

Any ideas for this idea of mine?

Edit : The leader will be a small Black she-cat named Corvid! She suffers from seriously severe, I mean really severe, brain damage. She’s best girl

Edit 2 : working on design work as we speak!

Edit 3 : I just uploaded my very first video about this story! It’s just a quick speed paint of Corvid-Star with some music, but still!!


The Dustpelt/Brackenfur role! Fernsong can fufil his dream too! This is awesome!


shrewbelly he’s so precious, i love how all he wants is to help his colony and i cant wait to hear more about him
