you're in a post-apocalyptic place for 10 hours and 31 seconds

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edit and loop by me

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in the comments section, i decided to put them there since, for some reason, there is less possibility that the video will be blocked

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all rights to the original owners, i don't own any music or images used in this video, except for nowt

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#apocalypse #dystopia #darkambient #playlist #nobody
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timestamps / (author/s)

00:00 secret from the river (repulsive)
03:28 eerie stillness (nowt)
09:22 i try to hope but it's empty (unworn)
13:02 the lobby (nowt)
16:34 inescapable rain (mount shrine)
23:50 the endless city (nowt)
27:22 lost and forgotten (nowt)
30:54 11, 600 years ago (blear moon)
35:02 ossuary 6 - air (kevin macleod)
39:11 the souls are only sleeping (nowt)
49:31 that cold night in february (wagaan)
54:12 ongoing cases (blear moon)
01:00:03 repeat!


this feels like waking up at 4am, you're neither hot nor cold, you're warm and yet it's raining and thundering outside but you're not scared, or shocked, or distracted or distressed. you look around your room and it's dark, you're alone but you don't feel lonely or uneasy like you would if you were truly awake, scared of the dark and the shadows of your room but you're not. you are awake mostly but you lay there, staring at the ceiling, unmoving. not a single thought comes to mind so you focus on the raindrops hitting your window, but still not a single thought. you close your eyes and suddenly you're back asleep like it never happened but you wake up with a deep hole in your chest, a longing. a longing for that feeling because that feeling was the most peaceful you ever were and the thought of how it felt brings tears to your eyes because a part of you no matter how big or little knows that feeling will never come for as long as you yearn for it.


I absolutely love these playlists. They give me a feeling that nothing else does. I can’t even explain it.


It’d been quite some time since it happened. Streets that had once been the boiling point of an intense ground war had long since gone silent, the foggy coastal weather the only thing that usually occupied it now. In an already-failing world, it wasn’t uncommon for a city to simply go silent like this after conflict. So many people were displaced and so many things were ruined that nobody saw any reason to return, choking out any final attempts to return to what it’d been prior. The only scavengers who remained were rare to come by as they were the people who helped destroy the place.

Soldiers ruined in combat, thought dead and left wherever they’d collapsed, soon enough completely forgotten entirely were it’s only residents. Some were too hurt to move and could only lay and wither in whatever dark place they’d woken back up to, questioning where the rest of their compatriots had gone. Others were able to move but their minds had been so utterly scrambled, they could not leave as they did not understand the purgatory they had woken up to. Within a few months, most of them were gone.

With heavy, painful footsteps, the final resident of the city slowly made his way down the center of one of the streets. He still had on most of his old gear; his armor rested on his shoulders and his helmet on his head. His rifle hung by a strap, uselessly bouncing against his front with each movement he made. He had no prior recollection of the life he had left behind before service. All he knew was that he was alone, and that he couldn’t take it anymore. He’d been living off of stale food taken from the steel & concrete tombs that lined the roads and drinking the water that pooled in natural depressions and craters. His body was weak and starting to fail him, his muscles atrophied and the tips of his limbs starting to rot. It would have hurt more if it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t care anymore.

Coming upon a strip of mostly untouched road, he staggered over to a car and lost his footing, banging into the driver’s side door and landing in a pitiful sprawl on the aging asphalt. Turning himself over and slowly stripping himself of the armor and weapons he’d clung onto for so long, he stared down the misty street. The only reason why he even carried it all around for so long was because it was the only thing he had to identify himself with. His tags had gone missing and his uniform, in the places it hadn’t been ruined, was bare of anything useful. Letting out a wheeze, he closed his eyes and let the cool air massage his racked frame, easing some of the inflammation caused by what he’d carried needlessly for far too long. His mind swirled with disorganized thoughts. Old faces of loved ones; friends and family slowly cycled through as he tried to remember anything that he had prior to all of this in a ritual that he had repeated daily for the past few weeks. There was a lot, but he’d narrowed down a few of the people in his mind to potential family. It was impossible to say if he was correct with the guesses and he would surely never get his answers.

