15 HARDEST Video Game Achievements To Unlock (Some Are Impossible)

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Are you an achievement hunter in video games? If so, you have probably come across some of the hardest video game achievements to unlock! Today we go over 15 HARDEST Video Game Achievements To Unlock (Some Are Impossible)

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World at War Campaign in Veteran mode was hell on earth.


The Lost Planet 2 achievement that requires you to unlock everything including achieving a new World Record in at least one training module.


Proud “Bladder of Steel” unlocker here. Actually did it for all 4 instruments in the game at various points!


Seriously 5.0 is another extremely difficult achievement in Gears 5.
Also the one for beating either gears 4 or 5 on insane inconceivable comes to mind.

Another really difficult one (oddly enough). is Paradigm of Humanity from Fallout 3. Reaching max level whilst remaining in Neutral Karma is actually surprising difficult and time consuming.


I definitely think Crypt of the Necrodancer should be here, seeing how it has both "Impossible, Right?" and "Lowest of the Low". Either one of these is enough to make anyone break at least one controller.


Probably one of the hardest achievement I've gotten is Is There Anything You Can't Do from Trials Fusion... even if I don't think it is THAT hard and I've done it 3 time lol


The shadow ranger achievement from Metro Last Light, you had to complete the entire game without being spotted by or killing any human NPC, except during certain points in the game that made it unavoidable to do so


Not sure if it's necessarily one of the hardest ever but Personal Decorator for Black Ops 3 was ridiculously hard to get. you had to get all the accolades in campaign which included getting all camos and sites for every weapon in campaign, which took me days of in game time to do, and beating the combat simulator on the hardest difficulty, which spawns in a mech that basicly instantly kills you. It wasn't fun but it is satisfying to see my 100% platinum trophy for BO3


I got the Criminal Mastermind and 2 man Doomsday Mastermind Achievements. For Doomsday you gotta redo the challenge for 4 man and 3 man heists. My buddy and I decided getting the 2 man was hard enough, act 3 with the invisible clone mini gun juggernauts was absolutely brutal and the close calls at the end of the heist scarred me for life.


Just because I like Call of Duty, Mile High Club from cod 4. I'm sure other achievements are a lot harder, but for a 1 minute mission to take a couple of hours to finally get there in time... Not easy haha


Crypt of the Necrodancer has two or three achievements that should be above everything in this video.


Every achievement that requires you to be No. 1 in online competition (doesn't matter what game it is), basically unless you're the best player in the world, you can't get the achievement.

Most hard achievement just need a patience or grinding like kills 10, 000 enemies or beat the same level 100 times.


Brothers in arms: Hell's highway. There's an achievement to play online 100 days in a row. I'm pretty sure it's impossible now, but even if it wasn't, you have to log on every single day for 100 days and play a match. Maybe it's just adult life, but that seems insane.


I like when he said a cheesements 3:46


The Bladder of Steel achievement in Rock Band 2 got a little painful towards the end.


I woulda been so pissed if Laso Master wasn't on this list haha you deserve your name carved into the walls in halo if you are one of the legends good (or stubborn) enough to withstand the rage and heartbreak you will go through getting this achievement. I'm sure most of you know about the unbelievable achievement from jervalin, an unbelievable halo 2 laso deathless no envy, I wish everyone could understand what it means to do that and how incredible and insane it was that that was achieved.


I got Bladder of Steel on Expert Drums. I knew that there was that one song by Boston that has a mega long intro where there's no drums. I seized the opportunity to take a leak!


I was close to getting the messiah trophy for outlast 2. My cousin and I spent the night drinking tequila and he was helping me with a attempt. We got 3/4ths of the way through before I missed a jump due to not being able to see straight. Needless to say I still haven't went back to try it again


"Underdog" in Forza 6 and 7 is impossible, it requires you to join a multiplayer gamer, start last in a 24 car field, and then finish first in 3 lap race


As an achievement collector, I loved this video. I have none you spoke of
