Top 5 Toughest Game Achievements To Earn - The Gist

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Some game achievements are seriously hard to get, here are some of our favourite insanely difficult ones! Have you earned any of them?

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I conquered the toughest achievement of them all. Pretending to look happy at xmas when i was given a sega saturn instead of the PS1 i had wanted!


Beating any of the Souls games without looking at any guides or websites online. You know damn well those games were built with GameFAQs guides in mind.


Actual challenge instead of repetition: The ''The Lost'' achievements in the Binding of Isaac Rebirth, especially Godhead. It calls for you to play the game at a very high pace with a character that doesnt have HP you die in a single hit


Three words:

Real Platinum God. 

Especially the version in Binding of Isaac Rebirth.

It requires you to collect every single item in the game at least once, beat every single boss, and the boss rush challenge, on hard mode, as every single character. Finish all of the challenges, unlock every secret, earn every other achievement in the game. And, last but by no means least, complete the entire game from start to finish, at least twice over, as "the Lost", a character who dies instantly if he takes a single hit from anywhere.

If that isn't difficulty, I don't know what is.


Playing Batman Arkham Knight in 60 FPS on PC


I am a proud trophy Hunter #trophyhunter4lyfe


Starpoint Gemini 2 - Travel Agent (visit all Gemini planets). first you must land on all friendly planets, then you must kill hundreds of allies to make your enemies allied and land on "enemy" planets

Witcher 2 - Madman (Finish the game while playing at the insane difficulty level). no saved game can be loaded if Geralt dies.


Grindy achievements are the worst. Especially multiplayer grindy ones.


that CoD 4 stage on veteran was my hardest achievement


Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition has one of the hardest achievements I have ever seen. Here it is: Untouchable (50 gs) - Defeat Dante in the Bloody Palace without taking any damage. Mind you, not only do you have to clear all 99 floors of the previous bloody place stages in one sitting, but by the time you get to Dante, he is set on the highest difficulty. On top of that, he has guns which he can use at random and come out really quickly, so if you get hit at all, you have to pretty much waste another hour and a half to two hours before getting to try this one again... Yeah, it's hard alright -_-


Hearing achievement/trophy requirements like these makes me glad I stopped hunting for them.


Back when Halo Reach was a thing, there was an achievement to assassinate a certain elite in the campaign from the top of the cliff.
I was able to get the achievement after hundreds of tries while at my cousin's house, but when I went home and looked through my achievements a few days later it said I didn't have it.

I tried countless times that horrid day, and multiple times successfully assassinated the elite. It never gave me that achievement.


Dead pool achievement when u have to stand up from the couch, GOD that shit is intense


For me it was the " All According to Plan" achievement from Halo:CE Anniversary, which requires you to do the first part of the truth and reconciliation mission without ever being caught by the covenant. The fact that the marines would shoot at the covenant made this hard, not to mention learning which covenant to shoot first so the entire doesn't find you made this a pain in the ass for me.


Gran Turismo 5, 24 hour (irl not in-game) Le Mans. I didn't complete it, even after they added the feature where you could save your progress in it so that you didn't have to leave your system on if you wanted to take a break. I did complete a few of the 4 hour straight races though.


Eh, I don't think that last one is tough so much as just a ton of grinding/farming, it's one thing if something is hard to do, like an endurance test, it's another if it's just a inordinately massive time commitment. Starcraft 2 has a mix of both with the time commitment ones relegated to multiplayer.


I actually did the Bladder of Steel achievement, not too hard, just exhausting. The hardest achievement I've probably gotten is the Mile High Club from Modern Warfare. Beating that goddamn mission on Veteran. That whole game on Veteran was really frustrating too, but that one mission takes the cake.


WRONG SPELLING IN VIDEO THUMBNAIL TITLE trophy unlocked. Well done, Gamespot. :0)


I was honestly expecting 'Real Platinum God' from 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth' to be here


"you never miss a beat, do you?" from Crypt of The Necrodancer. succeed in an all zones run with the Aria. last time I checked only 0.3% of players achieved this. In the game if you are not familiar with the game it is a turn based rhythm game in which you have to take a turn to the beat of the music. Aria dies if a turn is taken without a result or you receive damage with one revive.