The air around him twisted carefully as if not to cause the soldier anymore discomfort. It’s misty tendrils seemed to try and ease him, giving him a cool breeze to rest with. The grey, mysterious shapes of the buildings partially obscured in the mist down the lane watched him, their steel and concrete bones creaking in a quiet combined wail of pity. He knew he was going to die here, he could feel his body failing. With a sputtering cough that turned into a sob, he covered his eyes with a hand, lip quivering. He was confused and scared and had been stripped of any semblance of his humanity besides the gift of life itself, discarded and forgotten by powers that thought themselves more important than him. A few small tears carved paths through grit on his crackled face as he pulled his hand back away, weakly pushing it back against the ground beneath him to support himself. Locking his elbows after a struggle, he let out an exhausted sigh. Shortly after, he grew still. Once again, nothing dared disturb the soldier apart from the wind, caressing his matted hair like a mother would their sleeping child. Just like him, the city had died.


i always wondered what life would be like completely alone, with no responsibilities but to simply support yourself. This is very calming and i love listening while studying as it puts me in a focused mood. Grey noise is a very calming sound and i appreciate the efforts of putting this playlist together.

"I remember that day clearly. It was over in an instant, 6 billion people gone. The world is quieter now and we've survived and we've rebuilt our lives."


Mom told me about this chocolate called Baci that leaves little love poems in the wrapping with all sorts of different languages. I happened to get a craving for Emily Dickenson's poetry afterwards, and found that poem "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" And it reminded me of this channel! And I slapped my forehead from the epiphany a little too hard! That was my day... I hope your day was good too Nobody.


I have really severe anxiety and have been suffering from insomnia lately. These help so much. thank you


Here’s a poem I’ve written:
Exhausted, I lay and wait,
The wind too light to carry me on.
Gravity’s weight strains my bones,
My muscles torn to shreds from
Its downward pull.
I’m sinking now, the floor,
Engulfing me in frigid sand.
I no longer know if I’ve risen or
Fallen beneath the horizon line;
And no judgmental glare of the
Twinkling sun can overtake my
Visions of the inescapable.
And so, exhausted and accepting,
I lay…and wait


I think this is so calming for the over thinkers out there because not much to worry about in the monotonous modern everyday sense except the deeper things that plague our minds. When everything’s ended now we can focus entirely on philosophical sorts of thinking and base survival in even a more natural sense rather than all this modern bs. Idk.. maybe it’s just me. No more useless things only me, my thoughts on larger things than myself, and nothing to pull me from that other than the most basic human needs for survival to be met.

So dang calming tbh. Sort of think, runaway to the woods vibes. That’s the reasoning i think.


10 hours of Nobody's music. This is the best day of the month. Thanks for this


The four friends ran through the grocery store at night. Picking cans of soda, bags of chips, chocolate bars, and bags of candy. And some instant noodles. The store was empty. Blasting their favourite music while going through the empty store. It felt dream like. Nothing but music, and their laughter echoed through the store. It was almost like a normal day. Even though it wasn't.

There sat one of the friends. 2 years later. Sitting on a bench. Right in front of that store…

Getting up from that bench. With nothing but a hoodie, and a backpack. A backpack with a single water bottle half full. And a few bags of beef jerky.

Walking through the empty streets. Past wrecked cars and buildings once used everyday, the only thing he could hear was the wind. Animals are long gone by now. He was barely managing.

He walked for what seemed like ages. His feet are in pain, his legs are ready to give out. But, he saw something in the distance. A gun shop. Just what he needed. It was gonna be night soon.

The door to the shop wasn't jamed nor was it locked. It was open.

Looking inside was a sight for sore eyes. Only a few, but handy guns were left. Boxes of ammo. Putting a nearby shelf in front of the door, he sat behind the counter with a shotgun. He grabbed a handgun to put in his bag. He sat on the dusty, warm, but strangely cold floor. Paranoid. He sat there. Needing sleep, but knowing he should stay awake. He drifted off…

The next morning was like every morning now. No birds. Just sun, and wind. He felt alone. Not seeing a single soul for years…

He grabbed boxes of ammo and shoved them into the decrepit bag from when he was in school.

He moved the shelf and continued walking. Hoping to find someone.

As he walked he had a feeling he was being followed. He turned around and there it was. A humanoid beast. It was the same length as a human, but it definitely wasn't human. He shot it with the shotgun he carried. It blasted it away from him. But he ran. It wasn't dead. It continued to chase him. Looking behind him constantly, seeing the beast leap building after building. House after house. Each time that beast leaped from one another, the building behind it fell apart.

