Scientist Says They Proved Ghosts Aren't Real

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Does science prove ghosts don't exist? One famed physicist says theres proof to conclude that ghosts and the paranormal don't exist. Kim Horcher and John Rocha (Host -The CineFiles, Super Animation Gametime) explain how it happens!

"Looks like the Ghostbusters have some competition, and it’s renowned physicist and science communicator Brian Cox. But rather than bust some ghosts, it looks like he’s more in the business of destroying the idea of the paranormal entirely. He [...] was sharing a simple conclusion he has reached by working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)."*



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as someone who regularly experiences sleep paralysis, believing in ghosts would be very problematic for my sanity.


I always wondered why "ghosts" were able to appear as their human selves that could walk through walls, but yet not fall through the floor, or even fall through the earth for that matter.


"It's a sign all right, we're going out of business!" - Janine Melnitz (Ghostbusters)


It's just a waste of time trying to disprove things that don't exist in the first place. People who choose to believe will keep believing, doesn't matter what proof you can come up with.


But a magic man in the sky who gives you goodies for being obedient, that's totally real...


Scientists: "we proved ghosts dont exist with facts and evidence"
Idiot in pink: "well that doesnt explain anything. Science only uses facts."

Humans everyone...


I'm an atheist and a skeptic and I really don't see how the idea of ghosts fits in with the theory of evolution. That said, I grew up in a 220 year old house near a cemetery, and some of the things my friends and I experienced were enough to make a horror movie out of.


I am an atheist. I don't know enough about what people think are ghosts to agree/disagree about the findings. I will say that "ghosts" don't have to be a physical entity, it doesn't even have to be a energetic entity. It's hard to disprove something that has a broad spectrum of definition.


I actually love people who are open to anything. Love that girl.


There is a difference between what we know, and what we believe. You can’t argue fact versus belief.


To be honest, I once thought ghosts may have existed as a human spirit that had passed on from the life they once knew.

However, ever since the theory of a multiverse and other dimensions where shown to be a possibility, I've started to think that what people think of as a spirit may not actually be a spirit at all, but rather a bleed over effect from another dimension or multiverse.

we just don't understand enough to claim either way, though, the implications are earth-shattering if this was to be true.

I'm still not satisfied with what we know, so we just have to keep on moving forward and hope we'll one day work it all out.


Proud of Kim for tryna keep her mind open


I think "ghosts" are pure energy and on the edge of this reality. I know personally that there is something to it. When I bought my current house, the first couple weeks, every other day or so, something was walking around upstairs. Several people heard this. It was unmistakable. I have so many insane experiences, witnessed by others, like things being smacked off surfaces...etc


Let's say we live in a multiverse. Isn't it possible that ghosts could live in a parallel dimension that we haven't learned detect yet?


Questions I have for ghost believers:
1. Does everyone have a ghost?
2. Do animals leave ghosts?
3. Under what conditions does a ghost fail to pass on to
4. Under what conditions does a ghost manifest, any required rituals/seance?
5. Are ghosts visible, able to be captured on film?
6. If visible, how do they interact with photons? Do they reflect, refract, absorb, or generate their own light? Where does he energy come from to generate light if they do glow?
7. Do they have feet, wispy tails, or rattling chains?
8. Can they move physical objects? What fundamental physical force do they use to interact with physical objects: electromagnetic, gravitational, strong/weak nuclear?
9. Where do they get the energy to move physical objects? Why hasn't science detected this energy.
10. Finally, why are your answers to these questions so different from other people's? Why do they vary from culture to culture?
Animals either do, or they do not leave behind ghosts. Ghosts either have feet or they don't. There is no consensus to these answers making it difficult for me to believe your answers over someone else's. Evidence is important. The myriad of different interpretation of ghosts are best explained as folk tales passed down generations, and the differences reflect different cultures. There are several good scientific reasons for why people believe in things that do not exist, and well documented phenomena like sleep paralysis, that help explain the origins of these myths.


Yes I believe in ghost. I saw one with my own eyes. Not only did I see the ghost, my friend that was with me saw it as well, and what we saw is traditionally what you would describe as a ghost. We saw a women walk down the hall with a robe on with a hood. She vanished right into the wall. How do you explain two people seeing the exact same thing??


Hell no! No ghosts, gods, or anything supernatural exists


Meanwhile: the ghost sitting across from me
Me: you're not real
Ghost: ok *casually pushes glass off the shelf*


Why does everyone claim that if there are ghosts they’re some sort of energy?? Non living entity, how does that correlate to energy??


So explain when two people stand chatting to someone on a lovley summers evening they knew and two weeks later find out from his Grandson that he died a year and two weeks earlier that there are no such things as Ghosts.
