10 Reasons Immigrants Regret Moving to Australia

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10 Reasons Immigrants Regret Moving to Australia

Moving to Australia is a dream for many, but the reality can sometimes be a harsh wake-up call. In this video, we explore 10 reasons immigrants regret moving to Australia, shedding light on challenges that aren't often discussed. From the high cost of living to homesickness, work challenges, and health insurance costs, we dive into the real struggles immigrants face.

Watch the video until the end to learn about the realities of Australian life that could save you from potential regret.


0:00 - Intro
1:20 - #1 High Cost of Living
3:10 - #2 Isolation from the Rest of the World
4:49 - #3 Challenges in Finding Work
6:36 - #4 Struggles with the Australian Accent and Slang
8:11 - #5 Homesickness and Loneliness
10:06 - #6 Harsh Climate
11:58 - #7 Limited Public Transport Outside Cities
13:47 - #8 Perception of a Laid-Back Lifestyle vs. Reality
15:38 - #9 Health Insurance Costs
17:29 - #10 Visa and Residency Challenges
19:25 - Conclusion

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Things are changing in the world. Australia, Canada, the US, and some European countries are very expensive nowadays and lack of job growth and money. Inflation is out of control and jobs are hard to get.


Moving to Australia is the best decision I've ever done in my life. I don't wanna live anywhere else.


At one time in my life I contemplated living in Australia.
A cousin invited me to visit with him in Brisbane and Noosa, he had two homes.
This, after having taken early retirement. I did not enjoy the experience in the least.
Australians are not as friendly as made out, officials, or otherwise. I had a very bad experience at the passport control and almost returned back home immediately. The Australians are a funny lot, with no sense of humour.
On finding out you are visiting for the first time, the first question would be, what did you think of the place and people. but then not having the maturity to cope with any criticism.
I found the best thing in Australia was the Singapore air line taking me away from the ghastly place.
I retired to Spain and have been very content for the last couple of decades.


>expensive high cost of living
>too much red tape, rules and regulations
>high taxes, GST, fuel exercise


You need to bring in A$5 million if you want to live comfortably in Australia, not luxuriously, just comfortably. $3 millions to buy a house, then spread the other $2 millions over 10 years as living expenses, and hopefully after 10 years, you can stand on your own feet and get a job that can provide an income you can live on. Good luck to any potential migrants to Australia.


Moved to Australia some 22 years back, after staying in Middle East, India and UK for many years. And there have been no regrets, still think that it was the best decision taken in my life.


Everyone needs more than their salary to be financial stable. The best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly, because money left for saving always end up used with no returns.


The Lucky Country died before the turn of the Century. Can't recommend the joint at all anymore sadly. Look else where


100% true. It’s expensive, no jobs, isolated, poor living condition, low grade housing and low grade education.


Every thing in Australia is expensive. You cannot afford to dine out or have your lunch at cafe everyday like they do in developed countries in South East Asia - Singapore and Malaysia. The utilities bills, medical bills and multitude of taxes in Australia are extremely expensive. On the surface Australia sounds like a rich, a developed and a safe country but in reality comparing to its South East Asia neighbour particularly Malaysia, Australia is poorer, less safer and have lower standard of living (apart from its five major big cities), if compared to small towns and cities across Malaysia.


You got one fact correct the high cost of living, work is in abundance if you are willing to actually do a hard day labor, and health care is free


You need to be a two income household (well paid) to survive in Australia!


Same as in New Zealand..expensive place..


Regret! You can always pack your bags and leave!


I was visiting and find many homeless, beggars and crazy people on the streets. I wonder how did they get in the situation.


Please go then, we have too many anyway.


Been in Melbourne Australia 37 years. I am a kiwi originally. Australians if your lucky can be well taken care of. I know I have been.


Unattainable housing prices and interest rates are forcing more and more small and medium-sized enterprises to close down, and the only beneficiaries will be those speculators who have hoarded a lot of houses.


The longer they stay in Australia, the more money from their own saving will be cost on living.


Going to a country that hosts you is not an entitlement. Things have changed all over the world. So leave if you want to. But people need to leave with gratefulness and thank the hosts. Basic manners.
