The Rarest Achievements In The Fallout Series

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Today we explore through the various Fallout games and try to complete and discuss the various achievements tied with them. This video took way longer than expected to make BECAUSE of ONE achievement. Anyway, enjoy the video and I hope this is a good early Christmas present.

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Hi. My name is ItsJabo and I speedrun games daily over at Twitch. The whole purpose of a speedrun is to playthrough a game as fast as you can, with a set of prerequisite rules. I enjoy speedrunning a variety of games and look to challenge myself in a huge amount of ways. It's an alternative way of discovering what's hidden and possible within the games you play, while also doing some pretty amazing tricks and glitches. Thanks for watching.

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#Speedrun #Fallout #Achievements
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4:33 is the wrong poll results lmao. It’s supposed to be a poll that says - 4% of you guys actively use the reverse pickpocket perk. My bad

Have a great holiday season guys


I got benevolent leader by having 20 people in vault 88 and then murdering them all so only Clem was left. I guess Clem always has 100 happiness so it counted


The 'Home run" achievement is one of those that I think lots of people know about but just can't be bothered to do. A bit like redeeming 100, 000 tickets at the Nuka-cade.
Also, if you have ANY mods installed, on Xbox at least, you don't get any achievements and I think most players have at least a few mods running.


One of my personal favorite achievement tracker stats is that in Sea of Theives, more people have eaten a banana than set sail for the first time. Enough people bought the game, downloaded it, made a character, picked a ship, spawned in, and immediately opened a barrel and ate the banana they found, then STOPPED PLAYING, than people who did all of that, but actually got on the ship and moved it lol


The other thing about reverse pickpocket is that, for most playthroughs, it's a lot harder to get within pickpocket range of someone you actually want to kill considering practically any viable target is going to actively try to shoot you.


I actually always collect teddy bears in fallout games, so I casually found the behemoth just looking around. Also unless I'm misremembering, I don't think you even need to take the teddy bear, just open the shopping cart cage. I don't know why I started doing it, I think it was to decorate the house in megaton and they're one of the few decorative items that aren't burned books.


I got the teddy bear behemoth randomly, that is one of my best memories playing the game. After fighting it and connecting the dots, realising I caused the event.


When it comes to achievement rarity, especially on Steam, I've noticed it's rarely a matter of the achievements being difficult. It's more of a matter of the rarer achievements being obtuse, boring, or "just plain not fun" to try and obtain. For example, who really wants to play as every character in Mortal Kombat (9) for 24 hours each? The bases in Diamond City fall under the "obtuse" category in my opinion. Just reading the description of "Homerun", I thought it was related to the "Touchdown" achievement for getting blown up by a Super Mutant Suicider. Until the internet told me otherwise, I thought to get a homerun I would need to send a ghoul's head flying with a baseball bat.


16:28 I think Beverageer is so low, because two of the recipes can (and mostly are in my playthroughs) fall trough the floor and can then only optained by the power armor clipping glitch


5.7% with the Home Run achieve is a solid indicator that only about 5-6% of the purchase base actively care about achievements (remember, a few people even got it by accident).


I legitimately thought the home run achievement had something to do with using the baseball bat with the perk that yeets enemies or knocking an enemy's head off.

I tried for hours before looking it up...


When it comes to Homerun having less unlocks than the obtain every bobblehead achievement, I think it's a situation of people just not caring to hunt for achievements in general. So of course the achievement that involves going out of your way to do a specific task that you wouldn't normally do isn't obtained that often. Bobbleheads on the other hand are more likely to be obtained, because you get it by playing the game itself. After all, it's not like you have a reason to ignore a bobblehead when you find it.

As I said in response to the poll, I just don't use pickpocket in general for Fallout 4. I don't feel like I ever need the extra gear, because there's always an abundance of said gear that can be easily obtained without stealing. Even then, most NPCs have really bad gear without mods, why steal a pipe gun? Hell, I recently realized that I don't even trade too much in Fallout 4. It's not like New Vegas where a lot of gear is essentially locked behind merchants.


I’ve completed New Vegas so many times and I didn’t even know there *was* a challenge tab


The thing about the Good Grief achievement in 76 is that most players wouldn't kill you even if they had the option to. People are generally really nice in the game.


The reason for the Mill worker achievement having a low completion rate is due to a clipping issue on the railing you walk on to get the final few ingots that are on the roof (the place at 14:36). At least for me on 360, I always had to do some crazy stuff to jump up there without me falling through the map and having my game crash.


I think the baseball one is rare because few people know the connection between diamond city and the stadium or whatever it was. Sure, there is a passing remark about bases, but you have to realize the connection to know "OH yeah, those weird slabs!"


As someone who got all sugared up and beverageer, I'm fairly certain they are so rare because a) one of the recipe books is infamous for glitching out and not being obtainable without using a obscure power armor & explosives glitch to get the book back into the world and b) all sugared up has two painful drawbacks as most craftable nuka drinks only last around 5 seconds and If you explored the wastes before finding out about the trophy most of those insects do not respawn, so c) most people are not gonna make a fresh character and rush to nuka world vastly under-leveled like a speedrunner would, if their main character got a glitched book or all the insects were already dead, they were shit outta luck.


I was so weirded out when I found out my grandfather had a platinum trophy in fallout 4 and had heaps less time playing it than me, I haven't touched his save since he died since it's the holy platinum game he has


7:40 The reason most people don't have the 'Good Grief!' Achievement is cause we know or game sucks, but we are there to have fun and chill, not troll and murder. If you join as a fresh character, and ask for help, you will most likely get help.


That teddy bear behemoth scared the living hell out of me. I picked that up on one of my first playthroughs back in the day and swarmed me before I knew what was happening
