Why I use a blender in my Distillery.

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In this video, I will be talking about a stick blender and copper in my column.
@distillerstalk9951 @StillBehindTheBench

#blender #copper
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very interesting points again Beaver, I'll have to give them a go


Really interesting! Great video mate! :)


Definitely gonna give the blender a try. Never done that before. thanks again really appreciate it👍


Thank you! Yes we need evaporate our products because of 30 nasty chemicals inside our distillate which evaporates slowly in the windy area or with ventilator. Your method is good and simple, which is right :). 🥂


Hi, great idea.I usually use my vacuum pump, with OK results, can see the logic in what you are saying, will be giving it a go after dinner.Cheers


Hi Beaver. Thanks for sharing. I would also like to share my experince. Heating pruduct (whisky or brandy) after distilation about 50-60 centigrade celsius works for me. You may try this also...BR


That's very interesting about the stick blender. I have one I didn't have a use for. It now has one, so it'll be moved from the kitchen cupboard to a new home. I have copper (and SS304) SPP, a spare sight glass and seal with mesh that I can add.. It does look good I'll admit. I do also have copper scrubies, which I'd be using at the start of the column before any bubble plates or packed columns. This should be fun. With the 10L barrel, I found that 6 months was the first use limit for it, but that's probably due to the manufacturer.


Hi Beaver... I thought the copper in the condenser has to be located before condensation. So, should be the vapor the one that has to interact with the copper. Otherwise, would be pretty easy to correct defects by sulfur compounds like DMS, DMDS and DMTS.


Hey Beaver, The water lines going to your condenser, are they water or air and what type of pvc are they Thanks.


That copper at the end just begging to make urethane, aka Ethyl Carbamate. Having stainless on the up side and copper on the downhill side is just bass ackwards. If you've got sulfur or meat in your distillate that's an easy problem to fix without risking the cancer from urethane. Note that plenty of major still manufacturers like Carl include copper catalyst sections, all on the ascending vapor side. Yes, they have copper on the condensed side too, but they've already solved the problem on the ascending side so there is far less risk. The fact you notice the copper spp having an effect after the condenser is pretty much proof you need more before it gets to that point.


Don't see any benefit in copper SPP post shotgun condenser. The phase changes are concluded at condensation.
Nothing noted in the study either but certainly would be beneficial pre condenser.