Looking behind him, he didn't realise the cars in his way. He slammed his body on them. It felt like billions of bricks hitting his body at once.

He flipped over the cars. Dropping his shotgun in front of him. Landing on his face, breaking his nose. His face stung and felt cold. His nose gushed blood. All he could smell was iron.

He looked up, hearing that thing still coming after him. Grabbing the shotgun, and turning around, he was too late. That thing had jumped over the cars. He put the shotgun in front of him ready to fire, then it landed on the gun. The beast was impaled. A slick mushy sound rang through his ears. Guts and blood poured onto him. He flipped the beast off of him. And ran.

Eventually stopping. He found another house. Took refuge there. Still no sign of people. He sat down. The house wasn't much of a shelter. The place was falling apart. He didn't have to even enter through the door that was clinging to it's hinges. As he entered the wood creaked. Floor and roof. He didn't have much of a choice. It was night now. He needed rest. He sat down. Grabbing some wood from the house, and making a fire.

The fire's cracking sound was nice. It was peaceful. It was a different noise from the wind he heard everyday. He ate some beef jerky, taking a sip of his water. Later passing out.

When he woke, the fire was gone. The wind knocked it out.

He got up, took a sip of water, and picked up his gun and bag, and left the soon to fall apart house.

He walked longer than usual. His shoes were giving. He needed to find new ones, but there weren't many options. Food isn't even easy to come across. No animals to hunt. And stores were cleared out long ago…

Night came, this time he felt he was getting close to something. So he continued walking. Ignoring the pain his feet and legs were in, he ate some jerky and continued.

Morning came. Nothing. He was exhausted. Taking a sip of water he continued.

Hours later, he found something. The wind settled down a bit, it felt a little warmer than usual. The sun was going down. And there it was. A community. A giant gate, and two guard towers with people in them. Welding snipers. He could hear people laughing and having fun. Living life…

Once he blinked, he saw the ruins of an old makeshift town. The gate remained, but the two guard towers were down. Ruined. There wasn't laughter, or people talking. Nothing. Just what remained of a failed community. He dropped his gun to his feet. Making a loud thud sound. He fell to his knees. Exhausted. Nowhere to seek shelter. He hadn't seen a single person, good, bad, dead, in years. He laid down. Hearing an inhumane noise coming from the distance. He didn't care anymore. He couldn't do anything. Weak, tired, alone, scared. He laid there. Accepting what came…


If i were in the scenario in the picture, a desolate city in quiet ruins, and having no obligations, I'd explore the buildings. Room by room, exploring people's past lives and seeing what mattered to them, sentimentally, financially, spiritually. Examining the decorations, types of furniture, any art and pictures on their walls. Seeing what youth created.

Hopefully finding tea left behind. Before i enter any building, always looking for exits just in case. Sit in each apartment, taking in lost lives, my way of remembering and honoring fellow humans. Trying to make them a piece of me as i go until death or old age takes them from me.


"Either you work to prevent an apocalypse or start learning how to survive it."


This is an example of YT videos which you don’t know you need until it’s recommended


“Before the apocalypse, this city was once bustling with people. Children playing around the park, many friends meeting at their favourite place, two lover dating each other and a family going together. Every last one of them have a dream and ambition. To find purpose or love. To achieve wealth or their dream. Now they do not matter anymore. This is just a grave. There no saving them. They are now just a memories.”


This music is the thin slice between depression and feeling peaceful.


The ash had finally settled.

I wasn't here, when those bombs had dropped, but I'd wandered the white-out of its aftermath for decades.

Now, as I remove my goggles and peer upon the world, with, my own eyes, for the first time, I see what I had maneuvered around for the entirety of my life.

Cars sat, mostly buried, in the, sand-like, ash. The ground was thickened and tall and crunched under my boots, as I attempted to not throw that fine stardust into the air again.

The sky was gouged by immense buildings, even if the ground had been lifted above their doors, their facades crumbling with time and no maintenance.

And, for the first time, I saw the sky as what I had only ever read in novels and children's books.

A color I had only seen in old wrappers or mangled items of clothing.



An apocalypse is something I've wondered about for a long time now. I pondered whether I'd be more stressed after one or not. I think, "Well, obviously I'll wish things could go back to the way they were." But in reality, the peacefulness of no obligations other than your basic survival would be so freeing.


Pls never delete this. This helps me sleep every night
